
Ghost of the Past (Narrated by Benjamin Kane)

The baseball bat was in the air once more, before I eventually felt its texture on my skin. Again. And again. I screamed in pain, but it was never enough to soothe their hatred.

"Sorcerer!!" One of them yelled. He hissed when he tried to abuse the small body that was shivering in my embrace.

"I'm no sorcerer!!" My brother cried out. He was shivering again, his fingers clutching my shirt harder than before.

The bat struck again, and again, and again. I had lost count on how many times its rough and hard texture abused my skin. I could feel that blood had been dripping from some of the wounds, but that would be less of my concern. I was desperate and could only leave myself to the fate, as I tried to calm my hysterical and frightened brother.

"It's alright... It'll be over soon..., just calm down..."

"Brother... Brother!!!" He yelped even louder, as darkness overwhelmed my vision.



I gasped, awoke. Jun's dark-hazel eyes came to my sight once I opened my own. I sat up straightaway and rubbed my face, only to found sweats had dampened it, as well as on my scarred body.

"Are you alright?" Jun stretched her hands, passing me a soft towel.

I took the towel and wiped my face with it.

"You were dreaming about your brother again?" She asked worriedly. She seated herself on the end of the bed, facing me. Her round chin rested on top of her bent knees, which she pulled closer to her chest. Under the screen of her saddle-brown dyed fringes, I knew her almond eyes were watching me closely. Her thin lips sighed heavily, knowing very well the answer of her own question.

"I still couldn't put a face on him, Jun. I don't remember! I only remember that he's my baby brother..., but I can't remember his face... What kind of brother am I, to forget my own brother's face...?"

Jun shifted and approached me. She reached my naked shoulders, squeezing them for encouragement with her small, yet warm palms.

"You'll remember one day, as long as you are not forgetting him."

I let out a forced smile. Would it be possible? After so many years, would I remember a brother that I had no memory about his face or name? The only thing I could remember was those people wanted to kill him because they thought he was a sorcerer.

However, I didn't want my best friend slash cousin to be worried about me furthermore.

"You're right. As long as I don't forget, I certainly could find him among those sorcerers."

A shed of worry flashed once more on that petite, androgyny girl. "Are you sure it's the only way, Ben?"

I nodded. "Besides, I would have no right to say no to my father, won't I?"

My best friend sighed once more, mixed of worries and disapproval.

"You should've just say no to him, Ben. Don't worry about Geo and me... I hate to see them using us as leverage to get under your skin."

I reached to her and pulled her in my arms. My fingers caressed her short soft brown hair.

"They're not, Jun. Now, don't you worry about me anymore. You should stop taking care of me or your boyfriend will be jealous, you know? What should I do if he attacked me with his guardian spirit?"

Jun's white cheeks flushed. She pulled herself from my embrace and started ranting about her new boyfriend, Han Long. She told me before that the man was of Shaman descend. I learned that Shaman was a kind of power user that possessed the ability to summon a guardian spirit to be their protector and source of power. They were prestigious members in some societies since they could serve as wise counsellor, sanctified priest and miraculous healer in their respective community. Their kind was even more secretive than the sorcerer's, and no one could tell for sure the approximate number of their population. Jun had introduced me to her boyfriend, who was clearly dislike me. He was of Asian descend and remarkably tall, almost as tall as me in my 196cm height. That guy was muscular too, making his and Jun's appearance a striking contrast to each other. My cousin was never grown more than 165cm and she had always been skinny ever since she was little. I did suspect that 'that' was what attracted the shaman to her. Despite her boyish nature, Jun's petite body did make her look fragile and would arouse any protective instinct from any decent alpha male.

I always loved to listen to Jun talking. It was something interesting to see too. She'd talk with all her body, so animated, lively, and sweet. However, I suddenly noticed my bodyguard walking approached in front of my room. I gave signal for Jun to stop talking and ask her to leave. I did not want her to be around when I talk business. Not that I didn't trust her with secrets, but I wanted to spare her from the knowledge of my kind of business. Jun noticed the signal and walked away after throwing several more worry glances to me. I smiled to assure her.

Shortly after Jun had left the room, my door was opened again by Ste, my bodyguard. He was the bodyguard that my father had chosen for me. He was twenty-three years old, three years younger than me. He had medium-height, but very muscular, the result of his lifetime training. The tattoo of magical patterns decorated his uncovered arms, as one of the identifications of what he really was. Sorcerers always tattooed their strongest spells on their body, mostly on their arms and back. Since it could signify their identity, they would use veil spell to make the tattoos invisible for layman's eyes. However, in front of other power user, they seemed feel no necessity to take such measure.

Ste was a Master Alchemist and a genius one. Alchemist was the type of sorcerer that mastered alchemy to forge any magical weapons or devices. Therefore, each of them had their own spirit fire, with yellow, red, pink, purple and light blue in order, from the weakest to the strongest, respectively. A Master Alchemist would be able to employ this spirit fire as their power and to forge their spirit sword to be used in battle. However, the most a Master Alchemist could wield was two spirit swords. Even that, only a handful of Master Alchemist had such talent and power. Ste, on the other hand, was able to wield three spirit swords, which each he sheathed inside three blue orbs planted on the back of his hands and on his chest, separately.

Upon entering the room, Ste was observing me with his pair of deep-set, honey-coloured eyes, the same colour as his crew-cut hair.

"You've woke up," he said. His face was as indifferent as ever. He offered me my black leather jacket and black tops. I took them and wore them swiftly.

"Any news?" I asked, struggling to tie my combat black boots. Deftly, Ste squatted in front of me and helped me to wear them faster.

"Several Orders in The Hegemony had signed the pact to wipe off the Balins with Law's daughter. The leader of The Hegemony, Cody McAllen himself, along with his right hand, the Vsevolod Order's warlock had joined the EOPID for the war against Balin."

I felt the corner of my lips tucked up upon hearing the news. "That was certainly quite the effort from Alpha Law's daughter to be able to convince those egoistic sorcerers to sign the pact. She's good, but the situation was exactly like what father had predicted, so no need for us to be alarmed. Anyway, what about that girl?"

Ste's face turned dark.

"You still can't track her?"

Ste bowed even lower, his face grew darker. "We would certainly found her. I hope young master could grant us more time."

I sighed. It wasn't me that I was worried about. Such failure could send Ste and the others under father's wrath. "Well, I can't entirely blame you. She got a powerful schemer and the young mistress of the Markelli coven to protect her. Just make sure you have, at the very least, tracked her down before father returns."

Ste bowed once more.

"Now, let's go to Fridericht's castle and see what he's going to do next with the help of Wisdom Orb. Open the portal!"

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