
Chapter 2

Now, she don't want to give you the impression that she's just some kind of slut. Don't get her wrong, she loves sex. she lost her virginity to a boy at seventeen on prom night. He turned around and had sex with her best friend a week later. So, she turned around and had sex with all of his friends. she never looked back. It didn't hurt that she found out that same year that she was infertile thanks to an infection she had when she was six, and thus she would never be able to have children.

she'd gone from stumbling around with the zipper in the back of a guy's truck to dorm rooms to frat parties and more. she've had sex every way she know how. Yes, even in there, and yes, it hurt and no she's not jumping to do it again. In the last two years since her virginity went bye-bye, she've had a dozen sexual partners. That's only one every two months, hardly the acts of a nymphomaniac.

It's just that a lot of her relationships didn't work. The first 3-4 she tried to make work, but the guys would always either cheat or dump her for another girl. Then she started getting a reputation for being easy. she supposed it was her fault for putting out on the first date. she always figured if they knew they'd be getting sex, they'd be more comfortable in the relationship.

After those failures, she started to get a little jaded. she decided that if guys were just going to be selfish, then she'd just be selfish too. So, she had sex with whom ever she wanted and when she wanted. she liked being the gatekeeper. To be in control of a guy's sexual lust. she was only in college, after all, the only age where it was appropriate to be an idiot with your sexual behavior. How was she supposed to know it'd get her killed?

Although, "death" isn't exactly the right word. she woke up in a field, surrounded by a forest. she remembered that bitch pushing her down the stairs, the world going white, and then… she was in this field. she stood up, surprised that her head wasn't throbbing. she looked down to see that she was still wearing what she had been wearing before. A pair of slacks, a nice button up satin shirt without sleeves, and two sneakers with only a slight heel.

There seemed to be a sound coming in the distance. she turned towards the side of the clearing she judged as the source of that noise. It sounded like drums. Furthermore, those drums seemed to be coming in her direction. Since she didn't know what was going on, she figured she had no choice but to wait. she casually leaned over and picked up a stone and tossed it.

{Throwing has increased to level 1. }

"What?" she stepped back.

The words just appeared in front of her eyes. What the heck is going on here? Levels? Levels like in a video game? she was not unfamiliar with role-playing games. she certainly had her hand in more than a few. she had dated a few gamer boyfriends and she had taken to it. Liking video games was actually a turn on to a lot of college fratboys, although that wasn't the reason she did it. she liked the idea of putting a number to her abilities. she certainly would progressed farther in life if she could increase things like her strength or intelligence to a number which she could confidently see increase with a little bit of work.

However, she didn't have much more time to dwell on these thoughts, because a moment later several bodies burst from the clearing, the muffled drumming coming into full volume.

When her eyes focused on what she was seeing, her body froze. They were people. Well, they were sort of people. They were abnormally short. At least, no one was taller than a short-statured woman. They had long pointy ears and their lips… well… they had no lips. Their skin was gray, their eyes were big, and they were all staring right at her.

she turned and ran. It seemed like the smart thing to do.

{Fleeing has increased to level 1.}

she ignored the obnoxious words trying to float in front of her and kept running onward. The drums picked up a beat. They were beating faster than before, she could tell that whatever was chasing her intended to catch her.

she slipped, the sneakers she wore were not exactly the sporty kind, after all. As she tried to orientate herself, a second later a large form slammed into her, knocking her back to the ground. Her head hit the ground with a little bit of force. It wasn't the worst fall she'd ever taken, but it wasn't pleasant either.

{Concussion Resistance has increased to level 1.}

{Pain Resistance has increased to level 1.}

The creature was on top of her as she struggled to get out from under him. A moment later she heard clothing tearing, and it took her a second to realize it was her own. He had ripped her shirt open and was now aggressively fondling her breast. she gave the creature a kick and then began scooting away back. He managed to grab onto her pants, and as she forced her way to freedom, her pants were lost and her underwear made it to her ankles.

The way the creature's eyes lit up when he saw her naked body caused her skin to crawl. Free from his grip, she stood up and began running again, this time bare-assed. Unfortunately, she didn't make it two steps before another body slammed into her. she was pinned down, and this time there were three of them holding her.

One was holding down her right arm, one was holding down her left arm. The third got between her legs and spread them roughly. she had never been raped before, after all, it's pretty hard to **** the willing. Even a few guys who went at her when she wasn't in the mood or a bit drunk, she usually got into the mood quickly and was satisfied enough with the encounter that she could avoid the technicalities on how much consent she had actually provided.

