
Tales of the Land of Slavery

Around 10 million years ago, a massive battle erupted on Earth. In that battle, millions of demons, beasts, humans, and even nature itself perished. Afterward, through many twists and turns, their energies were mobilized, creating a magnificent yet deadly planet known as the 'Land of Slavery.' In this planet, where the powerful dictate and the weak must comply, where treasures and beauty allure alongside unforeseen dangers, once known as the Land of Slavery for its divine yet deadly allure, a group of students stumbles upon a secret force. Empowered by it, can they navigate the divine path? Amidst formidable hunters, can these few students uncover their true identities and vanquish their enemies? Can they rise as the strongest in a land of perilous yet potent individuals? Against fierce beasts, can these students, once mere saplings, forge infinite legends and reshape the Land of Slavery's history? Embarking on a new journey, a new legend unfolds…

ReincarnatedPrince · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Arrival of Sword of Refinement

Just after they stepped through the portal, a stunning grassland unfolded before them. However, they were amazed to find themselves in such a place where sunlight spread across the land despite it being midnight. Yet, everyone was focused on their goals.

A few moments passed in the blink of an eye. But, when the land didn't react to their arrival, they felt relieved. After that, everyone went their separate ways to explore the land.

Tara, Rohitashwa, and Huo Yu stood at the entrance, though. After everyone else left, Tara spoke.

"Now, where do we go?"

"Let's go to the north. I can sense a strong energy fluctuation coming from the north," Huo Yu solemnly replied.

After that, three headed towards the north.

Arriving in the northern region of the savage land, they saw many people gathered before a bamboo forest located in the middle of the northern region.

"Don't you know? Many extraordinary and valuable items have appeared here. Go, check out!" When asked, one said.

After hearing that, three went ahead of them. As the three of them emerged from the crowd, they noticed a massive monument towering in front of them. After seeing that, they slowly entered the monument.

"What do you think we will get from here?" Rohitashwa asked Huo Yu.

"Hmph!" Huo Yu only sighed.

"What do you think?" Tara asked Rohitashwa.

"No idea. Let's go and see!" Rohitashwa also sighed.

After some time, they reached the top of the monument. But what they didn't expect was to see Asmodeus in front of them. They were stunned to see him. A chill ran through Tara and Rohitashwa's spines. However, Huo Yu faintly smiled to see him.

On the other side, Asmodeus also noticed three of them. After seeing Huo Yu, he slowly approached her, with a smile on his face.

"How are you, my old rival?" He asked Huo Yu.

"Smile doesn't suit your face, you old octopus!" She also replied with a smile.

"You didn't change at all in all these years! By the way, why did you bring these stink bugs?" He asked her with curiosity.

"They're my subordinates. You tell me, Why are you here?" She asked solemnly.

"Go see it yourself," he replied.

Seeing their bickering conversations, Rohitashwa and Tara were too stunned to speak. However, they remained silent.

When the conversation stopped, Huo Yu called them and silently pointed at them to follow her. They obeyed the command and followed her.

After moving ahead a few steps, they saw a magnificent sword with a sharp, curved, blue blade adorned with golden inscriptions and white jewels. Its hilt was richly decorated, and its crossguard shone in a golden hue. It was emanating a gentle aura across the rooftop.

"Isn't it the 'Sword of Refinement'?" Seeing that, Rohitashwa almost cried out in joy and extreme excitement.

"That's right. It's actually the sword of refinement. With its help, anyone can purify their body, soul, and mind. But sorry to say, it's mine," coming forward, Asmodeus proclaimed.

"Take it, we don't need it anyway," Huo Yu faintly smiled.

"Senior sister, what're you saying? Is your consciousness okay?" Rohitashwa sulked.

"Junior brother, now it's not the right time yet!" Huo Yu solemnly said.

"But, senior sister, this is sword of refinement! If we don't take it now, when we will get it? I can't agree with you now!" While saying that, Rohitashwa stretched his hand to take the sword.

However, as soon as his fingers touched the sword, a cold, lethal poison silently entered his hand without his knowledge. In the next moment, without giving him any time to understand, the poison swiftly possessed his right hand.

Seeing that scene, Rohitashwa was so much frightened that he couldn't move at all. Within a moment, the energy from his body surged ferociously. But it couldn't affect the poison at all. Seeing that, Huo Yu's face became serious. She shouted.

