
Fighting For What Matters

"HEY! You crazy kids...Are you here for some drinks, food, snacks?"


"Yeah, can please I get 2 burger combos...wait Erai you want one? Yeah, you probably do, make that 2"

Tersia nudged him with her elbow as he made the request, and with an inquisitive look from her, he changed the order to add another meal.

"Eh, 3...ow, seriously, fine 4, could we get 4 combos over here"

"Alright Sujin, as for the rest of you, if you want some good food, you come to me else you can step out of the line, there's no fighting in my cafeteria"

"Eh...yes sir"

With them moving out of the cafeteria, Ketsu sneaks a word in with Charlotte before returning to his group and informing Erai that he would be facing his opponent tomorrow during their break. Giving him a pat on the back and telling him to bring back Stephen before joining an approaching Sergei as they walked off together.

"Hey Erai, if you really plan on fighting against Class 1A, then you need to prepare yourself. He probably didn't get into that class without being able to hold his own..."

"You think I might not be able to win?" He turns to her wanting to hear what she has to say.

"I really can't say, the only thing I know is that you seem to do your best when you prepare yourself. Whenever you're fighting against skilled fighter, you might want every advantage you can muster..."

"...If I lose tomorrow, our class loses two members and...I won't be able to keep my promise, knowing that there's no option but to win. So I'll do everything I can, that's something I can promise you"

Erai's exchange with Vaceris brought a little relief between the two though she knew that the challenge ahead had only begun.

With Torren returning the group alongside Tersia with lunch in tow, they all moved back towards the class, though not before making a brief stop by the Medical Ward. Shynerai then went into one of the room looking for the Doctor while everyone stood waiting in the corridor.

As Torren tore through each of his French fries he obviously spoke, wondering if Erai went and got himself injured against when they weren't looking. A statement that drew a shocking look of frustration over Tersia and Vaceris eyes:

"That idiot, we aren't going to playing nurse if he keeps getting himself hurt"

"Alright, Dr Arturo said that Jaret's at the Questing Committee Room, we can find him there"

"But...why are you looking for him, did something happen" Torren asked as Erai stepped out of the room.

"Yeah, we thought you were here for treatment or something?" the pair asked, still bearing intense and scolding stares, which he trying to calm as he told them that he was looking for Jaret since he knows that the doctor and he are close, noting how often he receives lectures from the both of them.

Avoiding anymore of their intensity, he moves ahead of them, leading them towards the room in search of the Jaret.

While pacing the halls, his chat with the doctor reminded him of a much older conversation, while he was recovering from his fight with Creivolt, Dr Arturo had warned him not to face a SoulArm unarmed, lest he was looking to lose his arms.

When returning to him on this day, he was looking for a way to handle an encounter with them, leading to the doctor advising that he ask Jaret who had his fair share of combat experience.

Knock. Knock

"Come in. Hey Astraprodt, it's good to see you're healthy" Lotarim greeted him kindly as he entered.

"Hey Erai, are you ready to get back into the saddle...and being careful this time arent we" Luciana joined after, tugging at his braids as she asked, before being reigned in by a sighing Lotarim

"I'm okay, got all my treatment. Just came here because Dr Arturo told me I would find Jaret here."

"Oh...yeah, he's over there busy with the President. Hey Aurelia, someone is looking for your friend"

"Oh my. Mr Astrapordt?"

"Huh...wait why are you here kid, did the old man send you? Ugh, I told him that if it starts aching I'll stop by, he doesn't have to keep worried" voicing his annoyance as he waved Erai off.

"...Eh no, I came to ask you for help" Erai walked towards him while the rest of the group entered, greeting Luciana and Lotarim as they welcomed them inside, with the still eager vice president being reigned in once more as she tried getting them to join their committee.

"Help?...alright what did you do?"

"Nothing...well...how would you fight against a SoulArm?"

"Seriously, you came all this way just for that. Like how everyone doesn't it, with my own SoulArm"

"Okay...say I didn't know what one was or where to get one?"


Erai starred blankly waiting to hear his next words, while Jaret remained slack-jawed.

"...but you fought Arno's brat? Crei...something?"

"You mean Mikhail Creivolt" Aurelia added in a curious tone.

"Yeah...you must have had one then?"

"I don't think so, I mean I don't remember using anything like that"

"So...when you were fighting in Whitewater, you didn't have one either?"

