

Akdjdj_Sjjfjf · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Elenoir (II)

Picking up the bag that fell through the gate once we entered, several guards with with armor and spears appeared in front of us.


"Princess we arrived as soon as we noticed the Royal gate had been used. The king and Queen are.."

"My Baby!! Tessia!"

Tessia soon ran up and hugged her mother and father, me and Art had a faint smile on our faces and lastly Virion arrived.

"Thank you, child for bringing our daughter back home not just as the King but also this little one's father.

You can get some rest first and after please tell us what happened"

Arthur bowed down and said "I'm honored" while I just nodded. Then Tessia ran towards us and grabbed both of our hands and said " Let's go!! There's a lot I want to see!"

I could see everyone raise an eyebrow seeing Tessia pull us like that while the queen just had her mouth while open covered with her hands.

Soon we arrived at a mansion with several maids lined up bowing down to us.

"Thank you but I would like to explain what happened first"

Soon we ended up in a conference room with several gaurd the King sitting on the main chair while we were sitting opposite to him. Tessia, the queen and Virion.

"My name is Arthur Leywin while this is my twin Ace Leywin, we come from a humble town in the Kingdom of Sapin, its a honor to be in the presence of the royal family"




I let Arthur do all the talking I know he can handle the situation.

"So what did you do to those slaves negotiated with them begged for mercy?"

"No Elder Virion, while I am a child I and my brother are also mages... We eliminated the slave traders and rescued your granddaughter" Arthur spoke in a calm tone.

But then a guard drew his weapon and it glowed purple "HOW DARE YOU SPOUT SUCH LIES IN FRONT OF ---"

'This guy really has big balls to pull out a weapon in front of the royal family without any order' My eyes had a red flicker and the entire room felt heavy. 'So this is conqueror Haki huh'

Everyone even Arthur had a surprised pikachu face when they felt such massive pressure coming from a child. Soon the gaurds pulled out there weapons.

"Oops my bad I lost my cool there for a bit" I replied raising both my hands.

Virion raised his hand signaling the guards to go back and had a huge smirk on his face.

"Its alright the it was not your mistake" Virion said

"All I wish for is to go back to Sapin" Art continued after the situation calmed down a bit.

"Is what we were gonna say but you know we might are dying currently and we need to assimilate or beast will so what do think Elder Virion take us as your disciple you don't want to miss out on this chance do you? Plus if we tell you the beast we got our will from I am sure you will be very excited to teach us... don't you think it will be fun to teach 4 year old mages and future beast tamers geniuses"

Arthur on the other hand was a bit afraid thinking that Virion might find my actions disrespectful. Everyone in the room also started glaring with me and the king raised his eyebrow.

Virion also glared at me seeing me not even flinch a bit he started laughing out loud almost falling off his chair and said "AHAHA you sure have guts brat.... fine I accept"

"But father-"

Virion cut him off and continued "Announce to the whole kingdom tomorrow these two brats will be under my direct guidance, plus you should look at your daughter, she seems to approve of the decision as well" Tessia who was sitting next to the queen nodded multiple times.

"Btw is there anyway we could contact our parents they probably still don't know that we are alive so I want to make sure they know that we are alive"

"There sure is brat get ready tomorrow morning we will leave so you can speak to your parents and you will learn from me you better be ready for harsh training and tell me what beast it was later you said I would be very excited hmm lets hope it stays that way"

I looked at Arthur and who was still trying to process what was going on and gave him a huge smile and patted his shoulder snapping him back from his thoughts.

After some more talk me and Art both returned to our room and had a nice bath.

As we walked out of our room Tess headbutted Art for speaking to everyone like that and planning on leaving but then her face soon turned happy as she heard we were gonna stay here longer.

Soon we arrived at the massive garden as Tessia continued "This is probably my favorite place in the whole palace... you can see the flowers bloom in spring"

Suddenly Arthur grabbed Tessia and pulled her away while I thanks to my observation haki grabbed the knife.

"Hello brats"


"Calm down Art it was a toy" I threw the toy at him as he wiggled it was thinking about how he got tricked.

"Great reactions and instincts though both of you.. to think you'd catch the little present I threw and you would protect my granddaughter

Now then you should no why I came here lets fight brats... I wanna test your skills as you are my disciples I should know your strengths"