
Episode 0: The Three

It is another sunny day in Tanaka village, a small and remote village behind a forest of bamboos with only a single road leading to the outside world. Despite the whole nation is under the pressure of war, brigands and Youkais, this small world is protected and kept safe from the chaos. However, the village isn't hiding itself from the world as merchants and travelers can be seen entering and leaving, cheerfully chatting as they move along the stone paved path.


"Sanae!!! Sanae!!!"

A young girl's voice echoes through the bustling sound of the crowd. A girl with short brown hair wearing an old worn pale green farmer's outfit is dashing through the streets, with glimmering eyes and a cheerful expression. Her small body allows her to quickly maneuver around the people as she run towards the local blacksmith forge, calling someone's name.

The girl then pull a sudden break and stop in front of the smithy, shouting inside:


"Hey Sanae!!! I'm done with my farm work today! Are you done helping out your father yet!? Let's go out and play!!!"

A tall girl with long black hair is cooling iron beside the forge, lift her head as she recognize the voice of the person calling her. Before she can answer a middle age man walk up and greet the small girl at the entrance.


"Why hello there little Yumi, done helping out your family as usual i see."


"Geez uncle Takeshi, i'm not "THAT" little anymore. I'm 16 now and i'm still a growing girl, i'm just a late bloomer, one day i'll be as big as Sanae, you'll see. Oh and can Sanae come out to play with me please? Please?"

As Yumi plead the Blacksmith with puppy eyes, Sanae also look up at her father with anticipation. Takeshi put his hand on Sanae's shoulder and smile:


"Well, we're just finishing up the order of pots and pans by the merchants today, i can handle the rest you go and have some fresh air Sanae. Just remember to be back by sundown alright?"

Sanae nods her head, then happily taking off her blacksmith garments and hangs them up in a corner. After done fixing into her usual outfit, Sanae walks out the door taking Yumi's hand and both give Takeshi a simultaneous goodbye.

Sanae and Yumi depart from the noisy part of the village to a more quiet location, a river just outside the village. After arriving at their destination, both sat themselves down the river bank and calmly listen to the sounds of the water flowing and birds chirping.


"Wahh... this is the best, nothing beats relaxing by the cooling river after a hard day of work, don't you agree San-chan?"

Sanae smiles and nods in agreement while dipping her hands down the stream.

Yumi take a glance at Sanae then shift to a full examination of her friend from top to bottom. Sanae notices Yumi's stare on her and turn her head to meet Yumi's eyes. Yumi is startled by Sanae's stare returning her gaze. As Yumi's face turn beet red from embarrassment, Sanae is confused as what is happening and put her hand that is still wet on Yumi's forehead.


"Are you... alright?"

Yumi takes Sanae's hand off her forehead, wipe the water dripping off her face, does a fake cough to regain her composure and explain:


"It's nothing, i'm just amazed at your pearly white soft skins despite working in a forge with fire and metal like that. I know that you have protective garments and all but i'm still jealous. I mean, i'm doing farm work under the sun and i look like grandma's rice cakes, all brown and rough."


"Uhm... i think... that you're a lovely rice cake Yu-chan."


"Is... that so? Well, more importantly... your face is still covered with soot and your hair is all stiff and singed. You gotta take better care of that hair if you plan to let it grow that long! Geez, can't be helped then, wait here!"

Sanae watches as Yumi search the river side, plucking some fruit in the bushes.


"Ta-da, these fruit are inedible but they can soften your hair when used to wash your head. Come one, i'll wash your hair for you."

Sanae leans her head to the river stream. Yumi crack the fruits open, rub the juice on Sanae's head and wash her hair with the river water. After Yumi is done washing, she take out a towel on her waist and dry Sanae's hair.


"I had a feeling that you weren't taking good care of yourself so i came prepared."


"Thank you Yu-chan... you're so thoughtful."


"That's what friends are for. There, all dried up, your hair were spiky and hard before but it's better now."

Sanae touches her own hair, it feels silky and has a nice smell. Once again, Yumi is examining Sanae with her stare, making the girl confuse once again.


"I-is there something wrong?"


"Hmm... how did you get so tall!? When we first met 8 years ago, you are as tall as me!? How come you're twice my size now? And these!!!"

Yumi reach out and grab Sanae's bosom.


"Be honest, as childhood friends here. What have your father been feeding you? What is your diet? It must be some magical nutritious diet!!! Please tell me, Sanae!"


"Ehh...? Uhm... R-rice and.... rice cakes?"

