
Tales of Nashirah : As It Is

A boy transmigrates along with gaining the inheritance of a Mystical Cultivation Senior in the world of Magic in the Middle Ages full with mana ,elves ,demons ,demi-humans, Were-wolves ,Vampires ,beasts, dragons and much more allure and hidden secrets. Watch as he adapts in this unknown world and starts his life anew in this world and makes friends and enemies along his path to make something of himself and find his meaning in this life. Will he walk the path of GOOD or path of the EVIL or will he create his OWN path and tread in it with all its glory and imperfections ?? Do Give it a Try (◍•ᴗ•◍) (≧▽≦) ( ╹▽╹ ) **************************************************************** If you are sick and tired of reading the same old isekai, reincarnation, system, and OP MC's then this novel will give you a breath of fresh air. So... Prepare yourself to read a story you've never read before. Prepare yourself to feel things you've never felt before. I'll wait for you in the latest chapters! 1 CHP/week *************************************************************** #Additional Tags# : Team-Growth, Romance, Western-styled World-building, Cultivation, Rising-in-power ***DISCLAIMER*** : This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, places, ideology, theory and incidents in this book are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Picture is Generated using Adobe Firefly Ai

Drakal72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

CHP29 The Hunting Trials Of The Covenant Part III

Tsk Tsk!

"What have we got here ? A little girl got a hit on our prestigious Bryant Ivar. News of the day that is. Haha. Now would this ever Virtuous Son of High Senator, Bryant Ivar be so kind as to take a few beatings from this old man here.", Sargon too was having a fun time teasing.

"Hmph! You all will pay for this ", Bryant had gone off with his Rational fuse, exactly the thing Sargon was hoping for.



"It's the roar from FlyingEmbers Drake. Probably the trapped Emberforge Drake's Mother. We need to wrap things up else none of us will achieve anything here except wastage of time.", indigo skinned Jade Haired Devyani also roared on top of her lungs as she was blocking the attacks from these vicious duo with her Chakram Spectres.

"Damn. Why does it have to be the evolved FlyingEmber Drake.Also how am I too wrap things up when this Crazy psycho gets up every time I beat his ass. If it goes like this the only method will be to Kill him. I have stained my Code enough as it is. I Refuse to go any further.", Ronal communicated his inner feelings as he beat up the Sword holding Kalid.

"DAMN IT. DAMN IT. Does the Heavens not want me to succeed", Bryant was getting more reckless and crazy by the seconds, "Sargon if this goes on we won't get anything and at worst will both be annihilated. Even if I go to Heavens if you are there I would rather it not be"

"Sure. Sure. You go to Heaven while I go to Hell. Haha. Good Joke. If it has come to this then why not we both abandon this EmberForge Drake we still got time to pass the Hunt.", Sargon was helpless as he treasured the lives of his companions.

"Haha. The Hunt shouldn't be abandoned in the last moment lest we taint Raab's Gift.", Bryant was now more relaxed,"Sargon Apollo , I Bryant Ivar although am not qualified nor do have the right Challenge you to THE SHAHI DUEL with ShahRaab as our witness where the Winner has full right over the gains of the Hunt"

"Good Good. I stamp the SHAHI DUEL with the use of all kinds of techniques and weapons. I, Sargon Apollo, although I'm not qualified, will gladly accept your Duel. Amen", Sargon too was charged and could now not back up.

"Amen", Bryant Ivar.

For In the Realm of Lakes and Rivers of Nashirah written with grudges and Favor, THE SHAHI DUEL was a Royal Duel, Kings of Duels ordained by Divine Right said to be observed and judged by the Almighty ShahRaab. 

Nobody knows who first started this tradition but the Significance of the Shahi Duel was very heavy and nobody could decline it. For declining it was a Taboo, akin to disrespecting the divine right of Raab and also it went against the Code of Warrior, if declined even beggars wouldn't want your coins.

While Bryant Ivar who was still not a member of House of Raab didn't have any right to propose such a duel and similarly nor Sargon himself was worthy of such proposal. But since Sargon had stamped the Duel then it was more or less legitimate.

It took some time for team members to get out of their stupor and stop their fights. They were still getting shocked about such a duel occurring. Some approved like Kalid & Suwevh, some refrained to even comment like Ronal, rest angry , the angriest being Devyana.

