
Going Home

<Baghdad, Iraq>

This day was his last day.

He decided to quit and return home. He could not take that a simple mistake turned to something grave. He was charged with insubordination with his commander for defying his order. It was a big deal mission. The commander instructed them to infiltrate the terrorists group but things have gone haywire and his companions were in danger because of it. The commander issued an order for him to return and abandon his companions because he had already accomplished his mission. But how can he, they were like brothers to him? It was like telling him to shot them at their heads. He did not listen to his superior and he did what he wanted. He saved them but it led to his demotion but still, it made him happy that his team were still intact.

Holding a brown envelop, Yohan exited his commanders office.

The wind blew a lot of sand in the air. The whole place was dried under the scorching heat of the sun. This place is completely barren.

Iraq, where he learned how to live and die at the same time.

He covered his face with his right hand while walking towards his jeep.

It had his traveling bag in the passenger seat.

He chewed the gum in his mouth furiously. He ripped the envelop apart and tossed it to the ground. Out of anger, he stepped the ripped paper as he climbed up to his ride.

"You are stripped off from your position and will serve under a different battalion. You have to be with them with one year. You will be re-positioned after but for now, you are free to go." as the words of the commander echoed in his head, he drove off towards the airport with a heavy heart.

He had served the Empire's military when he was only 16 and now, he's turning 26. That alone was already a feat. Ten years in service turned into naught because of that one mission.

When he learned the decision of his commander, he was enraged.

He did not join trips from then on. He stayed at the local pub and drank everyday.

He clearly knew that his commander has something against him but he dared not to ask what was it. And, the result was this.

Since he was kicked out anyway, might return to Empire and find something else to make a living, though, he did not need that much money anyway. He just needed it for the charity he made when he was still in Iraq. He established some NGO's for fun at first but gradually, it expanded and increased. The people they were helping was the families of the fallen soldiers. They also formed a support group for them.

He did not even return to the barracks and said goodbyes to his team. He just left them like they did not matter to him.


Back at the commanders office.

A man who has a proud build, is standing behind the small window of his office talking someone on his phone. He was the very same man who fired Yohan.

"I've done what you have told. I just hoped that Yohan will forgive me when the time comes. Truthfully, he was a loss at my part. I felt like I've lost an arm you know and let me tell you, this is the last ridiculous request I will receive from you!" the man said on the phone. He was the commander of Yohan.

"I know Brother Sun. I owe you much. If only not for her, I will not do this too." the man said on the other line. He sounded so problematic.

"So, how was Lei'er?" Commander Sun asked.

"She's still causing a little problems here and there... Sigh. Thank you Brother Sun for granting the request. I will not hold you any longer because I have also matters to attend to." said the man.

"Okay, General Jin." answered the man as he ended the call. He then discretely deleted the call from his call logs as if the phone call did not really happen.

Commander Sun sighed as he watched a plane soar in to the blue sky. He walked towards his table. He pulled the last drawer on his table and retrieved a folder from there. He briefly opened the folder before tossing it into the bin and lit it with fire. The cover was slowly engulfed with flames and revealing the contents of it.

It was Yohan's file which was slowly eaten with fire.

Meanwhile, Yohan settled down on his seat inside the plane. He already buckled his seatbelt even before the FA started their reminder.

After a few minutes, he fell asleep and the plane flew towards the Empire.

Hello readers..

It's my entry for the Writing contest.. I hope you will like it. :D

Army_21704creators' thoughts
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