
01 The last day on the Earth

A retiree army man, old fellow person, which means me, lying motionless at my sick bed, waiting the death finally embraced me. My grandson, a die hard otaku, sitting beside me, enjoying his PFP consul game, for your information, I bought it for him in the past as the reward of taking care of me, even though I hired a housekeeper for that.

He is my youngest grandson from my third child. He been kicked out from his house - my youngest son family, because of his NEET titles, leaching them even at his past thirties age. He decided to live in my house as freeloader and continued his lifestyle here. I, living alone, after the death of my wife, accept him.

Well, as an ex-soldier, those attitude and unproductive manners did make me angry, but hey, who could stay the same, a strict guy, as your age become older and older. I receive him with conditions, letting him take care of me in my old age time. He accepted it without any hesitation, as I rarely sick myself. Even though my age almost reach 90's, but my body and health are in better shape, even some people will mistaken me in the age of 50's or younger.

Before I fall sick in these days and helpless lying at the bed for most time, I always trained my body by exercising and farming in the morning. I wake up early and jog around before doing the farming. I will stop at afternoon and rest, before taking my walk in noon time.

I always been popular in this country side place. Those grannies and widowers living in the neighborhood always stop me for a tea or meal when I jog around, and even send me some bento when I working at my vegetable garden which behind my house. By the way, I been granted a land in this countryside as the reward of my service in army. Before retiring, I was a special force army, a 'Green Beret' before becoming the Special Service agent for the president. I have a big house at the main city, but I choose to live here with my wife, as I rarely spend my time with her in my youth. Unfortunately, she died early in her sixties, due of cancer. I buried her near my house, of course with formal and lawful way and eventually hope that I buried the same place, besides her.

Although I living at small town, quite rural place, the Internet service and connection are good, so my grandson didn't have any problem living here. With a excellent deliveries system here, he can get those otaku stuffs with out problem, thus taking care of me with an allowance monthly make this place like a heaven. His room full of those stuff, and eventually take over another room which been empty as his collection store.

I did asked him to chores; like watering the plants every morning, doing laundries and buy some snack to make sure he didn't become too much of hikikomori. He reluctantly doing those at first but slowly he managed to do that without problem. I also make sure his diet more healthy, preparing a balanced meals everyday. He actually at the slim side, but I rather him to gain more weight.

While he indulging his hobbies, I also can't be helped but to attract with the otaku stuff. Especially, I like to read the light novels, and even introduced into the web novel. Most of it are the story about the fantasies and magics, sometimes the slice of life and romantic love. These days, the story of the reincarnation genre does flooded the market and overused. I did enjoy all of the kind, and begin to become the fan.

By the way, my hobby is reading books, mostly about war, either fiction or nonfiction, so when it come to light novels, the kingdom building is my preferences type. The story about a realist guy, summoned as a hero that will send to another nation as tribute, overcome those things and surprisingly become a king; is one of the examples. There also a story about slime become king and in same time, a demon king also did make my day.

While living with me, my grandson did change a lot. In first few years, sometime, he cursed me with the sentence "die riajuu!" after seeing me popular with those women, mostly grannies, but but there also widowers or young women who love the dandy guy like me. I didn't blame him, as I did bring some girls back home for my night activities, that never seem to be affected with my age. Of course, I only do the singles or widows not those who still have husbands, although I did get some invitation from them. I'm not some dude in one of my reading list novel, devour the girls even the other wife's or mothers, in his conquest to become king as he want to fulfill the promised with his beautiful vampire women for her to become his wife.

As he always peek me doing the deeds, my grandson finally begging me and ask me if he can join me for those activities. Nope, no, as a sane person, I stopped him even though I feel sympathy for him, a cheery boy. I want him to make some effort and tried to seduce his own girl by himself, not being pathetic having leftover. I did recommend some young widow as an easy target in this rural town. With less young man who opted for immigrating to big city, making those unfortunate women force to live as single mother if anything happens to their husbands.

The most possible target should be the widower from the next door. Her husband died in the car accident, well, using my car. I couldn't claim the insurance for the accident, knowing him driving without license. I didn't aware that until the tragic happened. That's why I getting laid with her, the widower neighbor as apologies (but I didn't asked or even care much of it) occasionally. She still young, married in her teen ages and still in early twenty when she lost her husband. I didn't married her because of my love for my deceased wife. She understands my reasons as we in casual relationships and just hoping that I could help her going through her life without husband. So, I hired her as my part time maid, cleaning my house and cooking for me and my grandson. Sometime, she did serve me in the bed, but not always. I'm quite loaded by the way, with my pensions and savings. I paid her well, even settle her bills and necessities cost. Luckily, her house is her own, not rented, due the heritage from her late husband.

