

Every person's story starts off where another has ended. Be it the end of their fathers story, mothers, friend, pet, whatever really. There would always be someone before you. Someone that predates your accomplishments and points you in the right direction.

That person for me…

Is myself.

The day of my death was also the day of my birth, my new entry into another life. Was this supposed to happen? I have no clue. Why did I remember everything from my past life? Was it just a really vivid dream?

My mind was filled with these thoughts as the blinding light of my new life overwhelmed me. Two cold, rough hands gripped my legs and pulled slowly. Making the light brighter, and stronger. My eyes burned, the air was prickly.

It felt like whatever awaited me on the other side was hell, and I wouldn't like it.

'Come on.. I'm the great Joziah! King of magics and god of the blade! This much at least is nothing.' I comforted myself. Truth be told, I was a little peeved about my current situation. I felt so weak. Not a single bit of mana was at my disposal and my blade was nowhere to be found.

I know I died, that's for sure. 'Devon made sure he finished his job.' I scowled, remembering the hellish way I was brought down. However, this was good!

If this was truly a new birth for me, this is my chance to become stronger than I ever was before! A perfect opportunity in my opinion.

The knowledge of the best, most amazing fighter known to men and Gods alike, given another century to become stronger. Plus, I have a clean slate. No shitty background to stunt my growth.

Over the course of my internal debating, the light that threatened to consume me… Did indeed consume me, but on the other side was a world unknown to me. A wooden room with windows covered by thin, fiber looking curtains greeted me.

Alongside the ugly additions in the house, were people.

A giant man with sharp good-looking features sporting long snow-white hair stood before me. However handsome this man was didn't distract the attention from the most alarming parts he had.

Two long, giant horns sprouted from his forehead that had a bright red symbol glowing in the middle of it. Just above the bridge of his nose. His skin was a dirtied white, a tint of purple shining through.

Looking around, I caught a glimpse of the other people in the room. One was a doctor, I could tell by his gown, but his face was purple and drained… His eyes failed to hide the fear stirring inside him.

Next, was a woman. She was short, dark skinned and also sported short black hair. Just like the man that held me, she also had horns on her forehead, though hers curled to the side. Coming to a sharp end point just above her head.

'This is a strange ragtag group of people…' I mused, looking up, curiously into the eyes of the one I assumed to be my father. The one in question eyed me with a scowl before glancing over with his beady red eyes at something behind me.

"You fail me yet again, Jutara. This brat doesn't have a sliver of mana within his body." My heart dropped. No mana? What?

If I had no mana, then what are these colorful red, blue, green, brown and purple motes floating around me?

"I-I'm sorry… I-I'll do better next time.." The woman I assumed to be my mother, replied. Jutara is a weird name… Unique too. I like it.

Turning my head, I tried to gaze at my mother but my father wouldn't let me. Instead, he hooked his fingers around my head and whipped my attention back at him.

"You're an intelligent one… It is a shame you won't amount to anything special." With one more scowl, he handed me off to my mother. From there, he and the dark skinned woman disappeared into thin air. As if they were nothing but a figment of my imagination.

"I-I'll be going then. Please call me if you need anything, Miss Jutara." The doctor left with haste. Leaving his little tool bag with us. Was my supposed father that scary?

The room was silent, my mother just held me in her arms as she sobbed quietly.

'..What a shitty first day of reincarnation…' I mean seriously… I get disowned within my first few minutes of life by an overlord of a father, and now my mother is heart broken.

Why can't my family be normal for once?

So, a couple months passed by in an instant. I'm now a couple months old and I've gained a wonderfully useful skill.


My mother was surprised I was already strong enough to support my body weight on my two little ankles, but I wasn't.

This vessel of mine is radiating strength. It's nothing I've ever witnessed before. Even in my old life my body was never this physically strong; I'm excited to see what I'd be capable of in the near future.

Anyways, something else I realized and immediately put to use, is my own extensive knowledge on magic. Mana is clearly present within this new world of mine and it wouldn't take a genius to notice. I don't know if mana is visible to others like it is to me, but that was a clear indication that it existed.

Alongside the mysterious purple energy that always floated tightly around each particle of mana. Almost acting like an escort to keep it in line.

"Joziah! You could've at least given me a warning!" My inner monologue came to an end as my mother swiftly lifted me into the air and plopped me on her poorly cushioned mattress. Burning up from the shame of wetting myself, I placed all the blame on my inept motor functions and the intense concentration I was utilizing in order to build my core.

What core?

A mana core!

The most essential tool a mage needs in order to survive within any magic filled world. Progress was amazing, I had already formed it within the last month or so, all I need to focus on now is purifying it…

Which is harder than I thought since I don't exactly know what the hell is up with the purple orbs. It doesn't seem to affect the other elements, but it does slow down the initial process of purification due to the purity it already holds.

It absorbs most of the ambient mana, only sparing a small percentage to actually push my progress forward.

Falling back into a deep concentrative state while my mother was busy changing my diapers and me being the best son in the world, didn't fight back or vocalize my discomfort.

The best gift a child could offer a woman new to motherhood.

Anyways, I need to assess what I know so far about my core. This is by far the most important thing I'll need growing up and better understanding my own arsenal is essential.

The purple energy created a little shield, or cup, around my very own mana core. Serving as an extra means of protection. Though its own energy sometimes leaks into the main core, it only seems to hasten the purification.

That sounded great, but I witnessed how greedy the purple energy is. It purifies and strengthens itself first before handing over the mana in the atmosphere to the rest of the impure energy. Therefore, slowing down my progress in the long run.

How do I get past that?

I don't know.

I need more information, information I don't know how to obtain as of yet.

'Sigh.' Letting out a huff of air in real time as well, my mother only chuckled as she eyed me curiously.

"Sighing like an old man already? Ha, wish I could relax that much.. But no~ You wanted to go and pee on yourself!" She chuckled, poking at my belly and rubbing my neck. Flinching involuntarily, I let out a childish squeal.

I was embarrassed, but I was happy.

After the words my father left my mother with two months ago, she's barely recovered from them. When she'd put me in my crib and she'd think I'm asleep, I'd hear her cry, asking god what's wrong with her.

Asking why she couldn't be enough.

It hurt, and it angered me. This woman was amazing… She was pretty, somewhat bright and had decent cooking skills. I haven't confirmed that yet since all I survive off of is breast milk, but the meals she cooks for herself smell delightful.

Thinking back on that made me soften. Reaching up towards her wonderful snow white, perfectly crafted face, her bright silver eyes stared into mine with a motherly warmth.

"Goo~" With a smile, she placed her index finger onto the base of my palm. Allowing me to grasp her finger. Feeling her warm, soft hands I decided I'd make a vow.

A vow I came to rely on when times got difficult.

'I promise… I will protect you. I'll make sure you live out the rest of your life proudly and full of cheerful days.'


Jutara Appearance!

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