"You Idiot! What did you do ? If that situation still persisted I would have used my Eyes to full power and we would still have won?"Devyana was beating Bryant up with her words that even Kalid, the most beaten up in the Group, felt pity for him. 

Humiliation was far worse than any physical injury. But this Bryant guy was taking all this in as if he was thirsty for this humiliation. 

Finally it was getting out of hand and Ronal intervened, "What is a Victory won by others Worth to a Warrior? Let him be , we shouldn't get involved in his Duel. I told you guys to hunt alone, perhaps we would have a larger harvest than this mess of a Situation. Conscience does catch up, huh? Sighhh"


While the Fight among the Initiates and many more were going on throughout the Trials, the Supervising Higher Ups were switching their Gears Up as they were making sure that none of these Initiates were Snatched or worse nipped in the Bud.

"Haha. Knight Master you have to work on your Wyzer Divergent Aura ", teased Chief Supervisor Bishop Salamis as he lay there atop the RIvers of Blood from the Corpse of these Heretics totally different from his Saintly persona.

"Don't Fret about me. You don't use a Butcher's Knife to kill a Chick. What say you , Elder Darvik Palin ?", replied the One Eyed Knight Master Themistocles.

"Don't bring me into your Battles. I am just here to sense and put an end to these Anarchists, Followers of the Old Gods.That being said I too want to see the Bishop's Reverse Intent Techniques", Palin tactfully replied while his Eyes of Samsara were Glowing , which picked on the nerves of even these 2 old Monsters.

"Haha. But I would prefer to flaunt them on any other Day besides these times.", replied Salamis.

"Elder Palin let us not wish for Bad timings do we? I too hope we won't meet any worthy adversaries this time around. Let's Hurry and reduce the casualties", Knight Master wished with his hands clasped.


Ronal & Devyana were on one end while Kalid,Suwevh & Reeve were on the other hand ready to pounce at any seconds if anything were to happen or thinking about their escape route as the Roars of Flying Ember Drakes were still coming.

"We have to finish it fast. You know what I mean right ?",a serious Bryant reminded Sargon.

"Yes, we have to use all our Mana and techniques without holding anything back. Be ready then"




Three small energy blasts came towards Sargon which Sargon blocked by Essence Subduing Flame Saber with all his might .But its purpose was not to hurt Sargon but to restrict his movement as Bryant prepared another major blast.

Bryant had the advantage of a mage, that is he was far away and had already charged and restricted his short range Warrior enemy.

Fire BomBBBBB !!!!!!

4th Form : Inferno Dome


Snip Snap Whoosh

The entire area was filled with smoke. The results were unclear. Each side anxiously hoped that it was their teammates who won. Since no interference was allowed nobody tried to sweep the resulting hazy gas that was making it harder to observe for the fight could still go on.

Devyani was the most surprised one , for she knew in detail how hard it was for a novice magician who had no mana circulation and nurturing technique to carry out Fire Bomb , a peak 1st Circle Magic Spell whose firepower rivaled those of the 2nd Circle. This Bryant brat was also quite admirable.

As the fog became clearer, it was easier to observe there two young demonfolk standing glaring at each other like in a Mexican Standoff of Earth. One had White and minimalist Golden lining clothing with a pure black tail ending with spear like tip, while another had somewhat mixed features and aesthetic.

Cough !!!

Sargon soon fell down to his one Knee barely holding up but still eyes focused on Bryant.

Cough !!

Cough !!

Bryant soon fell down on one of his knees.

"Sargon!!! you cheat"

An accusation of cheating in the Shahi Duel, that was blasphemy. Hearing these words out of Bryant , Kalid and Reeve almost went inside the duel region but Suwevh stopped them and pointed at Bryant's back.

There was a little dagger stabbed right on the back of Bryant's right shoulder.

"Like I said , any weapons and techniques allowed. Is this Bryant speaking or is the tongue of the Weak who couldn't even protect his back ?", Sargon replied with a serious demeanor.

Hmph !

As Suwevh and Kalid became confused Reeve clarified,"I know it is harder to believe. But that is Spirit Kinesis. Arghh Sargon must have consolidated his first Root chakra to be using it with such finesse only SpiritForce users are capable of. ARGHHHHH".