"You stinky octopus, if you had asked, I would've given this sword to you! You shouldn't have hurt my juniors!" While saying that, a cluster of flames swiftly shot out from her fingers. As a result, within a few seconds, Rohitashwa's hand was completely detoxified.

After seeing the whole situation, Asmodeus laughed.

"What do you expect from a demon, my dearest rival?" he taunted her.

Tara was watching the whole situation silently. But then, he could no longer remain silent. In a hoarse voice, she roared,

"Wrath demon king, you've crossed all your limits!"

"What an irony! A stinky bug dares to speak before the sun! Hmph!" He also mocked Tara.

"Don't you dare compare with the sun, you stinky cockroach! Anyway, now the sword is ours! If you have courage, try and take it!" Huo Yu roared.

On the other hand, although the poison was detoxified, Rohitashwa lost his consciousness due to the poison's lethal effect. Seeing him, Huo Yu quickly teleported before the sword and grabbed it without wasting any time. Immediately, Tara also grabbed Rohitashwa and transferred him into her back. Seeing her, Huo Yu signaled for her to run away from that place. Although she was hesitating at first, after seeing Rohitashwa's situation, she flew up into the sky.

On the other side, seeing them run away, Asmodeus laughed thunderously.

"I don't need to kill them. Chimeris is enough for them. They won't run from this place," he said to Huo Yu with a cunning smile in his pale face.

"Oh! So, you're already prepared to slaughter us!" Fury flashed across her face.

"Let us put an end to our old enmity," he cunningly said.

Immediately after saying that, his hand-sign changed. Within a moment, he teleported and appeared in the sky. Upon reaching there, countless tentacles from his body shot out at her body. Seeing that, her body slightly moved, and instantly, the space before her cracked with a booming sound. At that moment, she disappeared. Only a space hole formed at that spot.

Within a fraction of a second, she materialized behind him. Immediately, without letting him understand, she slapped him on the neck brutally. Immediately, he sprang back.

"You're not my match now!" With a smile, she mocked him.

"You've already reached the 8th stage of the enlightenment realm!" He was surprised.

"Not at all. But, you won't know!" While saying that, her hand sign also changed.

Immediately, the space around them cracked ferociously. A massive black hole appeared over them like a flash. At that instant, she raised a finger at the dismantled space. Instantly, that black hole shrank and gathered on her fingertip.

"Ultimate condensation!" She roared and pointed that finger at him.

Immediately, that black hole flashed from her finger and was silently projected at him. Seeing that, he changed his hand sign. Instantly, the tentacles wrapped him. While wrapping those in his body, he roared.

"2nd body evolution skill, Hell Wrath Body!"

Immediately after saying that, the tentacles transformed into countless burning sickles. Within a moment, those chains formed a three-layered barrier around him.

At that moment, the black hole slammed at the barrier. In that instant, with a bang sound, a massive scaled explosion happened in that spot. The explosion caused the entire northern region to shake dangerously. Consequently, all the humans standing beneath the monument witnessed the battle.

On the other side, when Tara was running with Rohitashwa, they clashed with Chimeris. Seeing them, Chimeris screamed in joy and madness. In the next moment, it started a battle with them without any delay.

However, their battle didn't last long. Chimeris easily won the war without any damages. But it caused serious damage on both of them. Rohitashwa lost his one arm, and Tara also lost her one leg.

However, at that moment, three of them felt that devastation. So, Chimeris disappeared from there. But Tara couldn't go there. She carried unconscious Rohitashwa to the ground. After that, she began to rest under a tree with him.

When the effect of the explosion decreased, Asmodeus somehow controlled himself and stood in the space. After that, he looked at Huo Yu with a fury on his golden eyes. With a muffled sound, he spat blood from his mouth.

After that, he roared, "I underestimated you! Now it's time to show you my ultimate power!" While saying that, a sapphire blue-colored tiny bud formed on his palm. Seeing it, he screamed in excitement.

"Witness my ultimate move!" While saying that, he threw that bud into the midair. Within a second, it sprouted on the air.

Seeing that, Huo Yu was shocked. She screamed in fear and terror.

"Isn't it the blue eraser flower?"

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