Yumi plop her arms in defeat and notice Sanae's face has turned red.


"Oh... i'm just joking around you know, no need to get worked up like that, i know that we eat the same thing and i'm still... flat. Surely there isn't any kind of food that increase your breast size... is there?"


"I don't know... maybe there is one in the outside world..."

Yumi eyes lit up at the term "outside world". She turns to the river and look up at the sky.


"You know Sanae, we've been hearing a lot about the outside world from the travelers have we?"


"Y-yeah... the stories they share are interesting, i really like them."


"But... they say that there's war out there... people are dying, farmers and villagers. They're suffering. Bad people turn into bandits and pillage from the innocent and the Youkai with supernatural powers that no regular people can stand up against."

Sanae notices Yumi's expression has turned serious and tightly gripping her fists.




"I'm just thinking San-chan. While we are here living our lives peacefully without a worry, without brigands and Youkais. There are people out there, people like us, who wants nothing else than the life that we are having, it feels so unfair you know."


"What about vigilantes? You love stories about them."


"Of course i do, they're wandering heroes, delivering justice for the weak, fighting bad guys and gave their lives for a great cause, they're our hope in a falling world."

Yumi stand up proudly and point at her chest with her thumb.


"Listen up Sanae! I will become a vigilante, i will learn how to use a sword and will deliver my strength to help protect the weak and the innocent out there!"


"Y-Yu-chan... don't you love your farm work? You even name your animals. Don't you want to live here forever and take over your family's farm?"


"I know San-chan, but i've been thinking about it. The chaos is spreading out there, more travelers are coming to Tanaka battered and hungry, there are more sad stories than good ones. I can't be farming and helpless when a band of brigands or a Youkai bust into our village one day. When i'm old and strong enough, i will be a vigilante, exterminating bandits and menacing Youkais out there."


"B-but aren't Youkais really strong? That only a Taoist can beat them and Vigilantes can rarely stand up against one."


"Doesn't matter, there are vigilantes out there who are strong enough to fight Youkai without the help of a Taoist. I will be as strong as them, you'll see. I'll protect the people, i'll protect Tanaka and i'll protect you too Sanae."



A golden glow falls upon the girls, it is near sunset and also time for the two to return to their homes. That night, Yumi's word is still ringing in Sanae's mind.

"To protect the weak".


"Yu-chan wants to protect the people... to protect me... she is so amazing... i wish... i can be as strong as her."

To protect.





"Big sis... i'm scared..."


"Waaah!!! Mommy! Where are you mommy!?"


"Hang on! Keep running, we can get away from them. Don't worry, big sister is going to protect both of you!"

A vision of gray, a black forest, the sound of rustling leaves as they flee. Three small children, hand in hand. They're fox children, the Kitsune Youkai, with fox ears and a tail. They run with a speed that no regular human child can reach. A big girl is holding a boy and a smaller girl's hand, running with tears in their eyes. Something is chasing them, a big silhouette with glowing eyes and horns. Suddenly, the smaller girl trip and fall, the big girl who is tightly gripping her hand got pull back and the three have to stop.


"Uwahh... i'm sowwy big sister..."

The big girl picks up the small girl in her arms and comfort the child:


"It's alright, we can still run, don't cry, big sister is here for you."





The little boy shout, pointing behind the big girl. The silhouette has caught up to the children, in its hand is a giant mace.


"Got you, fucking brats!"

As the silhouette swing it's mace down. Sanae's eyes burst open and spring up from her bed.


A painful sensation, Sanae panics and reflexively twist her body causing her to fall out of the bed.


"Ow ow ow ow!!! What the heck San-chan!? Did you got possessed or something?"

Yumi rubs her forehead and speak in a painful tone. Her voice cause Sanae to fully awake, Sanae rubs her forehead then check her hand.


"Hey, it's just a head bonk. It's not that hard, you're not bleeding."

Sanae look at Yumi who is sitting on her bed.


"Yu-chan? It's just you... thank goodness..."

The two quietly stand up and fix Sanae's bed. After that, both awkwardly sit next to each other on the bed.


"Uhm... What were you doing in my room this early... Yu-chan?"


"Heh? Err... Uhm... Well... I've just finished my morning routine and i heard that some vigilantes are resting in Tanaka so i thought that i can wake you up to come with me."


"R-really? T-then please wait for a bit, i'll dress up and we'll go together."


"That's the spirit! But hey, what was your nightmare anyway? Your face were contorting pretty bad back there."


