
Cynthia Goodsky

"Hi mom, I'm home"


After introductions and tear-filled greetings were over, my father being my father asked

"So, what color is your core?"

I didn't know whether to lie or tell the truth. That I had already become quite proficient in all 4 elements and their deviants, could stop time, and had a solid silver core and was a dragon, or lie about everything but the core, or just tell him I'm a yellow core. All these thoughts were in my mind for weeks now, but now I had to act on them.

"dark yellow core"

I felt unexplainable guilt, saying such a big lie in two mere words. Yet it was the safest way.

"HOLY SHIT!" screamed my absolutely flabbergasted father

Yeah, if only I could tell him that my body did this alone otherwise I would have died and that a dark yellow core's power was for me about a light yellow for them due to my frankly overpowered body. Even without reinforcing myself with mana I survived a fall from a huge height without so much as a broken bone when I was a toddler, and now after assimilating my beast will it was that much stronger.

"My son is still the same genius he used to be. Come on. Have a quick spar with your old man." My father grinned menacingly while clasping my shoulders.

We arrived at a grassy field - no fire allowed I suppose. I decided to use gravity and sound and their respective counterparts as those I have trained the least.

"Dad, before we start I have to tell you that I will be using gravity and sound magic as well as earth and wind magic. Just don't be surprised." I grinned at my father

"Again.. holy shit. two elemental affinities and both are deviant. You are a prodigy at the highest level. You could even become the strongest in the future. I am proud of you, son." responded my father

"Let's start then"

"You're on!"

As the match started, I immediately decreased my gravity and shot up into the air, much higher than my father could jump.

"Check this out, son!" Yelled my father, banging his fists together.

A flame emerged from his fists and covered his arms

A fire affinity!

"Good job dad!"

I said as I increased my gravity tenfold, flying right at my father with a huge speed.

He rolled out of the way, but the shockwave caused by me still flung him a few meters away. He landed on his legs and dashed at me, burning the grass in the process. I used earth magic to throw up a fog screen made of dirt and rocks, and sound magic to disorientate him. Then using both wind magic and earth magic I spun the fog screen at extreme speeds to confuse him even more. I suddenly emerged from the tornado, at about ten meters height and again did the gravity increase. He had no choice but to dash into the tornado, covering his entire body with mana to withstand the speed of it. He got numerous scrapes and bruises, but those were nothing my mother couldn't fix in a few minutes.

I decided to go in for the close quarters fist combat, because I felt bad bullying him with my greater range. A flurry of kicks and punches were traded, but I knew my father wouldn't want me to go easy on him.

I avoided all his punches and kicks, but made sure to create openings every now and then, which he gladly abused.

After a minute of this, my father threw his hands in the air.

"I give up. You have long since outranked me. Good fight!" Said my father, while offering a fist bump.

A few days later

"Rey, Alice, Arthur, I know you guys said that you want to put off school for later but I just couldn't hold it in. Everyone. Meet Cynthia Goodsky! She's the Director of Xyrus Academy."

Noticing the slight twinge of annoyance on my face, Vincent immediately said, "Don't worry, I didn't bring her here to make you go to school right away. I just wanted her to meet you."

The Director gave me a smile that I couldn't quite understand the meaning of and held out her hand. "Nice to finally meet you, Arthur."

I shook her hand


When I walked into this home to find this 'prodigy' Vincent kept babbling about, I thought I'd find some basic dark red core child with two affinities. And don't get me wrong, that IS prodigy level, just not something I need to see personally.

But this child..

In front of me stood a pale boy with golden eyes, lightly wheat-colored hair, muscles that any adventurer would die for, looking like they had been painstakingly chiseled without as much as a single blemish or mistake.

And most importantly, the aura of a Lance.

I.. I can't sense his core. This could only mean one thing... he is at the peak silver stage, or he is using an artifact and.. seeing as such an artifact doesn't exist, a monster has been born. Behind his calm and collected demeanor stood the power to eliminate everyone apart from the lances themselves, and I had a feeling that power is not far behind.


Cynthia Goodsky, the director of the most prestigious academy on the continent was looking at me with fear in her eyes..

A thousand different thoughts raced my mind. Does she know? If yes, how? Will they take me away?

"Let's go for the combat test. Vincent, I see that you've truly brought someone worthwhile."

Director Goodsky had taken her want into her hand, and casted the first spell.

Tens of tornadoes approached me at high speeds combined with wind blades that were nigh invisible. I decreased my gravity tenfold and shot up into the air using a combination of leg strength and wind updraft I created. The wind blades immediately switched directions, but that was no problem. Using the knowledge of my old world, I accelerated my thoughts using lightning, and made a makeshift jet engine using wind as a funnel for concentrated fire magic coupled with lowered gravity for less pushback. I shot off towards Cynthia like a cannonball and only kept accelerating. She hurriedly started chanting a spell.

"O' heavenly wrath, strike down my foes and protect me"

[Wind phoenix]

A huge phoenix of wind formed, coming straight at me. I swiftly conjured multiple ice shards and increased my gravity twenty-fold, using the power to its maximum. As I was falling, I tried to make small tornadoes around the phoenix, but they did nothing.

I created a huge smoke field, much bigger than what I created against dad, and his my presence the best I could.

The phoenix crashed into the ground, where I had a dome of earth prepared to capture it.


"I give up. you're in a league of your own."

Author's note: I would love some constructive criticism in the comments, as to what I could do better or what i'm doing badly! If you are willing to sacrifice a minute of your time for this, it would help me a lot. Thank you