
Chapter 12

She glanced at her status as she made her way back in the direction of the camp. she had to know if Min was alright. At the very least, the pheromones would have worn off. If she was lucky, Ricardo would be dead and she could take all the remaining supplies.

{Name: Aria

Class: Seductress

Titles: Gang Banger (selected), Lesbian Lover, Solo Player

Level: 7

Statistics: Strength 12, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 11, Endurance 18, Agility 11, Charisma 20

Resistance: Carnal 1, Concussion 1, Damage 13, Disease 1, Fear 1, Mental 14, Pain 6, Panic 1, Poison 1

Standard Skills: Blowjob 3, Conceal 2, Cunnilingus 1, Deepthroat 2, Examine 2, Flee 1, Hand Job 1, Masturbation 1, Seduce 1, Sneak 1, Throwing 1, Vaginal Intercourse 3

Special Skills: Beautification, Lover's Breath, Mental Fortitude, Pheromone, Rock a Bye, Seduction, Sexual Experience, Sexual Saint, STD Immunity

Status Effects: Infertile, 50% Experience when Using More Than One Hole During Sex}

She seemed to have come a long way since she came to this world. It's a shame almost none of these abilities would help her in the slightest outside of a bedroom. Inside the bedroom, however, she was a fucking goddess. Maybe she shouldn't be getting excited by a bunch of level 1 and level 2 skills. Even if the max level was 10, that was still failing miserably.

There was one oddity she was starting to notice. she gained only 1 point per level. So why were endurance, charisma, and strength larger? Unlike the other skills, she received no notice for stat increases, why was that? She could guess. Perhaps stats increased based on use just like skills. That meant she had been using the hell out of charisma, a little bit in endurance, and strength, and nothing in the other areas. she guessed sex was technically a human interaction, and she had a ton of that, so is that why her charisma is so high? What will high charisma get her? She wouldn't know until she spent more time with other people.

It did not take particularly long to return to the camp. It really wasn't very far from the spider's den. To think that they were choosing to rest that close to a monster was a little surprising. How many other monsters did they pass on their way through the woods?

Min was not at the campsite. she also found no trace of Shay or Darius's body either. Damus, Marvis, and Ricardo were absent as well. However, someone survived. Most the packs were gone. The only one remaining was Darius's.

He had no additional outfits to wear. There was a canteen that allowed her to drink and wash herself a little. she was still covered in dirt and blood, but with the help of water, her face had become slightly more smudged now. The pack had some hard bread, which she also ate graciously. It also contained a belt, scabbard, and a knife, which she tied around her. The few strips of cloth that managed to partially keep her pants up had a little bit more support.

With the exception of a few toiletries, it was otherwise completely empty. she tossed it on her back anyway and continued walking in the direction that she thought they had been moving before. she should be a day or two out of some kind of village. It was close enough that she shouldn't starve to death before making it. Not that she had any money to use once she got there. Even if she wanted to sell her body, who'd pay in her current condition?

Her high mental stats kicked in and she merely gave a sigh before heading off into the woods. After a few minutes of walking, she pulled the dagger out, giving it a look. After staring at it for a minute, information popped up.

{Iron Dagger E-class Condition: Poor}

So her examine skill works on objects too? She stared at a tree for half a minute, frowning when it didn't work. Then she stared at her backpack. A moment later…

{Ruck sack Small Condition: Moderate}

So, was it only items that she could examine? Items, monsters, and people? How about animals? Why not the tree? she stared at a tree off in the distance. Still nothing. She was hoping she could examine every tree in forest and get her examine ability up a few levels. She still took everything off her person and used examine on it. It still wasn't enough to reach level 3, unfortunately she considered going back and looking at the dead spider, but decided it wasn't worth the detour.

As she walked and considered things, she swung the dagger a few times. This was a poor dagger. Even she could tell. The edges were not particularly sharp. It also had several dents and cuts. It looked like the side had been hit with a hammer repeatedly. Forget dagger, she don't even think it'd make a decent enough letter opener.

{Dagger has Increased to LVL 1.}

Dagger? she had a dagger skill now? She got really excited. With the dagger skill, that meant she could actually fight back for once. It was the first offensive skill she had unlocked. She continued to spring the dagger around, but after an hour of doing it, her arm was getting tired and she had yet to get dagger level 2.

Maybe there was more to it than that? Most of her skills were stuck around level 2. Only her blowjob skill and her resistances were higher. She wasn't sure what that meant. All of her time with goblins did not affect her skills, but it did affect her experience. Meanwhile, she had more vaginal sex than anything, yet her blowjob skill reached level 3 just as fast. Did her blowjob skill level more quickly because she was good at it? Is there a certain degree of knowledge involved? For example, she knew how to give a blowjob, so her skill increased quickly, yet she don't know how to use a dagger, so will she need to be taught how to use a dagger before she gained more levels? Will there become a point where she'll need to be taught how to give blowjobs to increase that skill higher?

She was just guessing here. She never really talked to Darius about the aspects of leveling. Since she saw they had levels, She assumed they were aware of it, but it was possible levels wasn't even a thing in this world. Maybe she was the only one who sees things in levels. For everyone else, it's just normal progression.

Her steps quickened. She needed to get to town quickly to answer her questions. A few minutes later, She didn't hit the town, but she did reach a road. This lead to even more confusion. Which direction should she head? The right direction would take her to town. The wrong direction could mean she end up dying on the side of the road. That didn't leave a lot of margin for error. Should she go left or right? Which side of the city was she on? Looking at the sun, it'd be north or south.

she chose south. It seemed to her like the more south you went, the better off you'd be. She half expected to unlock some kind of gambler skill, but alas, she didn't. Then again, even level 1 of a skill required repetition. she pulled out her dagger and swung it a bit. Once again, she received no further leveling. Maybe, She needed to learn from using the dagger. Maybe she needed to use the dagger on something.