Reeve, Suwevh & Kalid were all happy that their friend had one upped the rival but were also getting anxious that they were no further behind than they thought they were.

"Ahh IF Sargon uses Mirkwood technique than I can't …", before reeve continued both of the Duelists soon got back on their legs ready to pounce against their opponent. 

The entire area was filled with the silence of the winds.They both had only a few spells and the rest of the match was gonna be Dog Fighting with bare knuckles.

"Check the situation of the coming enraged Flying Ember Drake", Ronal suggested.

Devyani also got out of her stupor and activated the full power of her Samsara eyes to Sense it. But before she could follow the scent of mother Draconic Beast.

Wahhhhh !!!

An extreme loud noise of agony came out of the same direction from which Drake was supposed to be. 

All the present people paused their thoughts and now their skin could be seen almost without color.

Someone capable of killing a Flying Ember Drake. That was simply not on the level of the Initiates.If there was no presence of DiabloFrostDemon Fog , it would be harder to even kill their prey for these initiates who could barely be considered to have half a Star Mage' Firepower.

Damn Damn Damn.

Devyani, the one with the most information about the scenario, was cursing why it had to be her that had to face them. It is better to call upon the reinforcement.

"Bryant forfeit the Duel otherwise I would make sure to live in the Sect a living hell. Also I am using the command token of the High Senator Victor Ivar. Ronal protects me from the senses as I use the Space Locking Spirit Talisman. Also…", Devyani continued to give instructions one after another.

She took out a ring and put it on her finger and dropped a little of her blood to the ring out of which came a strange looking Circular Device, something like a compass with many digits printed on the Circular plate. 

She soon sat in a meditative Lotus posture and soon activated the full power of her eyes as they became increasingly bloody as if a Blood pack could be pierced and tears of blood would flow from her eyes any breath.

Soon the total of 7 Concentric circles of the floating Space Locking Spirit Talismans started to rotate in different directions with different tempo. A Curved elongated S shaped Needle manifested from its center as it started to point towards different readings of the 7 Circles.

"They are the anarchists. We have to get a move on with our life on the line otherwise we might as well be fine Sacrifices for their rituals."

"What about our opponents ?"

"Relay them the information and tell them to shut their mouths or else Uncle palin might be implicated . I will inform Uncle Palin about our situation .Go GO Fast", Devyani instructed Ronal.

She was murmuring with a low voice only a ghost would hear as she laid eyes on Sargon,' It is better if they aren't taken in by these Anarchists who know some of them may be their trainee candidates.'

Ronal told the situation to Bryant and Sargon and made the Sargon' group swear an oath to not reveal the happenings of the Devyani for it was forbidden to bring Weapons outside those from the Church.

"But what about the hunt ?"

"You guys don't have enough time to take it to heart out following the divine rituals. And though it may have a Yao Core, if your first hunt is just for material gains it would be immoral and sully you as a Hunter. It is better to leave it as it is. Perhaps Raab wants him to leave.", Ronal slowly took these teammates out of their greed and into the real workings of the society and the beliefs that nashirah ran under, " Also although the winner seems to be clear the Duel is still not over so they both have right over that Hunt. Let's forget about it "

"Ok then we will go from the South West as you suggested. I will remember this favor you have done.", Sargon solemnly replied

"We don't want any favors Sargon. Just accept the fact that you as a Warrior attacked me as a Mage from the back , you played dirty that too in the Duel where the All Merciful ShahRaab was our witness. Raab may forgive you but I won't Sargon."

"You !!! Just accept defeat since I used Spirit Kinesis. I am also now qualified as a Sorcerer so there is no Shame or code here. SHu SHu . Get going Loser. ", Sargon was increasingly agitated with this Vegeta that didn't admit defeat.

"Agree to Disagree Sargon. Today you have disrespected me and the honor of Mage. I would get back to you. This duel is still not over, Winner is yet to be defined. ", Bryant who was genuinely feeling discontent with the cheeky play of Sargon, put forward an ultimatum, "I, Bryant Ivar, challenge you to continue our Duel after 3 years and will get my Justice & my Victory."