Jaret's back and forth continued with each time Erai responded with a look of confusion or by explaining that he did not know of it before speaking to Dr Arturo.

"Well...I'm not really sure what to say. The best deterrent for a Soul Arm is another SoulArm, past that its a matter of skill and technique"

"Skill and technique huh?"

"Hmmm...Ahh, I guess simply telling you might not cut it, besides... I wanna see how a freak like you got by so far, seriously" staring intently at him, making him a little tense as he did.

"Freak??" his face scrunched up.

"I'm kinda busy right now, so lets—meet me by the Cross Gardens' Central Fountain at 7"

Bell tolls ringing throughout the building.

Wanting to question him further, Erai was dragged by his braids with Tersia apologizing to the Student Generals for the inconvenience before closing the door and heading off.

As the group moved along, Terisa was quick to remind a reluctant Erai and Torren that was still stuffing his face that Reiss, wouldn't be kind to them if they were late AGAIN.

A statement that brought the image of his piercing crimson eyes clearly to their minds, frightening the pair into a dash towards their classroom, leaving Vaceris and Tersia laughing as she asked her how long it would take before they realized their next class was P.E with Dr Colt but she simply scoffed as she finished the rest of her fries.

Soon after the bell rang for the end of the day, Torren and Erai left heading to the tram station, with Torren deciding to join in wondering what Jaret had planned for him, making Erai smile knowing that he wouldn't be facing the challenge alone, turning his anxious feelings into a curious excitement now that Torren would join him.

The pair arrived at the estate, and got through most of their work, before his Notebook lit up with a glow illuminating shinning the time clearly, with the sudden knocking on the door informing him that it was time to go.

Grabbing a navy blue jacket and strapping his Notebook into its holster, Erai joined Torren in the hallway and they made their way to the Fountain.

"Alright, you made it. Now let's head to the gym, don't wanna wake everyone up" Jaret called to them as they went to the South Residency.

The night moved on until it was already past midnight, with Torren lying asleep against one of the benches, Jaret asked Erai if he wanted to stop and take a nap but he urged him to continue if his back hadn't already given out. Obviously annoyed by his snide comment, Jaret stepped up onto the gym floor:

"Alright, since you're such hot stuff, you can test 'IT' out on me. Let's see how you do in an actual sparring match"

"Ahh, that doesn't sound fair, especially since you just showed me how to use it"

"Ah Ah Ah, less complaining, more fighting"

And with that the pair continued to spar into the early morning, with Jaret growing more and more intrigued as they exchange blow after blow, wanting to see how close Erai would be to getting it.

"Alright, school's gonna start soon, better go and get ready," he said, as he lifted the still sleeping Torren over his shoulder.

Erai sat panting on the floor before asking Jaret how well he thinks he might do, something Jaret is surprised by though he still answered unabashedly, simply stating that he doesn't expect him to get it right on the first try, though he was interested in seeing his fight.

As he helped him up, the two left the gym and went on to get ready for school with Erai carrying the worn-out Torren to his room and readying himself to head for school.

As the familiar blue glow of his Notebook indicated the time as he scrambled to pack his things for the day ahead, Torren could be heard knocking with an obvious impatience, warning his companion that he would leave him in the next few minutes, prompting him to rush out while running his hands through his snowy mane in attempt to look presentable.

Torren questioned Erai if he managed to get much rest while they left for the estate's tram station:

"I know I said I'd join you but I ended passing out didn't I? "

Surprising Torren as he pushed him into the emptied tram cabin while he simply assured him that he would be okay:

"I don't get much sleep anyway...especially when I've got a lot on my mind. But don't worry, I don't plan on losing" Hoping to offer him a share of the hope he had with a raised fist.

Feeling the certainty in his words, he meets the exchange as they bump fists just before the tram came to a halt allowing them to descend into the school station.

"Hey, Erai. Get over here kid" While the pair walked past the gates into the courtyard, a familiar voice called out.

Jaret approached alongside both Arno and surprisingly Aurelia. With Arno calling out to Jaret to lower his voice on the school grounds, both Erai and Torren were left stumped by the coming group.

