
TBATE - A Cliche Transmigration!

Transmigrated once before, Sin begins his newfound journey once again in the world of TBATE! Gifted wishes powerful enough to fight Gods. Or even conquer them.

CrippledFrank · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

- The Elven Kingdom.


"Ah! Here it is!" Shooting off into the distance was none other than Tessia. Glancing over to Wysteria I saw that she had a slight smile on her face. Most likely from relief.

Activating my Sharingan, I inspected the runes that were 'hidden' on the bark of the trees Tessia had touched. They were obviously runes, but the inner workings of it are quite… Simple really. I thought these runes would be an ancient line of magic but it's really similar to the sealing in Naruto.

It's basically a torch that works like a lever. It only works when mana is pushed into it though, and it's not really secure either… If I had mana I could do it too, it's not coded to the elves only.

'That should be changed…' I mused. Deactivating my sharingan, I spoke.

"What is it? You've been staring at me for a while now." Wysteria seemed caught off guard as she walked behind me.

"Nothing. I'm sure you know what I'm curious about though." She retorted, only to receive a snort from me.

"I'm not going to tell you anytime soon… But since you feel like chatting, how about you tell me about your situation? Who knows, I might be able to help." I offered. Being a princess is already a big responsibility. Being one that isn't a mage? Is even rougher. The expectations placed on an heir is enormous and quite outrageous.

Wysteria snorted herself, catching my attention fully.

Does she doubt me?

"Yeah right. My condition has never been seen before… And I'm not telling you anything without information from you mister. You aren't so slick as to pry information from me." She added with a prideful smile. It was one that screamed, 'Checkmate!'

'I should just force it out of her. Not like anyone could stop me anyway.' Her comment sparked something within me and it kind of felt like she was looking down on me. That's okay. Everyone has to be proven wrong at some point in their lives.


The two stood behind Tessia as she activated the secret teleportation gate, and watched with mild enthusiasm as it sprung to life. The thin sheet of magic that shot from the ground up that shaped itself like a door, lit the area of forest they were in with a greenish white light.

Looking back, Tessia stared at the two with a giant smile that was brighter than the moon itself. Her emerald green eyes radiating with happiness.

"Come on!" She bounced with a shout. Wysteria smiled softly, trying to hide the joyful feelings she felt rising within her. Sin on the other hand didn't seem as joyful to see the portal.

His eyebrows furrowed a little, seemingly lost in thought.

"Sin! Come on!" Tessia's voice snapped him out of his daze, a slight smile lifted his face, but he continued forwards with no words said. Wysteria and Tessia thought that he was too amazed at what he just saw-- the fact that a mystical teleportation gate was right before his eyes, and he witnessed it come to life.

Giggling, the two girls stepped within the gate, Wysteria pulling him forward by his hand, the hidden joy finally coming through with a smile as bright as her sisters.


I didn't know what to think of him when I first saw him. Though, I know it wasn't anything good.

After all, witnessing somebody's death is not a great first impression. His eerie blood red eyes and merciless kill didn't make anything easier. But, he was surprisingly nice. Insensitive at times, but… Nice.

We traveled together for what felt like months but in reality it was only five days according to Sin. How he knew was beyond me; He's a very secretive person. It's interesting.

Wait… Wasn't he supposed to just drop us off here? Why did I drag him through the portal!?

Awwwwh, me and my impulses…

Feeling the nauseating force of teleporting weigh down on my spirit, I knew it was too late for Sin to leave…

After all-

"Halt! State Yo- Your Highnesses?!"

Yup, there they were, in all proud glory…

The guardians of the Elven Kingdom.

The surrounding people all gasped and whispered about our sudden reappearance, no doubt our family had sent out a notice about our sudden disappearance. Glancing over to Sin, I was worried he would be surprised by our titles, but…

He looked the same!

Same nonchalant gaze in his pitch black eyes, his posture was even relaxed too! He seemed bored!

I pouted a bit at this. I feel like something was taken from me. I wanted to see his composure crumble under the mighty influence of a Princess! Not to mention two Princesses!

The sound of galloping and surprised gasps and shouts pulled my attention from Sin. Looking straight ahead I saw that a carriage, white in color embroidered with golden lining was rushing through the crowd straight towards us.


"Hehe! Mother and Father are here!" Tessia shouted excitedly. By the looks of it- It seems like she's forgotten about what we just did and went through. Shaking my head at my sister, I hardened my gaze and was prepared to face the consequences of my actions!

The carriage pulled to a hard stop, swiveling to the left as it did so. Not a second later the doors blasted open and out came my mother and father, oh! And Grandpa.

"Oh my god! My babies!" Mother shouted as she pulled me and Tess into a tight embrace, she squeezed so hard I felt my lungs be forced to constrict. In the background I saw that my father stared at us with soft gazing eyes full of love and relief, while Grandfather seemed distracted by something else…

He was staring off into the distance.

'Oh! Right!' Quickly pushing myself out of my mothers embrace I stood up and next to the nonchalant and unbothered Sin who seemed to be staring at my Grandfather… Straight in the eyes too.

'Oh god.'

"Father! Mother! This is Sin, the boy who helped me and Tessia find our way back." I introduced, purposely leaving out the other details about what happened.

Having heard my words, Tess seemed to snap out of her moment with Mother and stood up as well, her eyes hardened.

"Is that so…"



Chapter 4!

I feel like this was a little rushed and not all that well formatted…

Any complaints, critiques or anything of the above, please let me know here!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! :)