
Chaptet Three

"Oh you little-" Head of servant was about to reach out for Maryjane

"I'm so sorry, please pardon her, she's just a child" Rose defended her daughter. She understood if she had not stepped in Maryjane would've been severely punished. She cautioned Maryjane, "We don't do such to people it's rude now apologize". Maryjane shook her head and didn't want to be forced to apologize to the mean lady. "Apologize now" Rose insisted.

"I'm sorry madame" Maryjane disinclined.

The head of servants savvied exactly what she needed to do to put them in their place, Minak gave her instructions to make Rose work but she had a few plans of her own

"I said get up, up up up on your feet" She commanded them

"Hm the little girl has some strength in her surely she will be able to do something around the mansion".

They had been torn from their once peaceful family and were now made to work as servants. Rose now in a standing position said "I can work, leave my daughter"

"I don't care, you're not in your house, you don't have a choice, in here you're just like every one of us," The head of servants said

"But surely-" Rose tried to speak

"But nothing, hurry up now" the Head of servants commanded before she left. Rose bent down and explained to Maryjane "We need to tolerate all these things for now, please behave" Rose was scared and didn't want any harm coming to Maryjane cause of a rash decision

"Mom I want to go home now, I don't like it here" Maryjane sobbed

"I know brave little girl we will be home soon, will you continue to be brave for me?" Rose felt helpless

"Yes mummy" Maryjane cleaned her tears and nodded slowly. They got prepared to leave to where the other servants were but before they left Rose had one more important thing to tell Maryjane and make her understand

She whispered, "Anywhere you see an escape route, don't wait for me, just run." With seriousness in her voice, she said "Promise me"

Maryjane didn't know why her mother was saying that but she had been taught never to fail a promise "Okay mummy" They left to where the slaves were and the head of the slaves gave them some tasks.

They were treated horribly, given the most menial and degrading tasks. It seemed like the world had conspired against them, pushing them down and disregarding their worth. Day after day, they endured the harsh treatment, their spirits slowly eroding with each demeaning assignment.

They were assigned the dirtiest chores, the ones that nobody else wanted to do. The head of servants made sure they got the worse of the worse when it came to tasks and chores.

They were given the worst of tasks, The treatment they endured was awful atop of the treatment they faced they were also given the most menial of degrading tasks. Rose felt the world had conspired against them and the moon goddess had forsaken them.

Maryjane had it worse being a child and still being faced with demeaning tasks was a lot on her but she didn't complain because she wanted to be brave for her mother.

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months they were faced with the dirtiest chores the ones that nobody else wanted to do. Cleaning the filthiest corners, scrubbing the floors until their hands were raw, and enduring the constant, their spirits slowly eroding with each demeaning assignment. Even the servants treated them badly. It was as if they got a rank lower than servants, their efforts were disregarded and their presence unnoticed. But amidst the harsh treatment, they held onto their resilience and hope.

By the brisk of the day, they will wake up determined to face hardships. They would clean the floors, wash the dishes, and perform all the menial tasks assigned to them without complaint. Their work was never acknowledged, but they didn't let it dampen their spirits.

They were offered mere food scraps after arduous hours of demanding work. This was a reminder of their desperate circumstances.

Amidst all the tribulation Maryjane discovered an easy escape route from their despair, She was determined to make her plan work. She worked day in and day out brainstorming for a good plan to get her mother and herself out of this unlucky life.

Maryjane had found a good escape plan, but as fate will have it as she attempted to implement it she was caught by the guards. Minak was informed of this and he summoned her

"Your mother tried to escape but she didn't, what made you think you could've succeeded? '' He laughed hysterically.

Maryjane could feel anger and frustration filling her and she clapped back at her uncle "Despite being my family you left us to rot in that hell hole, You're unfit to be the Alpha" Maryjane cursed out

"You're foolish just as your father was" Minak retorted. Over time Maryjane realized that her father wasn't ever going to be back, She had heard some servants talking about it but she wanted to be brave and not talk to her mother about it, She cried about it for a while but soon came to terms that she won't be seeing her Father anymore but this statement Minak uttered hit a nerve 'was' it was heart-wrenching.

"At least he was a better wolf than you will ever be" Maryjane said without holding her tongue

Out of spite, Minak ordered the guards "Teach her a lesson and why servants don't open their mouths"

They left her battered and bruised and left the violent aftermath for her mother to tend

"Dear you shouldn't have spoken up," Rose said with tears in her eyes while tending to the open wounds of her daughter. She spent days nursing Maryjane back to health

As days turned into weeks, The wounds inflicted on Maryjane began to fade, but the memory of the beating remained etched in her mind.