
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Puppet Master

Osaka, Japan

Kaminari Academy

April 7th, 2023

With the morning sun casting a gentle glow upon the desolate landscape, Mike, Shino, and Alice arrived at the entrance of the once-vibrant Kaminari Academy. Hope and anticipation filled their hearts as they approached, eager to find some familiar faces within its walls.

However, their excitement quickly turned to confusion and concern as they surveyed the scene before them. The academy, once a bustling hub of education and life, now stood eerily barren. The absence of damned creatures and humans alike sent a chill down their spines.

As they cautiously stepped forward, their eyes darted around, taking in the sight of debris scattered haphazardly and signs of non-human activities. Broken windows, toppled statues, and ruined walls stood as grim reminders of the chaos that had ensued.

Mike's flaming sword illuminated the entrance as they ventured further into the academy. The corridors that were once filled with laughter and learning were now hauntingly silent. Dust motes danced in the faint rays of sunlight that managed to filter through the shattered windows.

Alice's telekinetic senses reached out, searching for any signs of life, but the emptiness persisted. Her brow furrowed with worry as she communicated her findings to the group.

"There's no trace of anyone here, human or damned. It's as if they've all vanished."

Shino clutched the metal pipe tightly, his gaze filled with a mixture of determination and trepidation.

"We can't let ourselves be discouraged. There must be answers within these walls. We need to keep searching."

With renewed resolve, they pressed on, exploring the abandoned classrooms and hallways. The echoes of their footsteps reverberated, creating an unsettling ambiance. Each room they entered seemed frozen in time, desks overturned, papers strewn about, and lockers left ajar.

As they delved deeper into the academy, a flicker of movement caught Mike's keen eyes. He motioned for the others to halt, and they peered around the corner, their hearts pounding in anticipation.

In a distant corridor, they spotted a group of figures huddled together. The figures were not damned creatures, but rather a collection of students and teachers. Relief washed over them, knowing that they had finally found signs of life.

Approaching cautiously, Mike, Shino, and Alice discovered a group of survivors seeking refuge within the academy. The students and teachers looked worn and weary, their eyes reflecting the hardships they had endured.

Among them was a middle-aged couple, Shino's parents. Tears welled up in Shino's eyes as he rushed forward, embracing his mother and father tightly. The reunion was filled with emotions too deep for words as the family savored the moment of being together again.

Unbeknownst to them, a mysterious figure had been keeping an eye on them. The survivors they had just seen vanished into thin air, and a chilling, maniacal laughter filled the room.

"Did you really think there would be survivors here?" an eerie voice taunted.

Startled, Mike, Shino, and Alice spun around, their eyes scanning the room for the source of the chilling voice. A shiver ran down their spines as they realized that the survivors they had just seen had vanished without a trace.

The room fell into an oppressive silence, broken only by the haunting laughter that echoed through the air. Their hearts raced, their instincts urging them to be on guard against this mysterious figure.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Mike demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of defiance and concern.

The eerie voice responded with a mocking tone, its words dripping with malevolence. "Oh, my dear visitors, you stumbled into my little game. I must say, your desperation to find survivors was rather amusing. But don't you see? This school is mine now, and there are no survivors to be found."

A figure materialized from the shadows, revealing a tall, gaunt man with a twisted grin etched upon his face. His eyes glowed with an unsettling intensity, and his presence exuded a palpable darkness.

Shino's grip on the metal pipe tightened as he stepped forward, his voice filled with defiance.

"What have you done to the people we saw? Where are they?"

The man's laughter grew louder, echoing through the room like a haunting melody.

"Oh, dear boy, those people were never real. They were simply illusions, a trick to draw you in. You see, I've been watching you, observing your every move. And now, you have become my playthings."

Alice's telekinetic aura crackled with unease as she stepped protectively in front of Shino and Mike.

"What do you want from us?"

The man's grin widened, his eyes glinting with malevolence.