His cast-off gaze was brought back down to earth with a swift slap to the back of his head:

"Alright, when you asked me for help, I thought it was for training or combat class, not fighting against a noble, from your A class no doubt"

"Yeah...I wasn't sure how to bring it up, that's why I didn't say anything to you or Dr Arturo"

"You know if I heard that before, I would have been a lot more clear with my advice...listen if you're really going to go for the win, you can't hold back"

Surprising the group, Aurelia returned the gesture as she called Jaret attention, bludgeoning him over the head:

"You shouldn't turn Astrapordt into a delinquent, that's terrible advice"

"Owww...I'm serious, I think I bit myself. Look if he holds back against those kids they'll tear him apart. You could probably get by holding back, but there's no telling what they can do, those kid's are powerhouses"

"..." Erai fell silent, trying to come to terms with what he was saying.

"He's not exactly wrong, I saw a few of them during the entrance exams" Arno added.

"Arno, I thought you'd talk some sense into him"

Jaret move to Erai and Torren, resting on their shoulders, he spoke with a candid smile:

"You've got a decent head on your shoulders, so with that, you just need to give it your all and you'll be fine. If you bring your A-game, that's all that matters kid"

"C'mon, we have a Student Council meeting before class. You two, make sure to be careful today, alright." Aurelia wished them well as she walked off with Jaret and Arno in tow.

"Sounds like we should head to class too, Ketsu's probably got some ideas for you," Torren said as they made their way into the school building.

During most of the day, the air surrounding the two classes grew in intensity, with the rest of them taking to support whom they felt would win, annoying both Creivolt and Malleus with the amount of 'uld' they had to confiscate from the student's bets.

With the match between 1A and 1F drawing near as recess marked the end of the Standard Classes. Letting them know, that it was time. Erai stepped out of his classroom alongside Ketsu who wanted to speak to him before the duel, asking for a moment with him while the rest of his classmates made their way to one of the Academy's Combat Arena at his request.

Eventually joining up with the rest of them among the stands, Vaceris asked a surprisingly calm Ketsu what he was talking about. He answered with a slight grin and a gesture towards the Arena floor below as he spoke:

"Just giving him a little inside information. Though the rest, you'll just have to wait and see"

Knowing that there wasn't much she could do, Vaceris sat down awaiting the battle to begin, with the stands quickly filling with eager eyes. Sitting not too far from them was Class 1A though despite Torren's many attempts to catch Stephen's attention, the latter's focus laid squarely on the field below.

"Jaret, was it necessary for us to be up here, any seat would suffice!"

"Arno you didn't have to come. Besides, this view is going to be worth it when things start getting crazy"

"The both of you need to behave yourselves, remember that you're also Student Generals" Aurelia scolded the two as they made their way through the crowds and finding themselves open seat nearby Class 1F. Ignoring the pairs bickering, she went on to greet the anxious group before seating herself between Jaret and Arno, breaking up the fight.

Stepping out from the gates of the Arena, one of the most notable Combat Instructors Ms Yuria stood at the ready. Announcing the entrance of the combatants into the Arena, Vetmier Raon and Shynerai Astrapordt entered to meet one another where she stood.

Under her authority, they shook hands. Heeding her words that she would step in if anyone was in danger and wanting an honest duel amongst her students. The two stood in agreement with her leaving the Arena floor to observe from above, and by her command, she began the duel.

"Did they really have to get Ms Yuria as the referee? Guess I can kiss all my winnings goodbye"

"Seriously, I've been dealing with all the betting today. You're not helping" Arno shot Jaret a cold stare at his disappointment.

"MR REIDER and MR ZIRKUS.PLEASE BEHAVE YOURSELF" her strict tone straightened them much to Aurelia's delight.

Down on the dusty grounds of the Arena floor

"Astrapordt, do you see? The stands are filling with those eager to see your defeat. And I shall gladly indulge them" Raon spoke boldly but found Shynerai unmoved.

Letting out a deep breath, he planted himself firmly, when he took in another breath, even deeper this time...a brilliant column of green light erupted from within him drawing in chilled winds that rocked past the boisterous Raon before wrapping around Shynerai in green wisps, with the shining light fading away just as fast.

"Tsk. Nothing more than a cheap parlour—" Just as he spoke, Shynerai dashed towards him, appearing akin to a green haze that rushed past him scarring the earth as he did.

Raon had barely caught a glance of the blur that now stood stationary.

But something felt off to him, looking down at his hands that still glowed with the familiar tint, Shynerai wasn't sure how he shot right past him.

