

If you like music while you read, try "You Are Mine (feat. Holly Maher)" by Spencer Combs. It's Reth and Elia's love song, and it made me cry while writing this reunion!



Her father had always been terrible at mimicking horse noises. It was something Uncle Behryn had mocked him for since they were children themselves. But Elreth knew those sounds. And knew that laughter. And knew those massive shoulders and bulging arms and…


She'd barely breathed the word, wouldn't have thought he would hear it over the terrible shrill neighs and grunting whinnies he was trying to make. But he must have, because he whipped around to face her, his face lighting up at the sight of her.

"El! Sweetheart!"

"Giddy-YUP, Granpa!" Little Reth screeched. "We have to run to the Woods and fight the humans!"

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