"I... don't remember. I saw myself running... and then something is coming at me, the next thing i know that it hurts."


"Sorry, it's my fault for being so close to your face when you're having a bad dream. I haven't seen you got any nightmares before so it looks strange."

As they are talking, Sanae finish dressing up into her usual clothing. Suddenly the sounds of arguments can be heard down stair where the forge is.


"Weird, wonder who can be so intense with uncle Takeshi, must be some stubborn merchant, let's check it out San-chan."

Sanae nods and the two proceed to quietly sneak and peak down at what is happening below.

A group of four of two men and two women clad in light armor, each carrying a katana on their waist and the women are carrying bows and arrows.


"Are those... imperial soldiers?"


"You kidding? Those aren't soldiers, they have torn the crest from their armors. Those are vigilantes! They just look like imperials since they once serve them but got fed up and seek their own justice. Vigilantes are so cool!"


"Sir, you are no doubt the legendary blacksmith of Ishio, Takeshi Rouga. The blades and armors you forge are unparalleled, as they can hardly rust, broken or having any trouble piercing through a Youkai's skin. Please, we beg of you, grant us at least one of your crafts so we can fight for the good of the people."


"I'm truly sorry, i made an oath that never shall i produce a weapon or gears of war by these hands of mine. Least i can do is fix your gears, i can't make you anything. It would violates my

oath and my pride of a man."


"I-is that so...? We're sorry for pressing this on you, please forgive us. Thank you again for fixing our equipments."

The four vigilantes give Takeshi a deep bow and leave the forge.


"Wow, i didn't know that your father is super famous in the outside world like that. Vigilante's equipments are supposed to look old and worn but their gears looks good as new. Your father is truly amazing San-chan."



Takeshi notices the present of the girls peeking on him and speak up:


"Hey girls, why don't you two come down here for breakfast already and you don't have to sneak on me like that you know!"

The girls meekly walk down the stairs feeling defeated as they have been found out. They sat down the table and Takeshi prepare two dish of fried rice with sunny side eggs on the table.


"I-is this for me...?"


"Sure, you've been Sanae's best friends for years now, you're like a daughter to me so it's fine. And you can come in the front door next time, it's dangerous climbing the window like that."




"Uhm... father... those people..."


"Oh, that? Sorry that i didn't tell you about it Sanae, it's just that i once craft weapons and armors a long time ago, but then things went bad and i have to give up on the life of making tools of battle."


"Aww, but why? Your crafts could've help the vigilantes to fight better and even save the world!?"


"It's... not that simple little Yumi."


"If you say so... let's dig in San-chan!"

The girls clasp their hands saying "Itadakimatsu" and eat their breakfast as Takeshi tends to the forge. The girls has finished their meals.

-Yumi and Sanae:

"Thank you for the food!"

As they wash the dishes of their breakfast, Yumi happily chats with Sanae of what she did in the morning and Sanae only nods and giggle at her stories. After they have finished, Yumi and Sanae stand outside the forge, under the shining sun.


"Alright San-chan, what're we gonna do today? Let's find the vigilantes and ask for stories again!"

Then out of the blue a villager boy run towards them, shouting:


"Trouble!!! Big Trouble!!! Bandits are attacking!!! They're in Tanaka!!!"

Yumi take a stance and pounce at the shouting villager, tackling him, both falls to the ground.


"What the hell Hiro? Are you trying to prank the whole village this time? Pranks like that aren't cool!!!"


"No Yumi, you don't understand! I'm not joking! There really are bandits! They got Momo and Yuta when we were playing in the woods near the waterfall! I'm the only one who got away! We must call for help before it's too late!"


"Damn it! I told you idiots that place is likely to attract wandering brigands. Go get the vigilantes, they just left that way. Sanae! You're coming with me! We're going to them!"


"W-what...? M-me...?"


"Are you nuts Yumi? What can a brownie rice cake like you can do?"


"Shut up! Instead of running and crying like you. I aim to be a vigilante one day, so it's my duty to help save and protect my friends when they're in trouble. You want to be helpful? Get going already!"


"A-alright... just be careful and don't do anything stupid okay!?"

After Hiro has dashed away, Yumi turn to Sanae:


"Hey... it's fine if you don't want to go. Even if i'm alone, i have to do something so-"


"I'll come with you Yu-chan, i want to help my friends too and i don't want to leave you alone."


"Cool! Then we are both vigilantes now, let's go get those bandits!"

As Sanae and Yumi dash away, Takeshi slowly walks out of the forge and look at the girls with a serious expression.