
Talons of Fury: Reincarnated as a Bird of Prey

In a world where humans are absent and animals reign supreme, Alfonso Maradona finds himself in a surreal and strange world, trapped in the body of an adolescent Philippine eagle. However, Alfonso is not an ordinary bird, for he possesses a twisted charisma and cunning mind that allow him to quickly rise to the top of the food chain. Alfonso soon forms a diverse flock of elite and fierce warriors who share his thirst for adventure, battle, and the adrenaline rush of the wild. Bonded by comradery and a shared sense of purpose, they embark on a perilous journey as they let the winds lead them during the day and let the stars guide them during the night. With his unreadable smile and half-lidded eyes, Alfonso hides a deadly determination that makes him a force to be reckoned with. He is a true warrior and leader, guiding his flock through the blood and feathers of their battles. In this world where only the strongest survive, Alfonso Maradona stands tall as a symbol of power and glory that will be remembered for ages to come.

RascaMaradona · Action
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2 Chs

A Bond Forged in Blood

The sun began to peek through the trees, casting a warm and golden glow onto the forest floor. It was another day in the life of Alfonso, the former soldier turned Philippine eagle. He had been living in the forest for two weeks now, adapting to his new life as a bird of prey.

As he opened his eyes, he stretched his wings, feeling the muscles in his shoulders and back tense and release. He let out a sharp cry, announcing his presence to the forest.

Alfonso had spent the last few weeks hunting for his own food, stalking rabbits, rodents, and other smaller prey. He had become quite proficient at it, his sharp eyesight and lightning-fast reflexes allowing him to catch his prey with ease. But he knew that he needed to do more to survive in this wild and untamed world.

So he began to build up his physical strength, constantly performing aerial exercises and moving his wings. He practiced various aerobatic maneuvers like slow rolls, loops, spins, snap rolls, barrel rolls, and hammerhead stalls, honing his skills and becoming more agile and swift in the air.

He flew through the trees, twisting and turning, diving and soaring. It was exhilarating, the wind rushing past his feathers, the sun warming his back.

As he soared high above the treetops, he surveyed the vast expanse of the forest that lay before him. It had been 3 weeks since he had been reincarnated as a Philippine eagle, and he had spent every waking moment training himself to survive in this new world.

As he landed on a sturdy branch to rest, Alfonso surveyed his surroundings with a keen eye, he couldn't afford to let his guard down for even a moment.

He flexed his talons, feeling the razor-sharp points digging into the rough bark of the branch. Alfonso had been practicing his talon strikes relentlessly, perfecting the art of swooping down and snatching up his prey in one swift motion.

He had taken down rabbits, rodents, and other smaller prey with ease. But he knew that he had to do better.

He took off again, diving down towards the forest floor. He could see a small rodent scurrying along the ground, oblivious to the danger that lay ahead. Alfonso let out a fierce screech, alerting the prey to his presence.

The rodent tried to make a run for it, but Alfonso was too quick. He swooped down, striking the rodent with his talons and killing it instantly before hovering up again.

Satisfied with his kill, Alfonso returned to the safety of his branch. But he knew that he couldn't rest on his laurels.

Alfonso spent the rest of the day practicing his aerial maneuvers, swooping and gliding through the trees with the grace of a master. He practiced his evasive moves, darting out of the way of imaginary attackers, and honing his reflexes to perfection.

As the day drew to a close, Alfonso settled back onto his branch, exhausted but satisfied. He had pushed himself to his limits, he knew that he still had a long way to go as his adolescent Philippine eagle body still isn't fully grown yet. But he was determined to do whatever it took to survive and thrive in this wild and untamed forest.

As the day wore on, Alfonso continued to fly and hunt, always keeping an eye out for danger. But he also took the time to appreciate the beauty of the forest, the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves, the sound of the wind rustling through the trees.

And as he settled down for the night, perched high in a tree, he knew that he was becoming more and more adapted to his new life as a Philippine eagle.


Alfonso woke up early, as he had been doing for the past few weeks since he was reincarnated as a Philippine eagle. His daily routine had become his life, hunting for prey, training his body, and exploring the vast and untamed forest that surrounded him.

As he stretched his wings and looked out at the dense foliage below, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity. The forest had become his home, and he had grown used to the sounds of the wildlife that lived within it.

He spent the first few hours of the morning training, practicing his talon strikes and swooping down to catch his prey in one swift motion. He had become quite skilled at it, and his success rate had improved significantly since the first time he tried.

After his training, he set out to hunt, scanning the forest floor for any signs of movement. It didn't take long for him to spot a small rabbit, hopping around in the undergrowth.

He took off from his perch, his wings beating powerfully as he soared through the air, closing in on his prey. With a sudden burst of speed, he dove towards the rabbit, his talons extended. The rabbit didn't stand a chance, and within seconds, it was over as his talons puncture the rabbit's head, killing it instantly as he soars up to the sky and lands on a thick tree branch.