She was getting hungry and there were no more rolls. Her Mental Fortitude made it so that she probably could kill something for food without feeling too bad about it. Maybe if she stabbed something, she'd make it to level 2.

Her eyes wandered to either side, waiting for the opportunity to attack. She apparently would make a very bad hunter. The one time a bunny shot across the path, she barely could fumble her dagger out of its sheath before it was gone from sight. The truth was, even if she did kill it, She know nothing about skinning, let alone making a fire to cook it.

She really wished Min were here. She had cooked some of the meals on the way. Her skill was archer, and she was an elf. That had to mean she was probably very good at living in the woods. Wait, was she being a racist there? Was racism even a thing in this world? Or she guessed you'd call it speciest since she wasn't human.

While moving through these thoughts, there was a shout in front of her and she lifted her head. There was a group up in the distance. She had been so focused on irrelevant crap, that she hadn't even realized she approached some others. It was a caravan of sorts. It was a large wagon complete with horses, and there were a bunch of people running about in a frenzy.

She continued on her way, walking closer to the group. As she approached, the voices became clearer and it became apparent that they were in the middle of a life or death struggle. They were trying to hide around the wagon as arrows rained down from both sides of the forest. A few men in front were fighting with swords against another group of men. The defending group were well groomed and well dressed. The offenders wore much more common clothing and had a menacing aura. Thieves were raiding a merchant caravan? That was the image that had the most similarities to this one.

Before her brain could inform her of how dangerous this was, she was already running forward into the thick of it. A man got struck by an arrow and collapsed a few feet in front of her. She kneeled down to his side, immediately trying to cover his wounds. He glared up at her fiercely.

"You missed her. She's in another carriage, you bastards…"

She blinked, not quite sure why he was glaring at her with hostility. Then she realized that she was holding a dagger, covered in dried blood, and not someone in his caravan. That meant she was a thief to him. No wait, he said this was a carriage, not a caravan. In retrospect, it was pretty fancy looking. They looked more like nobles than merchants.

There was a thudding as footsteps came from the other side of the carriage. A man leapt out from the side, brandishing a sword already died red with blood.

"I've found her. We've got the princess!" He shouted.

What? A princess? They found a princess? she wanted to see! The dying man who was glaring at her suddenly popped his eyes open in surprise. A moment later his breath stopped, unable to give any last words. Meanwhile, the thief approached with the sword pointing at her.

"Don't even try to run, little missy. You're worth a lot of money to us."

She stared at him blankly for quite some time before it came crashing home.

Oh, She was the princess?

"I'm not a princess!" she declared.

Since they wanted to keep the princess alive, that probably wasn't the smartest thing for her to say, but she was so surprised that I sort of just blurted it out. The man gave a sneer that clearly showed he didn't believe her. She started weighing her options. If they realized she wasn't a princess, they probably kill her. On the other hand, if she claimed she was a princess, and they found out she lied, they definitely kill her. However, until they found out she was a princess, her life was 100% guaranteed.

"Oh, no, what will I ever do!" She tried to add an accent like she thought a princess would make.

The thief grabbed her, knocking the dagger from her hand, and roughly pulling her up. She tried to force herself to cry, however, with her extreme mental fortitude, it was surprisingly difficult, even when she thought about bad or upsetting things. she barely managed to squeeze out a single tear.

{Deception Increased to LVL 1.}

The tears began to run a little easier. Thank you deception skill! He shoved her against the side of the carriage. His hot breath was on her neck and his body was pressed against hers. You probably imagine a thief to be filthy and disgusting. However, you have to remember that her only reference to cleanliness was three men who had been traveling for a month without taking a shower and goblins who never cleaned ever. She was also very filthy herself.

Comparatively, this guy looked like a saint. His hair had actually been combed at some point in the last year, his body smelled of a thick, manly sent that sent shivers down her mind. Her last partner had been a spider, and since she had been walking she hadn't done anything, this reminded her that she was pretty damn horny. Plus, from a role-play perspective, a thief kidnapping and having his way with an innocent princess. That's pretty hot, right?

"Well, look at this pretty thing we have here. I bet you…" his eyes shown malevolently for a moment.

Yes! Perfect! Ravage her! Fuck her! Right Here! Bring your friends! +50% experience bonus, here we come!

He seemed to hesitate a bit, his hand reaching out towards her chest. Then he pulled away.

Eh? What the hell!

A moment later two other thieves came around the carriage. He spun her around, and before she could get excited that he was going to go in from behind, he was wrapping up her arms. Did he see something in her eyes? She really needed to get those checked. she had to work on the deception skill, She kept scaring away potential prey. It didn't occur to her that maybe she should stop seeing them as her prey. As he pulled her out from the side of the carriage, a group of twenty men surrounded them, talking amongst themselves.

"We've caught the princess. Boss was right, she was right where he said she was going to be." The man who tied her up explained.

"She looks pretty messed up, Dox, you haven't been breaking her in, boss will be real upset about that." Another man chuckled.

"Of course not," the one holding me, Dox, protested, "She belongs to the boss, of course. Plus she was worth a lot of money. If they knew we raped her, we could lose some profit. Remember gentlemen, no sex!"

"There's our Dox, always thinking about the money!" Another man laughed.

This broke the tension in the group as they grabbed her and started dragging her off into the forest. Her wrists were tied up in a rope as they dragged her along. Tears started to fall down as she cried harder and harder. She liked to say she was working the deception ability, however, in reality, she was just really upset.

No sex? We'll see about that!

Next chapter