
Starting point.

Year 2022.

Las Vegas, United States.

While this is the time of the night when most people sleep and rest, most places are closed to reopen in the morning on the new day. But the nights in Las Vegas were completely different. Even in the night, the city is still full of colors. And the crowds still roaming around As if the night could not bring peace to this city.

Right now, I'm sitting back and relaxing in the 'Bugatin JM,' my trusty black luxury sports car, parked in a dark corner in a small alley on a street in the heart of Las Vegas. Another side of the road opposite the alley where I parked is one of the large casinos, one of Las Vegas's most upscale and famous casinos.

From my angle, looking straight away, I could clearly see the casino's front entrance. My eyes looked out at the casino's front door. While glancing at the time displayed in numbers on the digital screen in the car console, the time is now 09.50 p.m.

"It's almost time…" I said to myself with a fun smile, before turning my eyes back to the casino's entrance to watch and wait for someone to appear.

Poor someone who will face a very sad end tonight ...

After I sat listening to music in my car and waited for someone's appearance a few minutes later, the figure of the person I had been aiming for finally appeared in the front door of the casino.

Five tall, stout young men walked out from inside the casino with a grim, grim look like a group of mafia gangs. Among the five men, one dressed up. With clothes that stand out, the price is different from others. It was also walking in the middle, surrounded by four other men like bodyguards.

As i see, the man in the middle was probably leader and the head of the remaining four men.

I gazed at the face of the man in chief. He was probably around thirty to forty years old, but even though he looked older, the other's face was still handsome, charming, charming, not to mention that when he was a young doctor. This is probably a handsome man and is not a little favorite of women.

And this man is the one who is the target of my mission tonight…

Okay​ , it's time to hunting the bait!.

"Open the driver's side window," I said softly.

The end of my voice, The window of the car door on the driver's seat side slides and opens automatically. My trusty car is a vehicle built with modern and advanced technology. Was installed to work with artificial intelligence like a robot The inside is equipped with a sound sensor that allows the car to automatically work by itself, just as the owner speaks out the commands, so I don't need to move my hand to press one of these buttons.

It didn't waste my effort that I spent my hard earned money in my account to buy it.

I grinned and stared at the target man, like a wild beast staring at the prey, then grabbed my own handgun, which was carried outside my inner pocket, and Extend the arm that is holding the gun out of the vehicle through the opening of the side window. Aim the muzzle of his hand at the target man, who was about to walk up to the pickup van in front of the casino's entrance.

I removed the gun safety and moved my finger prepared to fire the trigger on the target. But as soon as he was about to fire a bullet, one of the bodyguards guarding my target moved in, unknowingly blocking my trajectory.

"Deam it..."​

I muttered to myself angily before retargeting, turning the target on the man's head, the bodyguard instead, and then moved my finger to fire the trigger that was in the hand to fire a bullet.

The gun I used is a special one that has been made with a built-in silencer, so even without the silencer it does not make any noise when it fires the bullets like other guns. The bullet I fired quietly streaked straight out of the muzzle and penetrated the air into the head of the man who was the bodyguard that I had been targeting.

The head of the bodyguard that had been started by me for the first corpse flickered for a moment before the tall figure of the poor bodyguard collapsed to the ground with blood spilling and Gushing out of his head in horror.


The rest of the bodyguards cried out in shock as they saw their colleague collapse and lie down in the blood on the ground unexpectedly. Before hurrying to bring himself to cover their master and​ bring​ him to the van waiting in front.

But it's still not fast enough to escape from my bullets.

I aimed and fired a few more shots at the target. One bullet streaked into the bodyguard's left chest, and the rest fell to the ground. Two more shots shot towards the man who was my target and the other two bodyguards.

Unfortunately, the two bodyguards ran incredibly fast. They were able to get their boss to run away from my bullets and get to the van just in time, before the other party van quickly drove out of the front of the casino to escape from​ my attack.