Alfonso ate his fill and then took to the skies, soaring high above the canopy of trees. He felt the wind rushing past his feathers and the sun warming his back. It was exhilarating.

He landed on a tree branch, taking a moment to rest and survey his surroundings. As he looked out at the vast expanse of forest, he couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. He had mastered his skills, and the routine had become mundane. He craved something more, something that would challenge him and push him to his limits.

The thought of danger and excitement thrilled him, and he knew that he needed to find a way to satisfy this craving. He would have to explore farther and take on more challenging prey or maybe even seek out other birds of prey.

As he launched himself back into the air, he made a promise to himself to seek out more thrilling and dangerous experiences. He was no longer content with simply surviving, but he wanted to thrive and conquer this wild and untamed world.


Alfonso was casually flying around below the tree tops, scanning the forest floor for any signs of prey. Suddenly, he heard a faint but distinct swish above the tree tops.

It grew louder and louder until he saw a flash of greyish-black streak past above him. Alfonso's sharp senses and continuous hunting had allowed him to spot the creature with clarity, despite its incredible speed.

He narrowed his eyes as he watched the creature disappear into the distance, leaving behind only a faint trail of dust. Alfonso's curiosity was piqued.

He banked sharply to the right and soared upward, gaining altitude as he follows the unknown bird. Alfonso knew that something was out there. Something dangerous, and potentially exciting. He felt a thrill of anticipation course through him.


Alfonso's heart raced with excitement as he continued to follow the unknown bird. He couldn't believe his luck in encountering such a formidable creature. The wind rushed past his feathers as he flew faster and closer to the other bird.

As he let out a sharp and fierce screech, the unknown bird suddenly turned towards him. Alfonso's eyes widened as he saw that it was a large Harpy eagle, with its piercing gaze fixed upon him.

The Harpy eagle was massive, with a wide wingspan, and its eyes were abyss black, with an intense stare that seemed to bore into Alfonso.

Alfonso could see the feint scars across the Harpy eagle's body, proof of the many battles it had endured. He also noticed a large scar on the eagle's beak, evidence of a fierce fight that had almost cost the eagle's life.

The two birds continued to stare at each other, both sizing each other up. Alfonso felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of a potential fight. He knew that the Harpy eagle was a formidable opponent, but he didn't fear it. Instead, he relished the idea of testing his skills against such a powerful adversary.

For a moment, the two birds simply hovered in mid-air as they circle each other, neither making a move. Alfonso could feel the tension building, the excitement of the impending battle almost palpable.

As Alfonso and Barlow circled each other in the air, Barlow spoke up.

"Greetings, stranger, my name is Barlow. What brings you to my territory?" Barlow's voice was deep and stoic, but there was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Alfonso let out a sharp laugh. "Just exploring, my friend. This forest is full of surprises, and I couldn't resist the urge to see what's out here."

Barlow tilted his head, studying Alfonso closely. "You seem different from the other eagles I've encountered. You have a certain... confidence about you."

Alfonso smirked, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Confidence? More like a hunger for battle and adventure. I'm always on the lookout for a good fight."

Barlow's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't seem intimidated. "And what makes you think that I'm someone that you'd want to fight?"

Alfonso's wings beat harder as he circled around Barlow, getting closer to him. "Oh, I can tell by the scars on your body and that look in your eyes that you're someone who's been in their fair share of battles. And I can sense the same thirst for adventure and danger in you that I have."

Barlow's gaze hardened. "You may be right about that, but I'm not one to engage in battles just for the sake of it. I only fight when it's necessary."

Alfonso chuckled. "Necessary? Who needs a reason to fight? It's exhilarating, it's thrilling, it's what keeps us alive."

Barlow's eyes flickered with something akin to excitement. "I can't deny that there's a certain rush that comes with battling a worthy opponent. But we're not enemies, at least not yet. So what do you propose we do?"

Alfonso grinned, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Let's put our skills to the test. We'll spar, but only to a point. No one dies. Just a little taste of what we're capable of."

Barlow considered Alfonso's proposal for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Let's see what you're made of, stranger."

As they flew towards each other, Alfonso felt a thrill of excitement coursing through him. This was what he lived for - the rush of battle, the thrill of danger, the excitement of adventure.


Alfonso and Barlow circled each other in the sky, both eagles sizing up their opponent. Alfonso let out a sharp, fierce screech and Barlow responded with a loud caw, signaling the start of the battle.

The two birds clashed in mid-air, their talons locked together as they attempted to overpower each other. Feathers flew everywhere as they tore into each other, their sharp beaks and talons ripping at each other's flesh.

Their aerial maneuvers were breathtakingly beautiful yet brutal, with feathers flying everywhere and blood starting to be drawn.

