
Chapter 1: Born Anew

I never thought I would die... at least not this fast. I was only 27 when I died, and the cause is- Never mind, I shouldn't mind the business of my past. Now then, where am I?

From my perspective, it seems that I got stuck in a tunnel. A tunnel that leads to a bright shining light ahead. 

Should I go onward? But it felt as if I was already moving without the need to. Weird...if I have a say in something like this, what I'm experiencing is probably a pathway to heaven. I do believe in the existence of heaven and hell, it's just that there's no proof stating that those realms are real.

I guess I'll find out soon enough. 

This journey is taking quite some time, how long has it been? I don't know and I don't think I want to know because it might end up like how I felt as if I was studying for hours, but turns out it has just been 5 minutes.

Let's think about school. Y'know what school has been like? It's either a potential hellhole or a place to disintegrate your boredom. And I say it depends whether on how you feel at the time.

I have a wishful thought of what could happen after I reach heaven, maybe my friends would greet me with open hands? Or perhaps, I could request God to reincarnate me into another world with magic and stuff.

Instead, what greeted me was a blurred vision which allowed me to barely see a thing. When I tried moving my body, I could only do so much as to move my hands at random places. 

The once muffled voice turns into a: "Congrats, Anna! Your baby boy seems healthy!.." Wait, something ain't right.

Have I... Have I been reincarnated?! Impossible! No, I mean it's possible. I knew it was possible! God had heard of my wish and granted it before I knew it! 

Thanks God!

[Author: You're welcome!]

Haha! My friends who laughed at me for my past life wish, who's laughing now! But, they won't be able to see me in this new life, unfortunately.

Well, let's see where I am first.

...Everything seemed blurry and I could barely get an idea of where I was. There's no need to worry, I'm an infant so all conditions make sense.

I tried opening my eyes to take a quick look at this new world. Although I was so close to opening my eyes fully, my retinas were bombarded with different colors and figures, so I closed my eyes and thought of checking out everything later on.

The only thing bothering me now is what I'm supposed to do for now. Is it possible for me to skip time so that I could just go to a school for magic purposes? Nah, it doesn't seem possible, not that I want to.

"Eh, I thought a child who has just been born was supposed to cry."

Ah, right! To prevent me from being suspected by my parents and whoever is here, I should cry like how a baby does.




The perfect cry for a baby has been done.

"Oh, never mind. Look how cute he is when he cries."

I'm not quite sure of my current location and who is present. But, what I do know is the fact that wherever I am, it has been quite bumpy.

The person I assumed to be my mother is holding me gently with care and I grow fond of her touch. I couldn't stop thinking of how soft a woman's hug is. I bet my father is jealous of me now that he didn't get to cuddle with my mother.

A few days passed after my journey to reach the light had ended and these days felt hard. I have no control over my limbs and the best I could do is wave my hands and legs in random directions. I've never realized how hard it is to be a baby before this. 

On the bright side, my mother's milk is quite delicious. It's better than the expensive milk you buy from the store and I also got to experience what it's like getting breastfed. When I say 'experience', I mean knowing what it feels like. Not that I have any malicious intent whatsoever...

Well, I have now gotten a complete understanding of what my parents' occupation may be and what are they currently doing.

Using my past fantasy knowledge, you could find it easy to understand that we're currently on a big journey. My father is an adventurer who specializes in swords and my mother seems to be a mage specializing in water magic.

What a great family I have.

After some days of observation now that I could see, time to get to my conclusion.

My father's name is Guts Joyce and my mother's name is Anna Joyce. My name is Lucian Joyce, it's so different compared to my father's and mother's name.

I suspected my father to be an intimidating swordsman because I couldn't help but almost pee my pants just after seeing him getting out of a dungeon with his suit covered in blood. What is he? A berserker? 

While my mother is the best mother, not only is she good with long-range magic, but she's also swift with her blade. I didn't forget to mention that she cared for me much more than my previous mother, right? Not that my previous mother doesn't care for me though!

Also, my father and mother are in a group of adventurers called 'The Wild Rifts' who are known to never fail in clearing any dungeon before. How do I know this? I just happen to hear from some guy when they enter a tavern. 

The party consists of 5 members which are: my father, my mother, Geld, Treya, and Goldie. My father is like the main damage dealer, a swordsman. My mother is a mage who helps in both dealing with damage and supporting the team. Geld is a tank that blocks off attacks and protects the party. Treya is a healer, she also helps by making traps to dispose of enemies easier. Finally, Goldie is someone who mainly supports the team by being the brain of the operation.

I'm giving this party a good 8/10 for its potential and coordination. 

I still couldn't get how Geld is able to carry a shield that was bigger than himself without breaking a sweat for most of the time. If it was me, I'd probably lie down and take a break every 5 minutes. 

But, I think I'd be fine since I got my father's gene who is capable of carrying a massive sword and swinging it single-handedly... Yeah, he's a monster. Even I felt that such strength was too much. I mean, think about having his strength throughout your everyday lives, he'd break the door every time he used one. So, I half-hoped that my father's gene is overlayed by my mother's gene.

I wonder what kind of life has my parents been living.

After observing how things had been, I started to understand the hierarchy of this world.

The place I'm at is called Beast Glades which is one of the places in this continent. This continent is named Dicathen and there are three kingdoms each separated by race. The kingdom of elves, Elenoir. The kingdom of humans, Sapin. And the kingdom of dwarves, Darv. These three kingdoms have somewhat of a conflicted relationship with each other so I shouldn't try visiting any elves or dwarves soon. 

Back in my day, the systems of the monarchy were no longer and a new system, which is democracy was implemented instead. People would be able to vote for their next leaders rather than congratulate a prince after rising up to the ranks of a king.

I should stop thinking about that.

I do wish to get to meet beings like dragons or phoenixes if there are any to begin with. Of course, there will be dragons, but I don't know about phoenixes.

A few weeks passed by, and my mother had been teaching me to read and write by showing me how, and I must say, my attempts to follow her steps could be deemed as worse than failure, but what could I say, I'm only a baby after all.

I wonder what kind of power system this world has. What I do know is the existence of mana cores within this world and how colors determined the ranks of the cores. Mana core is essentially the thing that allows people to do magic. Also, having more than one element is considered rare. 

This information is thanks to my father who had been constantly boasting about how powerful he was and my mother humbled him by start lecturing him on mana core.

So, my mother uses water magic all of the time not because she specializes in it, but because it's the only one she could use, huh?

Not to worry, because I remember a saying that goes something like this, 'Don't be afraid of a man that practiced 1000 techniques, but be wary of a man that practiced a single technique 1000 times.' 

Ah, and I adapt to this world a lot better than I thought. I thought that I might grow bored because there was no internet, but this world's uniqueness make up for it.

The currency used here is like what's used in many fantasy books I've read before and its hierarchy is:

1 Gold = 100 Silver

1 Silver = 100 Copper

Every day involves honing my small baby body so I can control myself better. I really hope that I'll be an adult soon.



Hello, my readers. How are you? I know this might be a bit too late to make a TBATE fanfic, but who cares? I'm just doing what I enjoy.

Please give me suggestions and maybe criticism so I can get better at writing stories.

And I also hope all of you can enjoy it. By the way, as you can read, MC isn't someone remotely close to Arthur in any way. They'll probably meet each other in the future.

I don't like giving spoilers, so stay tuned and enjoy!

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