"Such a really tough guy."

I saying to myself with a smile, "Well, if it's too easy, it's boring. Must be like this to be a little more fun. "

Finished speaking, I started my own car, drove off the alley where I waited for the victim a moment, and immediately followed my target's van.

My car and my target run down the streets of Las Vegas, although there is usually a lot of traffic on the streets of Las Vegas at night. Considered a lot thinner than during the day The traffic on the road was relatively open and comfortable, allowing the target's van to drive away from my car as quickly as the culprit drove away from the police.

But sorry, Who do you think you're playing with?.

I smiled and laughed wickedly. Before stepping on the accelerator, increase the speed and chase after the other party's car. At first, the target's van ran fairly far ahead of my car, but the other's car was just a big, bulky-looking van. But my car is a dynamic sports supercar and it has a reputation for speed that is second to none. The specifications are so far apart that they are not dusted in the first place. Just a little bit of speeding up, I can quickly and easily follow the car of the other person.

I drove up to the same level as the other's van, but shifted to the other lane, some distance away from the target car. So that other cars or people walking down the street will not notice that I am chasing the other car.

But it seems that Target's bodyguards are cunning and quick, they have probably noticed that my car is the car of the enemy who chased them from the casino. Drive up One of the bodyguards sitting in the car opened the side windows. Before lifting the silenced-mounted handgun, aimed it in my car so that the barrel was not blown out. The other party then fired at the driver's side mirror where I was sitting.

But when the other's bullets hit the glass of my car, Instead, they were ejected and dropped onto the road. Without causing any damage to me and my car.

And that material is a strong, durable material that is bulletproof, put simply, my car is bulletproof, like a movable fortress.

"Damn it!, It's car is bulletproof! "

The bodyguard that aimed to shoot at my car window was taken aback in shock. Before shouting something to them with an angry and stern face Seeing that the bullets it fired could not penetrate the glass of my car.

But I wasn't even kind enough to let them consult for a long time. I took the moment when the other person was panicking, slightly sliding the side windows of my driver and raising the gun, aiming in the gaps of the open car windows. Before firing the shot at the head of the bodyguard sitting on the edge, the same person who fired a bullet at my car earlier.

In return for it dared to shoot my beloved car. Even if you can't shoot.

My bullet penetrated the opponent's head with precision, the handrail was placed, causing the bodyguard to die tragically with the car seat without the other party even setting off.

I said with a smile "One more done"

The other party hurriedly closed the car windows so that I could not see the person sitting inside. As I steer away and accelerate to escape my pursuit The target's van drives along the road at high speeds that are not afraid of hitting the vehicle in front. Turn right to left at the intersection hoping to shake me off.

Unfortunately, the action was futile, no matter how hard the other party tried to escape. They just can't shake me off. All the best you can do is run away and delay yourself a little longer.

Actually, I want to keep playing catch up a little longer, but this is a waste of time, well, get it over. So that we can finish the work once ...

I step on the accelerator to increase the speed Before following the drive up to the same level as the target van again, aiming for a shot at the car window on the driver side of the target van.

Peng !!

The target van is not bulletproof glass like mine. When shot, the glass on the driver's side covered with a completely black film shattered into pieces. Along with a bullet that penetrated and pierced the driver's head perfectly. The driver's body crashed lifelessly on the console of the car. Before the other party's van lost control and rushed into a truck that was rushing over the other direction.

Tum mm !!

The sound of the collision of vans and trucks rumbled like the sound of an explosion. Shocking other cars and people on the road, many.

The collision severely damaged the truck and the van with my target sitting on it. The truck overturned flat on the road and slid into the electric poles on the side of the road, causing the surrounding lights to go out. While my target van was hit so hard that it couldn't find its original frame. Parts of the car were scattered and flown in different directions. The door of the van slid open and the bodies of the people inside were bounced off the outside.