Each time one of them made contact with the other, they let out a piercing cry, showcasing the sheer intensity of the fight. "You're strong," Alfonso said, his voice almost casual amidst the chaos. "But you're ain't strong enough."

Barlow responded with a fierce screech, showing no signs of backing down. They continued to fight, both of them taking hits and inflicting damage.

Alfonso's wings beat furiously as he dodged Barlow's strikes, quickly retaliating with his own attacks. He could feel the bloodlust coursing through his veins, the thrill of battle fueling his every move.

The two continued to trade blows, each one more brutal than the last. Alfonso could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he fought, his mind solely focused on the battle at hand.

"Your fighting style is impressive," Barlow said through gritted teeth as they broke apart for a moment. "But I won't go down so easily."

Alfonso chuckled darkly, a twisted smile crossing his beak. "That's what makes it fun," he replied before lunging forward, aiming for Barlow's neck.

Barlow managed to dodge at the last second, but not before Alfonso's talons grazed his feathers. Blood dripped from the wound, and Barlow let out a loud cry of pain.

The battle continued, each eagle trying to gain the upper hand. They swooped and dived, their wings making a loud whooshing sound as they moved.

In a split second, Alfonso saw his opening. He lunged forward and grabbed Barlow by the talons, propelling them both downwards. They hit the ground with a loud thud, Barlow landing on his back with Alfonso on top of him.

Alfonso grinned down at Barlow, his talons poised at his neck. "Looks like I win," he said in a low, menacing voice.

Barlow struggled beneath him, but he knew it was futile. "Do it," he said, his voice resigned. "Finish me off."

Alfonso's beak curled into a smile. "Oh, I could easily do that, my friend," he said in his smooth, charismatic voice. "But where's the fun in that?"

Barlow's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alfonso lowered himself a little, his talons still at Barlow's neck. "I mean that you and I are cut from the same cloth, Harpy. We crave the same things. The thrill of the hunt, the danger of the unknown. I can see it in your eyes." Barlow looked away, unsure of what to say.

Alfonso continued, his voice low and persuasive. "Imagine a life without boundaries, without constraints. A life where we let the wind take us and the stars guide us. A life where we experience things that others can only dream of. We could be unstoppable."

Barlow's expression was skeptical. "And why would I want to join you?" he asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

Alfonso chuckled. "Why wouldn't you?" he said, his voice oozing with confidence. "Think about it, Barlow. You're a creature of adventure, just like me. You yearn for danger, for the unknown. And with me, you'll get that and more. You'll never be bored, I guarantee it. We'll let the wind take us where it will, and the stars will guide us. We'll be free, Barlow. Free to do whatever we want, whenever we want."

Barlow's eyes narrowed as he considered Alfonso's words. "And what about the others?" he asked, gesturing to the rest of the forest around them. "What about our homes, our territories?"

Alfonso waved a talon dismissively. "Oh, forget about them," he said. "We'll make our own territory. We'll be the masters of our own fate. We'll be the ones in charge."

Barlow looked at Alfonso for a long moment, his eyes searching for any sign of deception. But all he saw was the glint of excitement in Alfonso's eyes, the fierce, calculating gaze that promised adventure and danger.

Finally, he sighed. "Alright," he said, his voice resigned. "I'll join you."

Alfonso's talons slowly retracted from Barlow's neck as he smiled and said, "That's what I like to hear."

Barlow remained stoic, but Alfonso could see the slight hint of confusion in his eyes. After all, it wasn't every day that someone who tried to kill you just moments ago was now acting like nothing happened.

"So, where to now?" Barlow asked, still a little confused as to the events that transpired and how quickly it had progressed to... this.

Alfonso shrugged nonchalantly. "Wherever the wind takes us, my friend. We'll explore new lands, hunt new prey, and experience things that most eagles can only dream of. And of course, we'll have each other's backs."

Barlow nodded thoughtfully. "I've always yearned for adventure and danger, but I never thought I'd find it in the company of an eagle like you. As I've said earlier, you're not like any bird I've ever met before."

Alfonso grinned again, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Trust me, you won't regret joining me. We'll have the time of our lives."

The two birds chatted amicably as they took to the sky, soaring high above the trees and hills. They talked about their past experiences, their favorite prey, and the things that they liked to do.

Despite their initial animosity towards each other, they found that they had a lot in common and quickly became fast friends.

As they flew, Alfonso couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. He had always loved the thrill of the hunt and the rush of danger, but now he had another to share it with.

The two birds continued to converse casually as if they hadn't just tried to kill each other. Alfonso talked about the adventures he's had and the thrills he's experienced. Barlow listened intently, intrigued by Alfonso's charisma and love for danger.

The two birds flew on, exploring the vast expanse of the sky as the sun began to set. The world below them grew dark as they continued to soar higher and higher, the stars becoming brighter with each passing moment.




(Alfonso Image)

(Barlow Image)