
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Bone Problem




Their earlier triumph felt like a distant memory as the new horde advanced, its ranks bolstered with even more skeletal warriors than before. But Mike and Alice had come too far to be intimidated now.

With grim determination, Alice searched her surroundings for anything that could aid them in this dire situation. Her eyes fell upon a cluster of large, jagged rocks protruding from the cave wall.

"Mike, let's use those rocks to our advantage," Alice shouted, pointing at the rocky formation.

Mike nodded, quickly understanding her plan. "We'll use them as cover and create a bottleneck for the horde. It should slow them down."

With a burst of speed, they sprinted toward the rocky outcrop, deftly dodging the attacks of the skeletal warriors. Reaching the rocks, they took cover, and the horde followed, their relentless pursuit showing no sign of abating.

As the skeletal warriors funneled through the narrow gap between the rocks, Mike and Alice struck with precision, targeting the warriors one by one as they passed.

Their attacks were swift and lethal, knocking down the skeletal foes with calculated strikes. But the horde was seemingly endless, and more warriors stepped in to fill the gaps.

"We can't keep this up forever," Alice panted, sweat glistening on her forehead.

Mike's breath was heavy, but his determination was unwavering. "We need to find a way to take out the giant skeletal creature. It seems to be controlling them all."

Alice's mind raced, trying to devise a plan amidst the chaos. She noticed that the giant skeleton had a pattern to its attacks, leaving brief windows of opportunity between strikes.

"Mike, when it attacks, watch its movements carefully," Alice said, her voice urgent. "We need to find a weakness we can exploit."

Mike nodded, his focus intensifying as he observed the creature's every move.

With precise timing, Alice dodged the giant skeleton's next strike, leaving it momentarily off balance. Taking advantage of the opening, Mike delivered a powerful kick to its knee, causing it to falter.

As the creature stumbled, Alice seized the moment and delivered a flurry of rapid strikes, aiming for its exposed joints.

Their coordinated assault began to take its toll on the giant skeleton, causing it to slow down and lose its footing.

"Keep going! We're making progress!" Alice encouraged, her voice ringing with determination.

But just as it seemed victory was within reach, the giant skeleton let out a bellowing roar. Its body glowed with an intense dark energy, and its wounds began to mend rapidly.

"It's regenerating!" Mike exclaimed, his face etched with frustration.

With renewed vigor, the giant skeleton launched another barrage of attacks, forcing Mike and Alice to retreat. They had to come up with a new plan, and fast.

"I have an idea," Alice said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We can't defeat it head-on, but what if we use the cave's terrain to our advantage?"

Mike's eyes widened with understanding. "You mean lead it into a trap?"

"Yes. If we can lead it to the edge of that lava pool over there, maybe we can incapacitate it or even knock it into the molten lava," Alice explained.

They exchanged a determined glance, both realizing that this was their best chance at victory.

With calculated precision, they drew the giant skeleton's attention and lured it toward the lava pool. Their movements were swift and coordinated, drawing on every ounce of their skill and experience.

As they approached the edge of the pool, the giant skeleton lunged forward with a devastating strike. But Mike and Alice were prepared.

With a well-timed dodge, they evaded the attack, causing the creature to overextend and lose its balance. Seizing the opportunity, they delivered a series of powerful blows, pushing the giant skeleton closer to the edge.

Their plan worked, and the creature teetered on the brink of falling into the molten lava.

"Now, Alice!" Mike shouted.

With a final coordinated strike, Alice delivered a powerful kick that sent the giant skeleton tumbling over the edge, its monstrous form disappearing into the searing lava.

The fiery cave trembled with the weight of the giant skeletal creature's fall, the resounding crash echoing through the dark chambers. Yet, victory seemed elusive, for as the giant skeleton emerged from the molten lava, it looked fiercer than ever, its bones now glowing with an even darker aura.

Mike and Alice exchanged a glance, a mix of concern and determination passing between them. "We can't give up now," Mike said, gritting his teeth. "We've come too far to be defeated."

Alice nodded, her eyes locked on the relentless skeletal foe. "You're right. We'll keep fighting until we find a way to end this once and for all."

As the creature advanced, its movements became more erratic, fueled by the malevolent energy of the molten lava. Mike and Alice knew they had to be even more cautious, as the giant skeleton's attacks were now infused with a deadly power.

They circled the creature, always mindful of its every move, looking for an opening. But the giant skeleton was relentless, leaving no room for a counterattack. Their efforts to bring it down were futile.

"We need to find a way to break through its dark aura," Alice said, her mind racing for a solution.