The body of the last remaining bodyguards splashed out of the car and struck the sidewalk. From the condition that seems unlikely to survive As for the business man who was my target, I was thrown to the ground, drowned in blood on the road, not far from the wreckage of the car, his limbs and neck distorted. At the head, there was a horrible stream of blood and a white cerebral cortex scattered on the nearby ground.

Regarded that death was not quite as beautiful.

"help!! Someone has died!! "

"Hurry up to call the police and the ambulance !!"

People walking along the footpath ran to look at the accident out of curiosity before screaming in panic when they saw the corpses of those who had the accident. It can be said that this event will definitely become big news in the next few hours.

In the midst of the chaos of panicked people I looked at the horror scene, smiling with the satisfaction that I had accomplished. Before driving out of the scene without any further thought.

"Mission Clear ^_^"​

The next morning ...

The inside of the bathroom was emanating with the sweet scent of soap, the sound of water flowing from the shower, hitting the marble floor beneath it, echoing throughout the room. An expensive marble with exceptional beauty and luster. All around, it can reflect the image of things clearly like a mirror.

This time, the walls are reflecting on my naked body. Standing under the shower of large and luxurious.

A well-proportioned figure of a slender woman The white skin is pale in a pale way, which is due to heredity, contrasting with the pitch-black hair that stretches almost to the buttocks. A face that is slim and beautiful in every part. The nose , mouth and large, light gray eyes that shone like crystal mesmerizing.

Although I usually don't have much interest or admiration for beauty. But deep down, I must admit that I am quite proud of my appearance. Because this beautiful exterior is one of the only advantages I have in my life…

It took me a while to shower, then put down the towel and walked out of the bathroom, stepping out of the bathroom to a spacious and luxurious bedroom. There was an expensive king-sized bed that would look like it could carry at least three or four people together, located at the end of one of the walls of the room, opposite the bed, was the wall attached. Set a large TV screen almost full of the wall embedded inside.

In addition, the interior of the room is decorated with elegant, beautiful and modern style furniture.All furniture and decorations are from famous brands with expensive values ​​that ordinary people might not expect.

I wipe the meat, dry myself and put on my clothes. Before opening the door, I walked out of the bedroom. Which when coming out will find the living room which is a spacious luxurious hall The room has a giant TV with an audio set and a long sofa for living. One wall of the room is a large clear glass that is installed from the floor and extends to the top edge of the wall. Looking outside, you will see stunning views of the sky and the many tall buildings set in the vast metropolis.

The place where I live is a condo located in the heart of New York City. This is a dozen-storey condo and one of America's most expensive condos. The room I stayed in was the penthouse located on the fifty-fifth floor. It is the highest floor and the most expensive premium unit of this condo. In addition to being extravagant, it is also as spacious as a large house that can allow tens of people to live together.

Although this penthouse is a little too extravagant and wasteful for one person to live alone. But by the way, I was a wealthy person who had so much money left over that I couldn't use up. So this just doesn't make me waste a lot ...

I walked through the hallway of the living room to get to the kitchen, before preparing all the cooking utensils and taking out the cooking ingredients from the fridge. And I started making a luxury steak to eat for breakfast, as I lived alone for a long time and like to find something to do to get bored. So I often like to cook for myself to pass the time. That gave me enough culinary skills and was able to do it nimblely. Soon the breakfast, which is a gorgeous steak, looks delicious, is ready to eat. Emits a rich, sensual scent that is hard to resist.

After cooking is finished and ready to eat I walked into my private wine cellar adjacent to the kitchen, when I opened the door to the wine cellar, I found a cool air-conditioned room filled with large shelves lined up. All over the room And on each shelf, there were countless bottles of expensive wine lined up, so many of them dazzled.

