

It's Klaus Arthur, my new boss.

But wait... how did he get my number and why on Earth is he calling me at this hour?. I hope all is well.

"Excuse me?" I ask annoyed at the fact that he's trying to make it sound like I'm supposed to answer his calls anytime he calls.

"Why haven't you been answering your phone?"

The nerve of this guy.

"I happened to be far from it"

"In case you're wondering, it's Mr Arthur"

"I noticed"

"Good" I hear him exhale heavily over the phone. "Hazel" he calls and I find it odd because he's always all formal with Miss Kenish. "I know this is unexpected but please I need your help"

"My help?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I've got a lot of work before me and I don't even know where to begin, I've got a deadline to meet tomorrow morning and even if I work all night by myself I won't make it . I need you to come over to my place so we could do it together. Please Hazel, it's urgent"

This is so weird. For Christ's sake it's just my first day and I have to work all day and night?, what have I gotten myself into?.

Anyway it's not a big deal, after all I have no plans for the night. But wait...at his house?, that means I get to meet maybe his wife and children or....ugh Hazel, you're keeping the guy waiting.

"Alright then, just send me your address"

"You don't have to worry, I'll send a driver to pick you up"

"Huh?, Do u know where I live?" I ask aghast.

"Fortunately, I do"

"How come?"

"I've got your CV Hazel, enough with the questions. Get ready already"

"Alright then" the line goes dead and I let out a sigh of frustration. I rush to my wardrobe and scan my clothes for a while. I'm definitely not going to wear an office outfit. I settle for a pair of black slim jeans with a white blouse and striped sweater over it. I put on my socks and pair of black Converse and tie my hair into a messy bun. When I'm all set, I pick up my purse,phone and go to Wendy's room where I meet her working on her laptop.

"Hey" I call as I approach her. When she sees me all dressed up, she gasps in surprise.

"Please don't tell me you're going to get laid"

"Duh!, I'm going to work"

She creases her brows and sits upright.

"What's going on?" She asks seriously.

"Actually my boss called , he said to come over and help out with some work which is due tomorrow" I explain and she grins widely. I don't like what is running on her mind right now.

"I told you he was gonna be mesmerized by your beauty right?"

"Shut up will you?, It's just work" I emphasize and she rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah that's how it all begins. Just remember to use a condom"

"Bitch! " I say hitting her head hard with my purse .

"Ouch!, What was that for?"

"For being a bitch!" Suddenly I hear a car honking outside. "My ride's here"

"Alright future Mrs Arthur, see you tomorrow and keep me lots of gists"

I scoff and walk to the door.

"Don't "sext" with Blake all night. I love you" I say and rush out before the pillow she just threw could actually get to me. When I step outside, I meet a well dressed man probably in his mid forties standing by a black Range Rover looking all responsible.

"Hello" I greet

"Miss Hazel Kenish?" He asks with a serious tone.

"That's me"

He quietly opens the back seat door and I get it and strap on my seatbelt. Once he gets into the car, he drives out of my driveway and hits the road.

After about twenty minutes, we finally arrive at Mr Arthur's house....I mean ... mansion. I grew up in a big house but it's nothing compared to this mighty condo standing before me. It's not only mighty but beautiful. There's a lawn with well cut flowers and lights all over. Once I step out of the car I gasp as my eyes land on the multitude of expensive cars lined up in his parking lot. My breath almost ceases when I spot a black Bugatti Veyron.

Just how rich is this guy??

The driver who hasn't even had the decency to introduce himself to me leads me to the door and rings the bell. A few moments later, it is opened by a well dressed female servant.

"Mr Arthur's guest, take her to him" with that he leaves

I don't like that man.

"You're welcome Ma'am, please come inside". I enter the living room and my jaw drops. This place is fabulous!. Everything screams wealth. From the classy set of couches to the carpet not to talk of the TV on the wall. Everything is just posh.

"Mr Arthur said to bring you upstairs to his study."