However, this was ****, anyway you see it. she let out a shout as he pulled out his dick. It was a bulbous little knob, the tip rounded to the point where you couldn't even see the head. Tears were flowing out of her eyes. she was screaming. No one heard her as he slid it into her and began thrusting away.

A sharp pain shot through her mind. The reality of the situation cut into her brain. If there was an edge to what someone could take, she reached it. At that point, it felt like her mind would break. That'd she'd lose her sanity, her will to live, and her soul. It was at that point, sitting at the edge, that something snapped inside of her. It wasn't necessarily the right thoughts. It wasn't a form of enlightenment, a great new trick, or a conclusion she'd expect anyone else to reach.

It was a declaration. It started in her shattered brain, shot through her head, and exploded within her soul. she wouldn't be raped. This wasn't **** because she decided it wasn't ****. Her sex was her own. When she fucked, she'd fuck because she'd enjoy it, or because she wanted to try it, or because she wanted the experience.

That's right, sex was an experience. Even sex with this creature. He wasn't fucking her. she was fucking him. He just didn't realize it yet. He's a creature with a penis she'd never seen before. He looks human enough, and she wanted to see what it was like to fuck him. Was it crazy? Yes. Was she crazy? Probably… but at that moment, and that second, and at that time, she decided all on her own. Sex is hers to command.

{Seductress Class Unlocked: You have leveled to Seductress LVL 1!}

{All Skills Unlocked On Class Up!}

{Sexual Experience: You can gain experience through sexual intercourse. New partners provide an experience bonus.

Mental Fortitude: Large Increase in mental resistance to sexually embarrassing, debasing, and degrading events.

Pheromone: Releases a pheromone that can attract monsters and the opposite sex. Sexual stimulation increases during this period. Duration and strength dependent on level.}

{Mental Resistance has increased to level 10.}

{Charisma has increased to level 10.}

{Position Unlocked: Missionary}

The words flew across her vision, but she more or less ignored them. As vitality and energy flowed into her, she began to move her hips. she was timing it perfectly to coincide with the thrusts of the creature in front of her. Suddenly, his strange and monstrous appearance no longer bothered her. she don't know if it was the effect of her own declaration, or perhaps this "mental fortitude", whatever that was. All that mattered to her was that he had a cock, and she wanted it.

The words that had been flashing in her eyes had an effect. They were definitely words from a video game. she was certain of it now. she dated plenty of guys in high school. she had her fair share of experiences with guys obsessed with MMOs. she've done a few overnighters herself with custom characters. Thus she knew what she was seeing. This all sounded fantastical, but if this was a video game, then the monster inside her could only be described with one word, a goblin.

Rather than repulsing her, it only made her more excited. I mean, how many people could say they've fucked an actual goblin? On top of that, whatever just happened seemed to crank up her libido to eleven. His dick was small, but it felt wonderful. It was like her body was that much more sensitive. Her nipples that were being fondled by the two goblins to either side of her became hard in an instant. she started to make pleasurable moaning sounds, and her body started to squirm and twist in pleasure.

Her newfound enthusiasm seemed to catch the new goblin fuck buddy off guard. He wore a surprised and mildly confused look on his face. It actually made him look kind of cute. The goblins at either side also seemed to be confused, and for a moment they let up their guard. At that moment, she broke free of their grasps. The goblin inside of her panicked, trying to reach for the sword he had tossed to his side during his moment of lust.

However, he didn't have to worry. she wasn't going anywhere. she wasn't done yet. she shoved him to the ground, not letting his dick go anywhere. A moment later she was riding him, her body jumping up and down on his cock. She felt wonderful. He was the size of a twelve-year-old boy, giving her a kind of taboo feeling to it. Not that she'd be interested in that kind of thing, but at the moment, every sight and every smell added to the feelings of lust growing inside of her.

{Position Unlocked: Cowgirl}

{Pheromone skill activated.}

she didn't really know what that meant, but a moment later the two goblins that had been holding her now had their little knob penises out and were stroking them with a fever. Meanwhile, the monster under her had his eyes rolled up as she rode him for all he was worth. He was haggardly panting like it was the hardest workout he had ever received.

{Stamina Depleted!}

she kept bouncing on him. she wanted more. she wanted it harder. she wanted to fuck. He came and she could feel hot spooge filling her up. That wasn't enough, she wanted more. she wanted more!

she was about to grab one of the other goblins, then her body started feeling woozy.

{Stamina Depleted!}

No! she's not done yet. she pushed her hand up against his knob, trying to keep him hard, trying to keep him in her. Her vision started to go. she's not…she could not remember. she finally fell off, his knob popping out of her and immediately making her feel like she was missing something. However, her mind drifted into a fitful sleep as the words "Stamina Depleted!" flashed in her head.

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