
Tangled and twisted

Two brothers who love eachothers but don't show it. Elder one, careless, bad boy, heartless, selfish and younger one, compassionate, loving, considerate and selfless. What will happen when they fall for the same girl ? Who will back off for the sake of the other ? Or will they fight for her ? What would be the outcome when, they are over possessive for her and can't share her with anyone else ? What would be the magic which will let them at ease even at the thought of sharing the love of their life with their own brother ? How are they gonna survive the tangled and twisted situation ?

Stroyteller_1 · Urban
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103 Chs

Loosing the V card

I was so happy to see him on screen. He is finally coming back to me ! Thanks to Ethan he made me realize that, Kevin wasn't trying to kill me he just wanted to feel the closeness and the satisfaction ! I overreacted and screamed my lungs out and he...

I must thank Ethan...

But where is he ? He was standing right next to me a moment ago and now he is not here !

Don't tell me I have to convince Daniel and Steve again to go find HIM now ! I tried to call him but he didn't received it. May be he is busy, I'll call him later.

For now, I should focus on Kevin !

I ran to the window to see if, I could spot him coming to me but to my dismay, my poor human vision didn't allowed me to see in the dark !

I was more than excited at the thought of him returning to me. My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't contain my happiness.

I was searching like crazy in the darkness for him,

" Hello, love ! "

I gasped and my heart stopped for a moment at this voice ! I slowly turned around and saw his dimpled smile and I ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and crushed me onto him.

" I am so sorry... "

We both said together.

" No, no. I am sorry. Please forgive me for I overreacted and pushed you away like that. Please, forgive me ! "

I said tightening my grip on him.

" No, love. I am sorry, I lost control and more importantly, I didn't asked for your permission nor thought about your concern.

I promise I'll never ever do this again. I won't sink my fangs in your skin ever again. Please, forgive me ! "

Kevin said kissing the top of my head.

" Don't say that ! I want you to do that. Don't take it away form me ! I know you did it and I pushed you away earlier but it was too sudden.

You took me by surprise and I couldn't think straight. I am so sorry, I swear I won't ever do that again ! "

I said.

" What ? You want me to drink from you ? Like seriously ? "

Kevin asked surprised.

" Yes ! I am sorry I fucked up last time... It'll never happen again, I promise. "

I said.

I kissed him hard and he kissed me back with same passion. He was gone for like a single day and it felt like an eternity; especially after Ethan told me how they feel when they drink from the person they love !

He picked me up in his arms and took me to the bed and lovingly put me on it. He laid on the bed and put his head on my lap, it was feeling heavenly !

I ran my fingers through his hair and he wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to get more closer than he already was !

I kissed him on the head and he sighed and kissed my tummy ! It tickled and I laughed.

" What ? "

Kevin asked confused.

" It tickles ! "

I said laughing.

He then tickled me with his fingers and I started laughing like crazy. He tickled me so hard, I couldn't take it and layed on the bed beside him and started squirming.

He was laughing full heartedly seeing me like that ! He then stopped tickling me and came on top of me and kissed my forehead.

I pressed my lips on his neck and he breathed shakily and slowly leaned to kiss my lips. I grabbed his hair from behind and pulled him even more closer to me.

He deepened the kiss by forcing my lips apart and pushing his tongue in my mouth. It was weird yet nice.

I've never kissed like this before. Travis just used to peck me on my lips and nothing else.

I ran my hands on his back and he cupped my cheek. He put his hand under me and rolled over getting me top of him.

He traced my spine and I shuddered at the sensation. He put his hand under my shirt and ran his hand on by bare back and it tickled and raised goosebumps all over my body.

He traced the belt of my bra across my back and took his hand on my butt and squeezed it gently. He nibbled on my neck and sucked making me roll my eyes back into my head.

I clutched his shirt but I even grabbed his skin of his back in my fist. He moaned into my ear and I was dead !

That thing was out of the world I was loosing my ability to think straight. He kissed my collar bone and traced his way with lips up to my jaw and ear.

He nibbled at my earlobe. He again rolled over making him top of me. He kissed my neck and moved down to my cleavage...

