
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Battle Unfolds

Osaka, Japan


April 6th, 2023

"Thank you," Mimi whispered, her voice barely audible. And with those words, her eyes closed, and her body slumped to the ground.

Rika's heart ceased its frantic beating as she beheld the lifeless form of Mimi lying on the ground. Her emotions twisted and swirled within an unexplainable void, tears streaming down her face.

But amidst the anguish, a fierce determination ignited within her. Rika wiped away her tears and fixed her gaze upon the advancing damned creatures. She could feel a surge of power welling up inside her, an energy so potent that it sent shockwaves rippling through the air around her.

With each wave of power, the damned creatures were thrown back, their swords and fangs rendered momentarily useless. Rika's eyes blazed with a newfound intensity as she unleashed her inner strength, channeling it to repel her assailants.

As the shockwaves subsided, Rika stood resolute amidst the chaos, her body radiating with an aura of defiance. The damned creatures, momentarily stunned by her display of power, hesitated in their advance.

In that moment, Rika made a choice. She would not let Mimi's sacrifice be in vain. With her grief fueling her determination, she summoned the full extent of her abilities.

Vines erupted from the ground, coiling around the damned creatures with a vengeful fury. The tendrils tightened, constricting their movements, as Rika unleashed torrents of thorny branches and razor-sharp leaves. The air was filled with the sound of snapping bones and the agonized cries of the damned.

Rika fought with an unwavering resolve, each strike fueled by her sorrow and the memory of her fallen friend. She became an embodiment of wrath, a force to be reckoned with.

As the last of the damned creatures fell before her, Rika stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, her breathing heavy but her spirit unbroken. She turned her gaze towards Mimi's lifeless form, a mix of sadness and determination in her eyes.

"I will avenge you, Mimi," Rika whispered softly, her voice filled with unwavering resolve.

Rika joined the other girls in the nearby alley, where they gathered and embraced her tightly, their shared grief and determination intermingling in the air. Karin, in particular, held Rika with a strength born of both love and desperation, not wanting to let go of the person who had become her pillar of support.

After a moment of solace, the group of girls composed themselves and made the difficult decision to continue their journey. Rika understood the burden they all carried and respected their choice. She knew that not everyone could endure the hardships and dangers that lay ahead.

Two of the girls expressed their desire to part ways, feeling that they could better navigate this treacherous new world on their own. Rika nodded in understanding, not wanting to force anyone to endure more than they could bear. With bittersweet farewells, the girls went their separate ways, leaving Rika and Karin to face the challenges ahead.

As they ventured forward, Rika kept a firm grip on Karin's hand, their bond a source of strength and determination. Together, they would face the horrors of this new reality, supporting each other through the darkest of times.

As Mike, Alice, and Shino ventured through the barren streets, they had been walking tirelessly for a day and a night, with no sleep. Every road they took was infested with damned creatures, hindering their progress. Despite their urgency to find Shino's parents quickly, they were forced to engage in battles along the way.

Finally, on a ruined street near the remnants of the once glorious Kaminari Academy, with debris scattered around as a somber reminder of the past, Mike, Alice, and Shino found themselves face to face with a group of damned creatures blocking their path to the school.

The squad consisted of three formidable opponents: a snake-headed damned wielding a spear, a humanoid feminine damned armed with razor-sharp claws, and a shadowy knight figure brandishing a massive shield.

With determination, Mike readied his flaming sword, knowing he would need its power in the upcoming battle. Alice tapped into her telekinetic abilities, lifting herself effortlessly into the air, and handed Shino a sturdy metal pipe to defend himself.

The air crackled with tension as Mike, Alice, and Shino faced off against the squad of damned creatures. The snake-headed damned hissed, its spear poised to strike, while the feminine damned flexed her razor-sharp claws in anticipation. The shadowy knight remained ominously still, his towering shield casting an intimidating shadow.

Without wasting a moment, Mike lunged forward, his flaming sword blazing with fiery determination. He deftly parried the snake-headed damned's spear thrust, the clash of metal echoing through the desolate street. The intense heat from Mike's sword sent tendrils of smoke rising into the air, creating an eerie backdrop for the battle.

Alice, floating above the ground, focused her telekinetic powers on the feminine damned. With a concentrated effort, she sent a barrage of debris hurtling toward her, each piece propelled by an unseen force. The damned creature hissed in pain as the shards cut through her spectral flesh, momentarily weakening her resolve.

