
Chapter 8

she returned to the camp with a confident stride. Three men were all staring at her as she approached. Giving them a nod, she moved to the campfire and sat down. she didn't give any impression of what she had been doing with one of their party mates just a half hour before. They also seemed to have their eyes locked on her, rather than their friend. This was good because while she wore a straight face, he had his head down and was blushing considerably. If they had noticed him slinking around behind them, they'd have immediately figured out something was up.

"Beautiful…" one of the guys muttered under his breath before catching himself and coughing. "Uh, what I mean is you cleaned up well!"

The man seemed to be flustered, His words seemed to echo in all three of their faces and they all turned their heads away awkwardly, realizing they had been staring at her. Thanks to her Mental Fortitude, she felt absolutely no shyness at their looks. she could have been sitting there naked and she was not sure if their looks would have embarrassed her. she'd have to be careful of this sudden confidence she had; it could get her in trouble.

"Is that so…"

she tried to give a nondescript answer, making an attempt to look embarrassed. In reality, she was wondering how much her beautification skill was working. she'd only used it on the goblins, so she couldn't say she really knew the effect it had on others. They all looked at her with bright eyes, filled with lust and desire. Stuck in the woods, surrounded by four strange men, all looking at her with lust. If it was the former her, she'd been terrified. The current her only started to get excited once again.

As a result, she started watching the men in return. As they feasted on her body with their eyes, she measured them as well.

{Name: Unknown

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Level: 22

Age: 27}

{Name: Unknown

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Level: 21

Age: 30}

{Examine has increased to LVL 2.}

{Name: Ricardo

Race: Human

Class: Berserker

Sex: Male

Level: 28

Age: 36}

The sudden rise in the level of Examine caught her off guard. Now she could determine names at a glance? That almost seemed like cheating. Being able to determine class was also important. she wish she knew what other classes entitled. However, knowing that other people had classes too was important. Maybe Seductress wasn't that unique in this world. For some reason, she didn't think that was the case, though.

she glanced at the other two men with Examine again. With the exception of the boy she had already had, all three of these men were older, higher leveled, and considerably more muscular. The boy she had already fucked was named Damus. His class was apparently an adventurer. The 27-year old's name was Darius. He had long, curly blond hair which she kind of wanted to run her hands through. He was a warrior. The 30-year-old was named Marvis, and he was also a warrior. He was the big, hairy man she had already seen in all his glory. Ricardo was the one she hadn't seen before. He was tall, with thick arms that only served to make Damus look even more pathetic in comparison. He had a very large ax strapped to his back and a nice well-kempt beard on his front. All three of them wore armor pieces except Damus.

"So, miss, if you don't mind me asking, how did you and the other girls end up with the goblins," Darius spoke first.

"Ah, yes…" she turned to look at the two girls she had spent the last month with.

{Name: Min, Race: Elf, Sex: Female, Level: 10, Class: Archer, Age: 72}

{Name: Shay, Race: Human, Sex: Female, Level: 4, Class: Villager,Age: 22, Status: Pregnant}

she fought the shock that shot through her heart. The girl she had laid with was an elf? Now that it was mentioned, she had never seen her ears, they were always covered by messy hair. On top of that, the cave was always dark and we typically kept our heads down. So her first time with a woman wasn't even a human? On top of that, 72? she slept with an old lady! Yet, her body looked as young and youthful as hers. she tried to remember everything she could about the fantasy genres.

There were two kinds of elf in a fantasy. The short, fairy-like kind who could use magic, and the tall warrior kind. Her small stature made her think she might be the first kind, but she was also an archer and a much higher level than herself or Shay. Still, she was less than the 19-year-old Damus. What had she been doing for 72 years? Or was it harder for elves to level? There were just too many questions.

she focused on worrying about Min because what she saw in Shay's stats was a little unnerving. She was pregnant. That either meant she was going to pop our goblins, or that a poor pregnant woman had to go through that while protecting her growing fetus. Either thought was a little too horrifying for her mind to process now. Even if these were goblin babies, she should survive, right?

she realized that the men had been waiting for her to answer while she was pondering all these facts. Any story she made up using the girl's identities would be destroyed the instant the two girls woke up. Therefore, she decided to speak the truth instead. Or at least, as close to the truth as she was willing to get.

"I... um… was walking through the forest and was captured by a party of them. These girls were already there. They had been there a lot longer than me. I don't know how long."

Darius nodded. "By the looks of it, you had just gotten there. Women don't last much longer than a month or two in those camps."

So they assumed she had just made it there? she guessed the fact she was already up and cleaned probably suggested to them that her experience couldn't have been that bad. While it's true her experience wasn't bad, per say, she thought she was there for almost a month. However, the other girls looked to be about a month too. They were probably captured a few days before her. The one who died might have been caught before that.

Marvis spoke up, interrupting her thoughts, "Regrettably, we don't have a healer in this party. We'll have to get you back to town before your wounds can be healed. Mind healers are expensive, but…"

"But nothing… we've already saved their lives, I'm not going to give them our reward money." Ricardo snapped.

