
Of Stars & Magic

It was nighttime, but the world seemed to be lit up in a serene light. The full moon hung proudly and specks of yellow filled the sky. It was almost as if all the stars had come out to bid farewell.

Under the moonlight, there was a soft glow on a woman's figure. Shen Mohua's large eyes lazily blinked every now and then.

The moon seemed to be so close, as if she could touch it just by reaching her hand.

It was enchantingly beautiful, an out of the world kind of beauty. The moon carried itself mysteriously and this always piqued her interests. How would it feel against her skin? Would it be as soothing as she imagined?

Slender fingers hover before the moon shining in all of its glory. Those hands hesitated briefly before moving aside.

Although she was tempted by the moon's mesmerizing beauty, it was the stars she reached for. Elders in their village believed the birth of a child was like the birth of a star, each and every child was unique and special.

Her fingers slowly etched out each stroke of her name among the blanket of stars above her. One day, she'll be with them above. One day too soon...

"Magic awakens when it's nighttime," Grandma Shen once said. "Every person has their own kind of magic, but only some will find the magic hidden deep inside."

"Elder Shen, what does magic look like?" One of the children asked.

A spark shone knowingly in the elder woman's eyes. "Children, don't spend too much time wondering. Just get up and search. Don't give up and one day, you'll find it."

Grandma Shen's stories were endless, but these lines stuck with her. She took those words to heart.

From the age of ten, she wandered everywhere for a glimpse of the magic in Grandmother Shen's stories. Each time she hiked up the mountains to pick herbs, she wandered further and further.

Twelve years later, there was nowhere around their village she hadn't gone. Magic, in whichever form it was, had yet to be found.


Shen Mohua smiled as she stuck her head out the window. Her hair flew freely with the wind.

Last night she had trouble sleeping, but today she was full of energy. There was no sign of fatigue on her face, only bold excitement and pure curiosity.

"A'mo, get yourself back inside." Grandma Shen warned disapprovingly. The carriage is moving at full speed and the young girl has half her body out!

Shen Mohua didn't listen right away. It was only after the carriage passed through a large grove of plum trees and she was able to snatch a small branch of plum blossoms did she finally let herself fall back into the carriage.

She plucked off a flower and placed it behind her ear. Her usually calm hair fell wildly against her back. The young girl's eyes were proud and somewhat naïve. "Nainai, would you like one too?"

Grandma Shen couldn't help but break into a smile. She could never stay angry for long. "Whatever makes you happy, A'mo."

Shen Mohua took the response as a yes. She happily placed a flower on her grandma's ear as well.

Grandma Shen's hair had turned white and her skin wrinkled with time, but she was still no doubt beautiful. Just like how every flower bloomed in their own way, every woman was beautiful within their own rights.

Because of her recent naughty behavior, Shen Mohua sneakily sat close to Grandma Shen before asking in a sweet tone, "Nainai, when will we reach the capital?"

"Be patient, child. Another day of travelling and we'll arrive."

"En." Shen Mohua was often told she had the heart of a bird although she was named after a flower.

She lived like she was dancing on clouds. In her childhood, she grew up running through rice paddies and chasing the horizon.

"Carefree, silly, and clueless" was how A'fai described her.

Small things filled her heart with doses of happiness. Sometimes, she gathered herbs in the mountains and laid on fields of wildflowers. Other times, she swam by the waterfall with the fish. On rare occasions, Grandma Shen sat by the side embroidering as she played.

"Your smile is about to fall off your face."

Shen Mohua immediately closed her mouth and glanced at a blunt Grandma Shen. Her lips pouted playfully in protest. "Nainai, you're exaggerating again."

Grandma Shen smiled at Shen Mohua's adorable face before turning the page of the book in her hands.

Shen Mohua laughed to herself and boldly stuck her head out the window again.

The sun shone brightly against the clear blue sky. Large mountains stood tall and proud in the background. As far as the eye could see, it was a field of lively colors.

The world was beautiful and endless. Shen Mohua was just one person, similar to just one star in the night sky.

With one blink, she could easily get lost within the others who shone just as brightly.

However, if held onto, she could also become the guiding light in the dark on one's way back home.

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