
The Black Dragon


I heard a roar echo in the distance as I tried to regain control over my body. However, the roar only served to intensify my body's reaction. My legs tensed even more as they got into a jumping position.

"What was that?" The man with the list asked curiously.

"It's nothing, carry-, HEY, Stop him he's trying to escape!" General Tullius yelled as he saw my legs shift position.

However, it was too late, I couldn't control my body anymore, instinct had taken over. My legs filled with foreign strength as I pushed up, doing a flip over the axe, which had now barely missed. I landed back up and looked around in panic, not knowing what to do.

"Archers!" Tullius yelled as he drew his sword and dashed forward with speed that I had never seen before. He swung it up, and I thought I was done for, yet somehow I had dodged it. I had fought relatively strong people before, but never a veteran like Tullius, so how did I dodge that?

Then, out of nowhere, I felt my body shift to the side as I saw an arrow fly just past my face. What in oblivion? Where is this strength coming from? Even with all of the speed my body is displaying and its reaction speed, it seemed as if it wasn't even trying! It was far more focused on that roar a second ago. Just what was happening?

"Damn you!" Tullius yelled as he started swinging again at incredible speed, but I dodged all of them.


Another roar echoed through the village but this time it was much louder... and much closer.

Less than a few seconds have passed and there were already four more soldiers next to me, swinging as well, with arrows flying past my face. With all of this pressure from all directions, even this foreign strength couldn't hold up as Tullius landed a large blow on my chest, making me bleed.

"AAAAAAAH!" I let a yell out as I tried to endure the pain and keep my focus on the fight at the same time.

Then I felt a sense of doom as I jumped in the air again, just barely dodging the swing of the executioner's axe once again. However, this action just made my chest hurt even more, to the point where it felt like it was burning. When I landed, somehow I had the agility to land on a soldier's head and jump again, landing outside the encirclement.

This gave me the chance to run, but even then, I still had the archers and Tullius to deal with. Damn it! What's going on? Why is all of this happening now?

I looked over and saw that the soldiers were already about to encircle me again, with Tullius already in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a storm cloak try to attack the soldier that stayed with them, however, it ended in failure as the rebel was decapitated.

I was about to dodge another attack by Tullius when all of the sudden he froze and looked up at the sky in terror. I noticed all of the other soldiers did the same, and I turned around, only to be met with the same feelings as them.

There, flying toward us from the sky, was a massive lizard-like creature. Yes, a flying lizard!

"Dragon!" I heard a few soldiers yell from behind me.

A dragon? Is that what that was? I thought they were just a Nordic fairy tail!

"Don't just stand there, kill that thing! And get the civilians to safety! Hurry!" Tullius Yelled as he rushed over and grabbed a bow, and expertly started shooting the beast.

Apparently, he just forgot about me as he immediately started maneuvering around the battlefield, both attacking the dragon and commanding the soldiers and civilians.

The dragon flew down, landing on the tower above the headsmen and the other soldiers. Then it spoke,

"Moon Sorrow Doom" (I'm using the wiki for this one)

It can speak! This horrified me as this meant that the dragon had intelligence like us. I didn't know what to do and thought I was going to just stand there petrified, but I guess that foreign power in my body had other plans. My legs took on a mountain-like stance as I stared directly into the eye of the dragon. Then I let out a roar,


This roar was unlike the dragons, which sounded very ancient. Mine sounded very fierce, and it mimicked the sound that the more powerful warrior breeds of my kind let out.

After that, the entire battlefield was quiet for a minute as the dragon and I stared at each other, menacingly. But then, the dragon seemed to have noticed something and a hint of worry flashed through his eyes, but only a hint.

He was about to speak again, when he stopped and took off again, dodging the attack of Tullius, who had just climbed the tower in less than five seconds.

"Damn dragon! Leave this town in peace or I will bring you down here and now with this blade!" Tullius said domineeringly, but apparently not enough so as the dragon looked at him like how a man looks at a fly before he kills it.

"Force Balance Push!" The dragon shouted at Tullius, causing him to be sent flying off the tower.

"Hey, Khajiit! Get up! Come on, the gods won't give us another chance!" I heard Ralof tell me as he had rushed over while the dragon was distracted.

Although my body wanted to fight the dragon, I didn't. It was a dragon! The worst beat I had fought against until now was a troll, and after that, I vowed that I wouldn't try to fight one again. A dragon was completely different from a troll. So I followed Ralof into a tower nearby.

When we entered there were people scattered across the ground, all bleeding profusely. They were in extreme danger by having such large wounds, yet they were able to so easily grit their teeth and endure it. Is this what it meant to be a soldier? Such will power, and yet I let out such a shrill scream from just a single gash on my chest, how pathetic. Compared to their wounds, mine are just mino- What?

I Looked down at my chest where the wound was, only to find it was completely fine. There wasn't even a scar!

"What is this?" I asked myself aloud as I moved my fur around, trying to find it.

"Jarl Ulfric! What is that thing? Could the legends be true?" My attention was drawn back away from my chest wound as I heard this question.

Looking up, I noticed that Ulfric Stormcloak was standing next to a few of his soldiers, now free of his bindings.

"Legends don't burn down villages." He said solemnly, looking at tower as it shook from another of the dragons roars.

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