I've never been kissed there ! He stopped kissing and came back to my lips and whispered,

" I want you, love. I want to make you mine. I want to own your body and soul. I want to make love to you. May I ? "

Kevin said without taking his lips off mine.

What ?

I... I don't know...

What should I say ?

When I didn't answered, he got off me.

" I am sorry. I don't want to force myself on you. If you are not ready, it's ok I can understand. I'll wait for you to... "

Kevin said feeling embarrassed.

" That's not... Don't get me wrong. It's not like I don't...

It's just that...

I've never...


I mean... "

I was so embarrassed.

" Oh my god, you are a virgin ! "

Kevin gasped in surprise.

I couldn't look into his eyes, I looked down on the bed. He sat beside me and caressed my back and make me look at him.

" Look at me, love. It's ok. Thank god you told me this earlier if, you haven't had told me I would have gone wild; ended up hurting you !

It's ok. I can understand if you want to stop here. I swear I'll never hurt you or force myself on you. We'll get there when you are ready. You don't have to push yourself for anything, love. "

Kevin said caressing my head.

He kissed my forehead and pulled in into his arms. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder.

By far I've loved the sensation I've felt till now, I want to experience the other sensations in the process of love making too.

" I want to...


Let's do it. "

I said.

" No love. If you aren't ready, we won't go further. You don't have to do it for my sake ! We'll go ahead only when you are ready. Don't do anything for me. Do it only for yourself, to make yourself happy. "

Kevin said softy.

" I want to feel it, Kevin ! I want to know how it feels to be physical with the person we love ! Let's do it. I don't want to do it for your sake, I want to do it for myself. "

I said looking into his eyes.

" Are you sure, love ? "

Kevin asked.

" Yes. "

I said nodding.

" Ok. But promise me, you'll tell me to stop if, it becomes painful or unbearable at any point. I don't want to hurt you anymore ! "

Kevin said concerned.

" I promise, I will. "

I said.

" Very well then, come here... "

Kevin wispered eagerly.

He cupped my face and kissed me passionately. He danced his tongue in my mouth making my tongue dance as well in his.

He kissed me all over and started unbuttoning my shirt and made his way down kissing the exposed part.

I was feeling shy, for I had never been naked infront of any guy. When he finished unbuttoning, I covered myself and rolled to my side.

He came closer to me and ran his hand on the side of my body. He grabbed the collar of my shirt from the side and slide it down my shoulder and kissed on my shoulder.

He pushed me on the bed so that, I was laying on my stomach and slide the other sleeve off my shoulder.

He took the shirt off me and started kissing each single inch on my back. It left me moaning and whimpering and shaking under his touch.

He ran his hand all over my back and stopped at the hook of my bra. He played there with his tongue and finally unhooked it, making me gasp !

He slide the belts off my shoulders and kissed my back all over again. He then slide down and pulled my skirt down. He licked across my waist.

He went down and kissed and licked my toes and made his way up along my calf, behind my knee, thighs, inner thighs, my butt and bited a bit hard there. It made me jump in surprise, moan and laugh all at the same time.

He squeezed my butt hard and spanked it. Again it made me jump and whimper. Though it stung, it felt good. He put his thumbs in the band of my panties and took them off me. He ran his hand over my bare bum and groaned. I was feeling very bashful.

" Don't be so shy, love. You are very beautiful. You must be proud of your body ! "

Kevin said groaning.

He them kissed my bum and went down kissing my inner thighs. It was tickling real bad. He continued to go closer to my private, when I turned a bit and put my hand on his head to make him stop.

" What are you doing ? "

I asked him.

" Going down on you ! "

Kevin said.

" What does that means ? "

I asked confused.

" Wait and watch ! I swear you'll enjoy it. If you don't like what's happening, tell me to stop and I will stop.

But it's necessary for getting you ready for me and less painful love making, for you. "

Kevin wispered while running his fingers along my legs.

I turned and put my head on the bed and let him do what he wanted to...

" Mmm... aahh... what are doing ? It's... mmm... oh god... "

I moaned in pleasure.

He started kissing and licking me down there. it was feeling heavenly !