Shino, gripping the metal pipe tightly, followed Mike's lead and lunged at the shadowy knight. With swift movements, he struck the knight's shield, the resounding clang reverberating through the street. Despite the knight's imposing presence, Shino's determination fueled his strikes, delivering blows with surprising precision.

The battle raged on, each clash of weapons and display of powers pushing the combatants to their limits. Mike's flaming sword danced through the air, leaving trails of fire in its wake, as he dodged and countered the snake-headed damned's relentless attacks.

Alice continued to manipulate her telekinesis, creating a swirling vortex of force around her. She unleashed a powerful blast of energy, sending the feminine damned hurtling backward, her claws slashing fruitlessly at the invisible shield surrounding Alice.

Meanwhile, Shino's relentless assault on the shadowy knight began to take its toll. Despite the knight's imposing armor, cracks started to form, revealing glimpses of the darkness that lay beneath. Shino seized the opportunity and struck with renewed vigor, aiming to exploit the knight's weakening defenses.

The battle reached its climax as Mike, Alice, and Shino fought with unwavering determination. Their coordinated attacks and unwavering teamwork gradually pushed the squad of damned creatures to the brink of defeat. The snake-headed damned faltered under the relentless assault, its movements becoming sluggish and predictable.

Finally, seizing the opening they had been waiting for, Mike unleashed a devastating fiery strike, cleaving through the snake-headed damned's defenses and vanquishing it in a blaze of fire and smoke. With a triumphant roar, he turned his attention to the remaining foes.

Alice, her powers surging, encased the feminine damned in a vortex of raw telekinetic energy. The damned creature thrashed and struggled, but it was futile. The swirling force intensified, crushing her form until she dissipated into nothingness.

Shino, determined to bring an end to the battle, channeled his last reserves of strength. He delivered a final, mighty blow to the shadowy knight's weakened armor, causing it to shatter into a burst of darkness. As the shadowy figure disintegrated, a sense of victory washed over the weary trio.

Breathing heavily, they stood amidst the wreckage of their battle, the once-barren street now littered with the defeated damned creatures. The silence settled, broken only by the crackling of flames from Mike's sword.

As the defeated damned creatures lay motionless on the ground, Mike sensed an opportunity. He knelt down beside the lifeless bodies of the snake-headed damned and the shadowy knight damned, his hands hovering over their forms. Closing his eyes, he tapped into the latent energies emanating from their remains.

A surge of power coursed through Mike's veins as he absorbed the essence of the fallen creatures. The energies flowed into him, intertwining with his own, and a profound change began to take place within him.

As the energies merged, Mike's abilities underwent a significant transformation. The newfound power surged within him, and he could feel his body becoming stronger, his senses sharper. The world around him seemed to vibrate with a renewed clarity.

A holographic screen materialized before Mike, displaying a series of notifications:

[Ability Upgraded]

[Ability Upgraded]

[Ability Upgraded]

[New Ability Acquired]

[Enhanced Stamina (B → A)]

[Enhanced Durability (B+ → A)]

[Enhanced Regeneration (C → C+)]

[Mystic Shield Summon (NEW)]

The notifications flickered before Mike's eyes, confirming the enhancements to his existing abilities and the acquisition of a new power. Excitement and anticipation surged within him as he absorbed the details of his new ability.

[Mystic Shield Summon (C)

Enables the user to summon a mystic shield that can block projectiles and other physical and magical attacks.]

A smile tugged at the corner of Mike's lips. He marveled at the possibilities this new ability presented and couldn't wait to put it to the test. With a dismissive gesture, the holographic screen vanished, leaving Mike to rejoin his companions.

As he regrouped with Alice and Shino, Mike's aura crackled with newfound energy. He relayed the upgrades and his newly acquired Mystic Shield Summon ability to his companions, their faces reflecting a mix of awe and anticipation.

Alice, in her floating state, nodded approvingly. "That's incredible, Mike. Your powers have grown exponentially. With your enhanced abilities and the Mystic Shield Summon, we'll be even more formidable in our journey."

Shino, gripping the metal pipe tightly, couldn't help but smile. "I knew we could rely on you, Mike. These upgrades will certainly come in handy as we face more challenges ahead."

Emboldened by his newfound strength, Mike took the lead once more, his flaming sword at the ready. Alice harnessed her telekinetic prowess, focusing her energies for what lay ahead. And now, with his Mystic Shield Summon ability, Mike knew he had an additional layer of protection in their battles.