

As you follow the path you thought that would lead you to your future, you realized that you are surrounded by different directions.

As you tried your best to choose the right way, fate will stop you from walking away.

Your destiny is written in the stars.

No one can erase it nor buried it alive.

Whatever choice you will choose, there is only one outcome.

It's either:

You live or die.

You'll succeed or fail.

But one thing is for sure...

You'll cry for pain.

So watch me… and learn.


"I do not follow any rules! I can bend it in a blink of an eye!"

"But I can make you follow me." As she speak, the man shivered by the coldness of her voice.

'No wonder, she's the Queen.' He thought.

"I AM THE RULE. NO ONE CAN BEND ME. AND NO ONE WILL." The man equaled the anger in the woman's eyes.

"No one tried to let me do something that is not in my favor." Eyes glued on each other, the woman glared at him.

"News flash. I can and I will." She whispered and kissed him passionately.

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