I quietly follow her up a flight of stairs which leads to another sophisticated living room and then a corridor which has doors side by side. We walk into another spacious room which I suppose is Mr Arthur's study because he's seated on his throne of an office chair working on his laptop with a pile of papers in front of him. I feel my soul leave my body instantly, this is gonna be a long night.

"Mr Arthur, your guest has arrived"

"Thank you very much Vanessa, you can go home now"

"Thank you". The servant leaves the office.

Suddenly, mysteriously, I feel like the office is just too small to accommodate the two of us and the fact that Mr Arthur is smiling at me right now isn't helping matters at all.

"I'm glad you could make it"

"This is gonna cost you a lot Mr Arthur" I say with a naughty smirk and he chuckles lightly. His cute dimples don't go unnoticed.

"Klaus, call me Klaus"

"No way!, you're my boss, I can't just call you by your first name" I object

"But I want you to"

"Do you always argue this much?"

"You have no idea" I drop my purse and phone a couch and walk to the table where the papers are scattered all over. "So where are we to begin?"

"Data base recording"

"Yay...I love that" I say in excitement.

"Good then, but before that let me get you a..." His phone rings and when he checks the caller ID , he sighs heavily before answering the call. "Hello Daisy....Daisy, Daisy calm down....I only did what was right....things weren't working out, this madness of a relationship had to end.... Don't come over, I'm very busy so I won't attend to you...Daisy I'm serious!.... Whatever, good night" He hangs up the call and angrily throws the phone on the couch. " I'll just make us some coffee"

He leaves the office and I shrug innocently. That must have been his girlfriend so it's none of my business. I walk to the table and start organizing the papers.

*. *. *. *. *. *.

Klaus' POV

Daisy is such a mood spoiler, I was having a really spontaneous conversation with Hazel until she called and ruined my mood. You see Daisy is my ex- girlfriend , I broke up with her two days ago and she's just all over the place with the issue. She's against it and has sworn to make my life miserable and she's actually doing a good job. She's always calling and paying unnecessary visits.

Daisy is no ordinary girl you see everyday. She's extremely gorgeous and a famous model in the city. She works for the most famous modeling agency in the country. Everything about her is exagerating, her personality is a mess and she's a great squanderer. Sometimes I wonder what prompted me to ask her out in the first place. She's a beauty queen on the outside but her inner self is as ugly as Shrek. I can't stand her anymore.

It's past three am and I'm done with all the work I had to do all thanks to Hazel, she helped me a great deal. She's sleeping on the couch and I'm sure she's very exhausted, I feel bad for overworking her on her first day of work. I carry her bridal style into one of the guest rooms and lay her on the bed to sleep. I don't know how but I find myself kissing her forehead. She is so cute that it hurts.

*. *. *. *. *.

Hazel's POV

It's been a week since I started working at Heritage Affairs and to tell you what?, I totally enjoy it. My boss is the most considerate man I've ever worked with and it puzzles me a lot. He's different from other CEOs , he's soft-spoken, patient, considerate and above all cheerful. I enjoy every minute I spend working with him, he's the best.

"I just rescheduled the appointment you were supposed to have with Mr Howard James"

"Good, and the mails?"

"I cleared them all"

"Here" He gives me piece of paper with a name and phone number written on it

"I need you to..."

"Klaus!" A very high pitched voice calls from the door and we both turn to look and behold, there stands a flamboyantly dressed lady at the door and she's fuming with anger as she walks towards us.

"Get out of here bitch, I need to talk with my man"

She rants....

Wait, what?

Did she just call me a bitch?

"Daisy do not talk to her like that !" Klaus warns. I just roll my eyes and leave the office before I loose my temper and do something nasty. I walk to my office and settle on my seat and continue with my work

But wait...did that girl just call me a bitch for absolutely no reason?


I scoff and continue with my work, her man indeed.