I walked over to pick up the wineglass hanging on the wall. Along with picking out a bottle of expensive wine from the shelf Before holding a glass and a bottle of wine, walked back in the kitchen and carried a previously made steak plate, walked into the living room with the sofa and TV set, before grabbing the remote and popping on the TV. The expensive wine from the bottle that I just picked up in the glass. Indulge in the delicious taste of wine while chopping down steaks, eating and watching TV as well to relieve boredom.

When the picture on the TV flared up inside the big screen, it projected a breaking news program that was reporting on an event, likely the most recent breaking news.

"When late at night a few hours ago There was an assault on the scene in front of one of the famous casinos in the city of Las Vegas, where there were criminals who have shot a famous businessman. Cause immediate death at the scene with two bodies Two of those who died were business man's personal bodyguards. The rest of the young man, businessman, and bodyguard managed to drive away at first, but was shot by the villain, causing the car to go unnoticed, and violently crashed into another truck on the road. This resulted in the death of the rest of the men, businessmen and bodyguards, as well as truck drivers on the main streets of Las Vegas… "

The news being reported seems to be breaking news that is being followed by a large number of officials and the media. It was an event that happened just hours ago and it was also a horrific murder that took place in the city center to the public eye. And many people died together.

But to me, this news didn't make me feel even the least excited or shocked. Because the people who are the horrifying messengers who are making news It was me.

Yes, i am a killer.

Even though it's a little late Anyway, I would like to give permission to introduce myself a little.

My name is 'Tasha Andoly', my age, not to mention race, do not care, I am a wealthy young woman who does not have a job. But even though I may seem unemployed on the outside, if in fact I have my main occupation by working as a 'Killer' , I am not just an ordinary raven hired killer. But it is a skilled assassin who, as the name suggests, guarantees that no one in the assassin industry knows. no matter where I go, the​ people​ that​ knews who​ l​ am hurriedly walked away in fear.

But actually, one day, I rarely get any work. Because the assassination of a killer is a job that is not often done, so most of the time I lie at my condo. or exercise and practice fighting skills. Either go shopping at the mall or find something to do to solve the boredom like a person without work to do all day...

After eating the breakfast that I had made, I grabbed the coat and the car keys. And leave the penthouse to the private parking lot Before driving my own car out of the condo to a place, the destination I intend to travel today.

My destination today is not too far from my condo. Therefore it takes not long to arrive at the destination My destination was a coffee shop on the corner of one of the city's famous streets. This coffee shop is a large coffee shop and is frequented by many customers as it is located in a busy place. The shop is built and decorated in a modern style in cream and black tones. The front has a large glass that you can see the inside. Making you see the atmosphere that looks classic, unique and inviting to sit and relax.


The buzzer sounded at the entrance of the store when I opened the door to step inside. Although the shop normally had a large number of customers, the interior of the shop was relatively quiet and there were only a few customers. Because the shop had just opened only a few minutes earlier The bell at the door made the staff in the store turn to look at me.

Suddenly, the faces of the staff inside the store turned pale, smiles that adorned their faces to express their Customer friendliness soon faded. The eyes that look at me shine A glimmer of anxiety and fear came out, my appearance seem like a devil's visit​ or something that is frightening to the staff here.

In which they react like this when they meet me Because the staff here are familiar and know me. They all know Who am I Because in fact, these employees are Are people in the same industry as me, and people in the same industry who Knowing me are all afraid of me.

But even if they are terrified of me. But with the etiquette and duty of the employees Inevitably they had to welcome me, so the staff greeting me with smiled while their face was full of fear.

"Hello,​ Ms. Tasha"​

"Welcome, Ms. Tasha"​

I smiled and nodded in response to the staff. Before walking to order at the counter in the middle of the store "I​ would like​ a​ glass of​ vanilla​ mocha"

"I acknowledge, Please come inside" said the man at the counter and walked me into the small aisle at the end of the store. In which the front of the corridor is labeled 'Only employees' ...