"Right," Mike replied, "Maybe if we can disrupt its connection to the dark energy, we can weaken it."

As they strategized, the giant skeleton launched another relentless assault. Mike and Alice narrowly dodged its strikes, but they could feel the overwhelming power of the dark aura, draining their strength.

A sudden realization struck Alice. "Wait, the dark aura is connected to its skull. If we can damage its skull, we might be able to disrupt the dark energy."

Mike nodded, seeing the logic in her words. "Let's focus our attacks on its head. Aim for the skull!"

With renewed determination, they intensified their attacks, aiming for the giant skeleton's head. They dodged its strikes while landing blows whenever an opportunity presented itself.

But the dark aura proved formidable, deflecting their attacks and protecting the creature's skull. It seemed almost indestructible.

"We need more power," Mike said, panting heavily. "Alice, combine our attacks. Together, we might be able to break through."

Alice nodded, her eyes filled with determination. They joined their forces, their strikes synchronized with perfect timing. The combined might of their attacks created a surge of energy that momentarily pierced the dark aura, cracking the giant skeleton's skull.

"We did it!" Alice exclaimed, hope filling her voice.

Their victory over the giant skeletal creature sent shockwaves through the remaining horde of skeletal warriors. But even as the giant skeleton disappeared, the cavernous depths seemed to tremble with fury, as if the very heart of the underworld itself had been disturbed.

The ground beneath their feet rumbled ominously, and the remaining skeletal warriors rose from the ashes, their bones reassembling with an unnatural speed.

Alice and Mike exchanged a worried glance, realizing that their triumph had only been the beginning of their ordeal. The horde advanced once again, seemingly undeterred by the loss of their commanding giant.

"We can't let them overwhelm us!" Alice shouted, her voice tinged with urgency.

Mike nodded grimly, his mind racing to find a way to repel the horde. "We need to find a source of power that's sustaining them. If we can disrupt it, maybe we'll have a chance."

They fought their way through the relentless onslaught, moving deeper into the cavern, searching for any sign of what could be controlling the skeletal warriors. The cave's walls seemed to close in on them, and the eerie glow of the lava highlighted the ghastly grins of their skeletal adversaries.

As they pressed on, they encountered a chamber adorned with strange markings and an altar standing at its center. The room pulsated with an unsettling energy, emanating from a mysterious artifact resting atop the altar.

"That must be it!" Alice exclaimed, pointing at the artifact. "If we destroy that, it might break their connection."

With a newfound determination, they fought their way to the altar, facing wave after wave of relentless skeletal warriors. But the artifact seemed to be protected by an impenetrable force, thwarting their attempts to get close.

"We need to find a weakness," Mike said, trying to catch his breath. "Somehow, we have to break through that barrier."

Alice surveyed the room, searching for any clues that could help them. Her eyes fell upon an inscription on the chamber's walls, written in an ancient, forgotten language.

"Mike, look at these inscriptions," Alice called out. "They might hold the key to breaking the barrier."

they learned about an ancient ritual used to empower the artifact, fueling it with the souls of fallen warriors.

"I think we need to disrupt the ritual to weaken the barrier," Alice deduced.

"But how?" Mike questioned.

Alice's eyes gleamed with determination as she formulated a plan. "We'll have to create a diversion. Draw the attention of the horde away while I try to dismantle the ritual."

Mike hesitated for a moment, concerned for Alice's safety, but he knew they had no other choice.

"Alright, but be careful," Mike said, his voice filled with concern.

With a silent nod, Alice readied herself to put her plan into action. As Mike drew the horde's attention, Alice sprinted toward the altar, narrowly avoiding the attacks of the skeletal warriors.

The barrier surrounding the artifact crackled with energy, resisting her attempts to dismantle the ritual. But Alice remained steadfast, channeling all her focus into breaking the enchantment.

As Mike fought valiantly, he noticed that some of the skeletal warriors seemed to be holding back, as if protecting the artifact was their primary objective.

"They're guarding it!" Mike called out to Alice. "Keep going, I'll hold them off!"

Alice continued to work against the barrier, while Mike engaged the guardians of the artifact in a fierce battle. He fought with everything he had, the adrenaline coursing through his veins, but the numbers were overwhelming.

Just as it seemed like Mike might be overwhelmed, a loud, echoing voice filled the chamber. "Stop this at once!"

The horde hesitated, their movements slowing, as if in response to the commanding voice.

From the depths of the cavern, a figure emerged, cloaked in darkness, its face concealed beneath a hood.

"I am the guardian of this realm," the figure proclaimed. "You have defiled the sacred grounds and disrupted the balance. Leave now, or face the consequences."