
We are having a visitor soon


'Come open the gate' Tarasha's voice sounded

as he picked the call. He got up from his bed

immediately, he took a yellow shirt and hurried

out at once.

The gate was opened by Cole and Tarasha drove

in with a mini van, she stepped out of the car

after parking and waited for Cole to join her

before proceeding into the house, or office as

she called it.

'Where's Benny and Aisha?' She asked, but

needed no answer as the duo appeared from the

partition before she sat down on one of the


'Good morning Boss' Benny and Aisha greeted in

unison. They stood some distance before her

anticipating her answer and order for them to


'Good morning' she gave a smile. 'You can have

you seats'

Benny and Aisha took the seats opposite hers

while Cole sat on the sofa perpendicular to

Tarasha's seat.

'We are having a visitor soon and we need to

make preparations to welcome him' Tarasha

began, 'in fact, we'll be having two set of

visitors; one from this country and one from the


There was an awkward silence in the house as

they listened to her. It was he first time of

coming there after their last operation. When

they saw her enter unannounced, they knew she

had come for some serious business.

'I don't know if the visitors would come at the

same time but time would reveal more to us' she

continued, turning her gaze to Cole. 'I told you

about the Nigerian visitors already'

Next chapter