I followed the staff down the aisle Going to the end of the corridor, you will find three doors. One panel is on the left side of the corridor and is labeled the staff room. One section is on the right side and is labeled as a storage room. And the other door was in the middle of the corridor. It was a large thick steel door that didn't have any sign on it to indicate what a room it was. On the side of the door there is a code reader and a fingerprint scanner to open the door.

The employee who walked with me put his thumb on the scanner to unlock. Before plugging a large metal door, I opened it and invited me to go inside myself.


I turned to the employee with a smile and walked inside. Behind the door are brown marble walls and steps that line down to the bottom. I keep walking down the stairs until I reach the end. As soon as I reached the end of the stairs, I saw a beautiful wooden door which was the entrance to some room.

I pulled the door open as I stepped in with a familiar step inward. And when the door in front was opened, it revealed a shocking place, something that the outsiders would have never imagined. And no one would dream of seeing under this coffee shop ...

The place behind the door was a circular hall as large as the palace's halls. But what was even more shocking was that the interior of the hall was filled with glass cabinets that were about the same size as large and tall people lined up in rows. And inside the glass cabinet was full of weapons, including knives, spears, bows, crossbows and little guns, artillery, and war bombs all displayed in the cabinet. As if this place is a museum displaying world war weapons, it is not.

But this place is not a weapons museum at all. But even if it's not, it's not that good or different. Because this place is ...

The​ Killer Guild.

A place that is like an affiliate in my work.

The killer guild is a gathering of professional killers from all over the world. Which I am also a killer who is a member of the guild as well The killer guild is a place for assassins to come in contact for various missions and allow employers who want to kill people can come in and apply to hire the killers in the guild to get a job. What kind of association is this? This is like a recruitment agency, it is a company that finds assassination jobs for assassins. But there are scattered in many branches in many countries of the world. And this place is the killer guild of America, one of the largest of all branches in existence.

And in addition to the assassin's association, this will be a gathering place for the assassin. It is also a huge war weapons trade center that allows assassins who are members of the guild to buy and sell weapons. Most of the assassins that come here come to buy weapons and use them in their work. Because besides this reason, the assassins would not have gathered here much to see. Because when there is a job from the employer, the assassin's guild will send messages and details of the target to the killers. The guild assassins didn't have to come here by themselves.

The fact that I came here today was not that I was going to accept jobs or meet other killers. Because I also came here to buy an almost exhausted cartridge to be prepared for my next work ...

In front of the hall's entrance, there is a corridor stretching deep inside. And when you look straight at the end of the corridor, you will see a long and large marble countertop, like a hotel or company reception counter. I walked down the aisle to the counter at the end of the aisle. On the way, there was a killer, whom I felt familiar with, as I had seen before, but could not remember the name. A few people were watching the weapons in the showcase in the hall. And talk to exchange ideas with joy.

But when those people turned to see me, all the communication stopped. Even though I didn't look at that group because I wasn't interested. But the corners of my eyes still noticed that they were looking at me in shock. Before gossiping togeter.

" Hey, who is that beautiful girl?, A killer? "​

"Well, You seldom come here, never seen it. That pretty girl is 'Tasha Andoly', the association's top assassin!"​

"Really ?!, Is that person?"​

"You see beautiful like that, but she are cruel , Don't getting close to her. If you get upset that girl, she'll kill​ you!"​

I carelessly walked past the crowd and the gossip. I went to the counter at the end of the corridor where a suit-wearing man, a familiar face, was already waiting for my arrival. The employee smiled and politely bowed at me and said to me, "Welcome, Ms. Tasha."

"Hello Albert" I greeted the other person as an acquaintance.

"Will you accept the same way today?" He asked politly and​ familarly.

I smiled and nodded in response "Ah, just the same thing."​

"Yes, please wait a moment."​

Albert asked, taking a small note and a pen and wrote something on it. Then the young worker rang the bell on the counter to send a signal to call someone. A few seconds later, a young​ women dressed in the same suit as a young man walked up to the two of us in front of the counter.