Marvis blushed and lowered his head. "Still, that kind of experience is mind-breaking. If you need the money, it can come out of my share."

At that moment, she decided she was going to fuck Marvis. Admittedly, Darius's chiseled chin and long blond hair were much closer to her strike zone. Marvis was hairy, brutish, oversized, and smaller where it counts than the 19-year-old Damus. However, he also cared, so she decided that was worth a special thank you.

she continued to talk to the men as the sun rose. They made breakfast, which turned out to be some kind of roasted meat. she didn't ask what kind. she ate whatever slop the goblins tossed at her for the last month, she was way beyond caring about what went down her throat. It certainly tasted leagues better than what she had eaten before, so it was a feast.

It turned out that she had been unconscious for the last 24 hours. The other girls were still awake when they rescued us, but passed out shortly after they made it outside. They had all been unconscious since then. she had the men help her carry the girls to the hot spring, then sent them on their way. she made sure both girls were thoroughly cleaned. No, she wasn't not particularly inclined towards women. This was purely to get them cleaned up and smelling a little better when they woke. Cleaning out gobs of dried goblin jizz from a girl's unwashed snatch was hardly what she considered fun.

With the exception of a few murmurs, both women remained unconscious. she did check and found Min to have pointy ears, which caused the fangirl in her to squeal a little bit. she wasn't a LOTR nut like a few of her exes, but it was still exciting to see an actual elf. She had a very modest chest and very smooth skin. She didn't have much hair on her body at all like she had been through a whole body shave everywhere but her head and a small patch above her groin.

It made her even more self-conscious of her own hairiness when the two of them had been together, even though she had already used a knife that Damus had given her to shave the best she could.

Sorry, I gave you such a crappy experience.

It was a strange feeling for her. she guessed she could call it her pride as a Seductress. However, she realized how ridiculous she was being and decided to give it no more thoughts. It turned out that Damus only had the one pair of extra clothing he had given to her. Now that she wore it, he didn't even have a change of clothes. As a result, she put the other girls back into the oversized shirts and pants, which turned out to be Marvis' clothing. Once again, Marvis' behavior affirmed that she was going to be giving him a very good time in the near future.

Since the girls didn't look like they were getting up any time soon, Marvis ended up carrying one of them while Darius carried the other. Ricardo wanted to wake them up and force them to walk to the nearest town, but Marvis insisted that they needed to wake up once they had rested. Despite Ricardo clearly being strong enough, he refused to carry anyone. Darius ended up reluctantly carrying Min, declaring that "elves were lighter".

As they walked through the forest, they were finally able to start answering some of her questions. They were in the country of Nidia. It was a monarchy under King Hyburn. They were located in the Bironian forest and were currently traveling towards Marxville, which was a ten-day journey west through the forest. The technology of this world seemed to be somewhere around 12th-century earth, but with the inclusion of magic. Magic was rare, although a lot more present in nobility. Any peasantry that could use magic was snatched up by a nearby local lord to help them sustain their power.

Monsters existed, obviously, and the answer to that seemed to be some mumbo-jumbo about magic. There were also non-monster animals, the difference being the addition of magic. Not all monsters were aggressive, but typically, the more magic, the more aggressive a monster. This forest was considered a lower magic zone, so it had fairly weak monsters. The closer someone made it to the forest core, the stronger the monster would get. Goblins were usually from level 8-15. she wondered about the level of her goblin lover. Did his bigger size mean he was a greater level?

It turned out that once monsters gained a certain level, they'd evolve into stronger monsters, restarting at level 1. As Darius explained it, humans do something similar. Once their class reaches a certain level, they can switch to a new, more powerful class. Adventurers were the base class for warriors, fighters, and the like. Therefore, Damus was actually quite a lot of levels below the others. It also explained how Min was only level 10. How much stronger was an archer class versus an adventurer class? What about her? What would she evolve into?

she asked Darius, who was giving her flirtatious looks while they talked, about the seductress class. Sorry, Darius, you'll have to wait until after Marvis has his fill. He thought it was a form of flirting back and laughed. He'd never heard of Seductress, but he suggested it might be a third tier class after Prostitute. she knew this wasn't true since she was a tier 1. Every evolution was called a tier, she guess. A 1st tier would usually be an adventurer, a villager, or something simple. A 2nd tier would be more specific. A 3rd tier was considered rare, for the high nobility, leaders, heroes, and devastating monsters.

"Is there a 4th tier?" she asked.

Darius laughed, reaching a handout and touching her shoulder unnecessarily. "Only heroes and demon kings reach that level, sweetie."

she didn't stop Darius from touching her, even though it did bother her a little. she knew it was a common practice for guys like Darius, i.e. players. You keep giving a girl touches, seemingly innocuous. It's conditioning. The more you touch, the more used to your touch the other party becomes. Then, when you move to inappropriate touching, the second party is less wary and more receptive to it. she'd need to get around to Marvis soon because if she didn't satiate Darius soon, she might cause some trouble.

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