About twenty minutes later, she storms out of the office crying and I seriously fight my urge to burst into laughter. If Klaus did that to her then he must be really sick of her because from what I've noticed about him, he's very patient and enduring. Her case must be way out of hand.

"Hazel" Mr Arthur calls as he approaches my table.

"Yes Sir"

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier"

"It's okay, I'm over it"

Trust me I'm not, the next time I meet that bitch, she's gonna get it hot from me.

"I'll make sure that doesn't happen again"


"Bring me the files I asked you to inspect"

With that he retires to his office and I follow with the files.

*. *. *. *. *. *. .

"She called you a bitch?" Wendy asks aghast .I just told her about the incident at the office and she's going bonkers.

"Yeah, she did" I answer as I take a bit of my pancake.

"And you let her go?"

"I didn't want to cause a scene at my boss's office"

"The fact that she's screwing your boss doesn't give her the right to disrespect you. She needs to put her shit together" she says fiercely.

"Trust me girl I wanted to tell her all of that and even more but like I said, I didn't want to cause a scene in my boss's office"

"She's lucky I wasn't there"

"I know,right?. Forget it girl , it's not important. How was work on your side?"

"Crazy!. The numbers keep increasing everyday!"

"You're a conqueror" I say as I chuckle

"Is that mockery I smell?" She asks sternly.

"I'm just gonna get more pancakes" I disappear into the kitchen before she rips my head off with shouting.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *

Today is not a very friendly day at all. I've replied about one hundred mails, cancelled appointments,made new ones, arranged files not to mention the unlimited incoming calls I've had to answer.


Can a job be this demanding?. Sometimes I feel sorry for my boss. He's always busy. It's either he's attending a conference meeting or he's at his office all day or he's traveling out to make business deals. I wonder if he ever has time for his own private life. No doubt his girlfriend was crying the other day, he surely makes out no time for her. How pathetic.

The door to me office creaks open and a very handsome young man steps in. He's got a lot of similar facial features with Mr Arthur. Same black hair, brown eyes, thick eye brows and high cheek bones. He's dressed up in a navy blue tuxedo and has on a pair of well polished black shoes with his hair jelled backwards.

Wow!, he's hot!

"Wow!" He suddenly exclaims as he walks towards my desk with a sweet smile plastered on his handsome face. He's got cute dimples just like Mr Arthur, they must be brothers.

"Good afternoon Sir" I greet with a cheerful smile.

"Aren't you just a goddess? , you are extremely gorgeous" he compliments in awe.

Ok, this is weird.

So this strange guy just walks into my office and starts complimenting my beauty and even calls me a goddess. I don't know if I should blush or be embarrassed.

I blush after all.

It's not everyday that such a fine man compliments my beauty.

"I'm Hazel Kenish, Mr Arthur's PA. Do you have an appointment with him?"

I say trying my best to sound professional even though his looks keep distracting me. God he is extremely good looking!.

"You've got Emerald green eyes so I'll call you Emerald. Nice to meet you Emerald" He says as he takes my hand and kisses it. I blush so hard that I feel my cheeks burning up. They must be tomato red right now.

"The pleasure is mine"

Someone suddenly clears his throat from behind and when I look and see Mr Arthur, I quickly withdraw my hand from the mysterious guy's hold and stand properly. Mr Klaus is standing by the door with both hands in his trouser pockets. That pose just makes him look like a Greek god!

Mehhnnn..... I'm standing between the most Handsome men you will ever see in this whole planet Earth.

"Klaus, good to see you bro. I was having a chat with your gorgeous PA. Her beauty is something else"

He rants on and Klaus just keeps looking at him with a black expression. Klaus is obviously the older brother because he looks more mature and behaves more maturely than the other guy who's name I still do not know. I'm very envious of their mother. Other women gave birth to sons but she gave birth to gods. Her sons are just too hot for this planet.

Klaus takes a few calculated steps towards us and stands between his brother and I. He turns to his brother who is smiling cheerfully.

"She's out of bounds Craig, don't try anything funny with her".

Next chapter