"Oh, my dear Alice, I am the Puppet Master, a damned and the ruler of this area. I revel in the suffering and despair of those who dare to challenge me. And you, my friends, have become the stars of my twisted game."

With a flick of his hand, the room transformed into a labyrinth of shifting walls and illusions, disorienting Mike, Shino, and Alice. The air grew heavy with a sense of impending danger as they struggled to navigate the ever-changing maze.

The Puppet Master's voice echoed through the room, taunting them. "Find your way out if you can, my little pawns. But beware, for the labyrinth is filled with traps and illusions that will test your wits and strength."

Determined to escape the clutches of this malevolent figure, Mike, Shino, and Alice steeled themselves, relying on their abilities and bond as they faced the daunting challenge ahead. They knew they had to overcome this twisted game and confront the Puppet Master, for their own lives hung in the balance.

With each step, they moved forward, their resolve unyielding. They would not be mere playthings in this sadistic game. Together, they would unravel the mysteries of the labyrinth, expose the Puppet Master's true intentions, and bring an end to his reign of darkness.

As they ventured deeper into the treacherous maze, their determination burned brighter than ever, fueled by the shared belief that hope and unity could overcome even the most sinister of adversaries. They were determined to expose the Puppet Master's true identity and put an end to his twisted machinations once and for all.

As Mike, Shino, and Alice ventured further into the labyrinth, the shifting walls and illusions presented them with a daunting challenge. The Puppet Master's laughter echoed through the ever-changing corridors, taunting them at every turn.

They navigated the treacherous maze with caution, relying on their instincts and the bond they shared. Mike's enhanced senses allowed him to anticipate and avoid potential traps, while Shino's determination fueled his perseverance. Alice, tapping into her telekinetic abilities, used her powers to detect illusions and guide them towards the correct path.

The Puppet Master, observing their every move, grew increasingly frustrated as the trio progressed deeper into the labyrinth. His illusions became more intricate, trying to sow doubt and confusion in their minds. Yet, Mike, Shino, and Alice remained resolute, their determination unwavering.

At a critical juncture, they encountered a room filled with mirrors that reflected their own distorted images. The Puppet Master's voice reverberated through the chamber, mocking them.

"Which one is real, and which one is false? Can you trust your own reflections?"

Knowing that succumbing to the illusion would only play into the Puppet Master's hands, they focused their minds and trusted their instincts. Mike summoned his mystic shield to protect them from potential attacks, while Shino relied on his heightened senses to detect any anomalies. Alice closed her eyes, shutting out the visual distractions and relying solely on her telekinetic intuition.

As they moved cautiously through the mirror maze, they realized that the reflections were indeed illusions, designed to disorient and deceive. They pressed forward, breaking through the false images with their unwavering determination.

Finally, they reached the heart of the labyrinth, where the Puppet Master awaited them. His twisted grin widened as he reveled in their presence.

"You have surpassed my expectations, my little pawns. But do you truly believe you can defeat me?"

Mike stepped forward, his flaming sword held firmly in his grip.

"We may be pawns in your game, but together we are stronger than you realize. Your game ends here."

With a wave of his hand, the Puppet Master conjured illusions of damned creatures to attack them. But Mike, Shino, and Alice fought back with unwavering resolve, relying on their honed abilities and the trust they had developed in each other.

Mike's flaming sword cleaved through the illusions, each strike fueled by his determination. Shino's strikes were swift and precise, utilizing his strength and agility. Alice's telekinetic powers surged forth, countering the Puppet Master's illusions and providing support to her comrades.

"This is but a mere child's play. I can entertain you with my illusions without even lifting a finger. You're only delaying your inevitable impending doom," the Puppet Master laughed hysterically as he watched the trio struggle in their battle against the damned.

Despite the Puppet Master's taunts, Mike, Shino, and Alice refused to succumb to despair. They continued to fight valiantly, using their enhanced abilities and unwavering determination to overcome the illusions and the damned creatures that stood in their path.