Meeting her from time to time as she working as my house keeper, my grandson finally gather his courage to wow my neighbor, a mature beauty widow with two child, and finally he get laid. With a dogeza, he graduates and climb the adulthood stair. I didn't know that she feel sorry for my grandson or not, she finally accepted my grandson pleading. Well, he didn't get all good things as I couldn't help but to laugh at my ex-virgin and former wizard (the past 30 years old virgin) grandson when the widow woman which is his partner told me about the stories about their less than 1 minute night adventure. I given him some advice and wanted him to challenge her again. Well, my grandson doing his best learning over time and begging her for another rematch for god knows how many times. Sorry little brat, she always mention to me about my prowess in those occasion event rather than yours, my grandson. Try again, kid!

As those making love session became more and more, my grandson decided to marry her. The wedding held at the small church in the town, and only attended by the neighbours. His parents didn't attend, same as my others children families, making me feel bad for him. They busy with their own life and jobs, but they did send him a congratulatory gifts. He didn't feel sad at all, but happy that he will begin his own family like normal people.

A year later on, his wife given birth a baby for my grandson, but I'm not too sure if his or mine. I always used protection when I did it, but one day, after few days of the wedding event, she enter my room at late night suddenly with sexy attire and we did it plenty of rounds. My grandson is heavy sleeper and hard to wake up after fall asleep, especially after tired doing a round or two with his wife. I feel bad about, but she have high libidos and need hours of fun to satisfy. So, I only helped my grandson.

My married grandson open his small store, selling the computer stuff and some repair services, showing that his become more responsible as a husband. He still stay with me together with his new families, as his wife sold her house for funding his husband business. He managed to make the business success, although not much profits, but that count as good in this rural place. I really proud with him, doesn't ask any fund for his business from me, although he did use a part of my land to open his store. And also, the water and electric bills still on me, but I still proud with him. I'm happy for him because loving his step child as his owns.

Time flew fast, from days to months, month to years and we here now, me at my sick bed. My grandson who enjoy his PFP, already become a man and can perfectly live without me now. His step child and his son already enter the society, as working adult. His step child working in office, while his only son enter the army service, following his great grandfather (or father) step. His company become bigger as he become the main supplier for the computer hardware in this town. His wife still beauty in her forties, always care for me whenever her husband gone for work.

Although I said that, my grandson who now in his late fifties still believe that I, already past century of age, will live for long time. He always said that he will die before me as he always pictured me like an immortal cultivator old man in Wuxia novels, which also included in my reading list e-book. But, death will come after the life, and as a normal person, yes, my time will over eventually. I become too tired, after reminiscing the past, closing my eyes and fall asleep. In that deep sleep, I know that my eyes will not open ever again. The darkness peace in those closing eyelids leading me into the tunnel of light.

"Old man, are you asleep? Here your medicine, hurry up and eat it. I want to level up my character...." I heard my grandson voice, but I couldn't reply it. I feel the light beyond the tunnel become darker and darker as my consciousness fade away. Is this the end? In this morning, I should be healthy enough to stay alive as I have moment of fun with my granddaughter in-law. She using her mouth cleaning my lower part and I let her receive three shot of mine, one in her mouth and two more in lower mouth.

"Hey old man, wake up, don't joke around!" Hey grandson, I'm sorry for everything. Mostly about your wife, but I have to leave you now.....

"Shit, old man, don't joke around! I know you playing around with my wife this morning! You shouldn't die this easily!" What?! You know? Ah, I forget that his favorite hentai book genres is NTR. Ah, my idiot grandson. But still, how you know it?

"I even record those action with my spy cam that I installed in your room! From the day before I get laid with her at first time, I know she will seek for you, so planted those device at your room and upgraded it with newest spec every time!" F@ck, my grandson.....

"If you die, I will watch the video with my wife every time we do it!" Hey.... Even you blackmail me, I couldn't cheat the death you know?

"Don't you dare to die, old man. Old man, only you accept me for who I am, so don't die ....." My proud grandson, even you said it, I couldn't anything but to accept this. My wife gone too early, then your uncle, my first son, later on my daughter, your auntie and even your father died, my youngest child before me. I live too long, much longer than I should. I even manage to see my great-great grandchild being born to this world. I have enough of living.

"Old man...." The voice getting far and far.... I couldn't heard it any longer. You already old my grandson. I have no regret, but...

"..." The silence of darkness finally let me rest in peace.

Or not.....

Hi guys, this is my newest baby, and hoping you'll enjoyed it. Take care and see you again.

loliconistcreators' thoughts