" Are you enjoying, love ? "

Kevin asked.

" Mmm... ohh... I... I... ohh Kevin .. "

I couldn't say anything but moan.

" I know, love. I feels good, doesn't it ? Just let go and enjoy yourself. Don't stop yourself and feel everything I have give to you. "

Kevin said authoritatively.

He continued licking and kissing me till I get my first orgasm with someone.

It was... it was... oh my god...

I am breathing hard and shuddering at the sensation. He came up and cuddled with me from side. When I caught my breath, he whispered in my ear,

" How was it, love ? Did you enjoyed it ? "

Kevin asked caressing my back.

" Oh my god, yes ! It was outstanding. I've never felt anything like that before. It was awesome. Thank-you ! "

I said smiling.

" Shall we go further or you want to stop here for tonight, love ? "

Kevin asked caressing my cheeks.

" Let's go further. "

I said.

" Are you sure love ? "

Kevin asked.

" Hell yeah ! "

I said firmly.

" Your wish is my command, ma'am ! "

Kevin said.

He turned me and made me lay on my back. He gazed all over me and kissed me. He then proceeded lower and lower till he reached my breasts.

He started playing with them with his fingers and tongue, raising goosebumps all over.

He sucked and nibbled and pinched them. He hungrily kissed and sucked them, while kneading them.

I was enjoying myself so much. It was hurting a bit but the feeling was so good, I didn't mind the pain.

He then went further down to my tummy. He kissed and licked his way down my waist. He came up and kissed me.

He then got off the bed and undressed himself. He doesn't have a heavily built body but he is sturdy and strong. He have quit visible muscles.

He jumped on the bed and layed beside me. I kissed him and got on top of him. I kissed my way down his cheeks, jaw, ear, neck. I bite him on the neck and his collar bone and he gasped at the sensation.

I ran my hands all over his hard body, while kissing his neck. His hands were tracing my spine.

When the feeling got overwhelmed and he couldn't take it, he rolled over super fast and got on top of me.

He kissed me and whispered on my lips,

" Are you ready, love ? Shall I go ? "

Kevin said eagerly.

I was excited as well as terrified at the thought of the pain it was going to cause me. I clutched his hair and started playing with them. When I didn't responded, he got on his elbows and looked at me,

" Are you not sure, love ? Do you want to stop here ? We can ! "

Kevin said softy.

" I don't want to stop...

I am just... scared ! "

I admitted shyly.

" Of what ? "

Kevin asked confused.

" The pain it is gonna cause me. "

I said.

" If you want to stop here, we will love. Your consent is my top most priority. But if you want to go further, I swear I'll go so slow and stop whenever you ask me to ! "

Kevin said assuring me.

He then kissed my forehead and caressed my face. I ran my hands on his back and pulled him on me.

" Let's do it ! "

I said determined.

" Are you sure ? "

Kevin asked.

" Yes. "

I said.

He kissed me again and adjusted himself so that, our sexes were close to each other. He started rubbing himself on me and it was feeling so nice. He slowly started trying to go inside.

But whenever I squirmed, he looked at me and stopped pushing inside.

Few minutes went like this and then, I stopped squirming. He then slowly pushed himself inside me inch by inch.

It was hurting but I didn't squirmed. Because, I didn't wanted him to get pissed off of my sensitivities for pain.

And if I hadn't stopped squirming, he wouldn't have got inside.

With every inch, he kept asking me if, it was hurting me ? Was I alright ? Do I want him to stop ?

It was feeling good that he actually does care about me and not only verbally ! Once he was completely inside, he stopped and kissed me,

" I will stop for a moment and let you adjust to it. Are you alright, love ? "

Kevin asked me wiping my tears which rolled onto my cheeks.

" Yes... I am... I

t hurts... it hurts a bit... "

I said sniffing.

" I know, love. It's gonna hurt for the first time. Can you take it ? Do you want me to pull out ? If, you are not... "

Kevin said concerned about me.

" No. No. Don't do it. "

I said denying him.

" Ok. Tell me whenever you are ready and I'll start moving. "

Kevin said caressing my head.

" I am ready... "

I said.