"Whoah he vanished?", "What was that light, was it his magic?", "What kind of attack was that, I could hardly see what happened" the crowds roared to life after Shynerai made the first move, while Raon was taken aback, looking back on the suddenly immobile Shyenrai, he quickly regained his poise, baring an unmistakable look of satisfaction.

"Looks like, it works just as well on that strange light of his" Charlotte mumbled under her breath, managing to only catch the attention of Stephen, whom by her order was to remain close by.

As his look of growing curiosity become more noticeable, he turned speak to her in an assured tone.

Looking past his own surprise, Shynerai prepared himself for another assault. Once again moving as a faint blur that masked itself with boreal winds before moving towards Raon—

Not wasting a moment to raise the shock of everyone in the stands with another sudden attack...but still happening to miss his opponent again. What followed were repeated attacks giving either one barely enough time to catch their breath, but through the entire assault, Raon still managed to stay out of his reach.

Though within Raon himself, frustration towards Shynerai began to smoulder as his focus on Charlotte's words continued to ring from within

Still, they both turned their focus to their ongoing battle with them working to keep up the pressure while relying on whichever plans they made to seize an opportunity the moment one presented itself.

"Enough games Astrapordt. I have no interest in prolonging this fight" Raon turned the tables by going on the offensive, making his way towards Shynerai.

Raising an outstretched hand as he drew closer, a vapour-like mirage engulfed its entirety, with him clenching his fist around it before striking down Shynerai with a sword drawn from deep within the translucent mist.

Believing himself to have the advantage, he moved to disable him.

Striking at him with no other option left to Shynerai but to move as far away from him as he could.

And follow along he did, Raon mused to himself as he watched him, leaping back and making him take notice of his diminishing strength, happening faster than he expected.

But with a clenched fist, Shynerai did his best to calm his nerves and took to facing his opponent after resuming his stance.

Pushing himself as hard as he could to avoid his attacks.

Once Raon halted his assault, Shynerai took to apply more pressure on him while he tried to catch his breath.

This time, he forced himself to close the gap as fast as he could, launching himself at Raon at a terrifying speed...hoping to blindside him with his thunderous approach, but after getting too close Shynerai felt his knees give way under him with vision blurring and his balance shifting....the result of the confusion disturbed his coordination allowing Raon more than enough opening to avoid his assault.

And eeting his approach instead, with a decisive slash to his torso, only for Shynerai in his daze, instinctively knock away the balance of his strike, sparing his all but his arm in the process.

Toppling over with a light spray pouring out of the gash in his clothing, Shynerai responded by trying to stanch the bleeding all the while never shifting his gaze from the resolute Raon who looked on with a pronounced expression of triumph.

'What's going on? Every time I get close, it feels like I might just lose my lunch. The Will force is still flowing through me but it feels like I might just keel over. My strength...'

"What?? With his speed, he should have landed that strike" Stephen spoke with a sense of uncertainty in his voice.

"It's as I said. Your little friend down there won't harm Vetmier, no matter how hard he may try...take a look you might even notice it" Charlotte pointed at the space between the duelists.

Tryin his best to scan the area, nothing seemed to catch his eye, leaving him to question her sanity, to which she scoffed all while pulling him closer, as she pointed him towards the battle. Repeating once more that he should focus on the space between them...but that he should also focus on Erai's reaction when he enters that space...

Their sights followed along with the flickering green light as it kept zipping past Raon until...Stephen began to notice something—

Each time Erai drew too close to Raon, he would stumble or rush past him entirely, even when it seemed like he had him cornered, Raon would always manage to slip by.

"Initially, this was a precaution in case he decided to use those White flames of his. I've seen what they are capable of during our time in the Silva forest. But it seems to be working even better than planned."

"White flames? I don't know—" Stephen wasn't sure what she was talking about, having never heard of any White flames.

"He had a small scuffle with a few beasts and managed to get through them with little effort...but as powerful as the flames were, they seemed like a hefty burden. He would often turn them off when he wasn't ready to battle but when he did...they would most certainly wreak havoc"

"A burden? Are you suggesting that he cannot sustain the flames for very long?" Stephen's eyes lit up with a look of revelation as he spoke.

"You see it now, don't you? He won't be able to harm him. Whether he uses his White flames or that Green Hue, we've made sure that he won't be able to sustain it.

A powerful weapon is useless if you don't have the endurance to wield it" Charlotte answered candidly though surprising him even more as she did so with the ominous look of his grin accompanying her words.

Next chapter