The young man handed the woman the note that he wrote earlier and said "Go and prepare the items written in here for​ Ms. Tasha."

The female attendant nodded and took the note in the youth's hand. Before turning to bow to me politely. And walked fleeting quietly and quickly As soon as the young lady left, Albert turned to me and said "This morning I saw news of the Las Vegas assassination. It's big news that people are paying attention to... That's your​ skill? "

"Oh yes,I​ did it​" I replied with a smiling face.

"you​ still playing big as before.But even if you chase down the middle of the road, it becomes such a riot that the police and the FBI still can't catch you.​ You​ are​ really good."

The other party praised me with joyful eyes. I twitched, smiling at the young man before saying "Of course I am."​

The two of us spoke in a very friendly manner, where Albert did not look as scared of me as the another​ staff did. That was because this Albert was Employees in recruitment and preparation the​ missions​ and​ weapons for the assassins of the guild. And is a must Contact and speak with the killers directly. This person is therefore Familiar with many assassins in the guild.

In which he is the person who is in charge of my missions​ often included equipping me with weapons, so we had the opportunity to discuss several times. That makes the man This is more familiar to me than any other employee. I must say that the two of us are a little closer to each other as co-workers. Familiarity and intimacy with each other therefore This makes him less afraid of me as other employees are.

"Yes, you are wonderful."

Said Albert, with his thumbs up. But after that, the young man stopped and acted as if he had come up with something. And tell me, "Yes. Speaking of work, this morning with your new job. I plan to send you the details of the mission. "

"My new job?" I asked. I was a little surprised that a new job arrived so quickly in just a few hours that I had just finished my previous job. Because normally, the assassination work of an assassin is not often done at the same time. But it's not that shocking. Because things like this aren't going to ever happen at all.

"Yes, sir" replied the young man and bent down to pick up a brown envelope the size of A4 paper from the counter drawer and handed it to me.

I took the envelope from the other party. Before gently prying out the flap of the envelope to open the document inside. Inside the envelope is a four-sided paper, which documents information and details of the person who was the target of this assassination.

My goal is to be a well-known business man who owns many businesses in many countries around the world. The aim of this time is to have most of the major businesses and live in France. This time, I need to punt to France to assassinate this victim.

But like this ... it looks strange?

I curiously narrowed my eyes at the target's datasheet. Usually, if the assassin's guild sends an assassination mission to the assassin in the guild to do The association will also send information and a profile including a photograph of the target to the killer who accepts the job. But my mission this time is different. Because the information that the Assassins Association sent me this time, there are only a few specifics of the target details. Plus, there is no picture of the target attached to it, not even the tip of the hair.

"What?...Why don't have a photo of the target?"

I turned to Albert and questioned him.The young man smiled at me and made a guilty expression and said "That is, like this Tasha's target person, this time around, is a very mysterious and suspicious person. He is a very famous businessman and is known all over the world. But this person has never revealed himself to the public even once. That means no photo of the target appears on the Internet or any other resource. The Killer Association has attempted to search the target's information by hacking into the demographic database to see the target's face. But surprisingly, in the population database systems of countries around the world, there is no single image or information of this target."

"Perhaps the data in the demographic databases will either be deleted or will be concealed in some way, so the information the association has obtained will only contain the target's business operations. As for the photos...we can't​ find​ it"

"oh, I​ get​ it..."

I nodded understandably. Is that in doing this mission I had to investigate the target for myself before I could kill the other party. Having said that, this time in addition to having to act as an assassin I still have to take on the role of a detective, right?

"Looks like​ this​ work will be difficult."

I complained to myself and Albert. Before smiling and saying happily "But it looks exciting as well"

If it was a normal assassination job, it was probably not much fun. It has to be an event that looks like there is something to be investigated, and it must be a little bit of a challenge. Like this is good...

Huh, I​ hope that's a fun event!.

Next chapter