
Chapter 1: Heaven and Hell

In the days following Haidrick's Ascension, a great feast was held in his honor. Each night another party to attend, another nobles daughter to meet. More dinners than any one man should be forced to attend. While Haidrick received all the attention from the nobles, Vadik and I were left to our own devices, till a summons from the council made its way to our door.

"Lady Sahar Drachen, and Sir Vadik Drachen, are officially summoned to speak with the council of Iuris." The retainer had announced upon his arrival, much to our dismay. We respectfully agreed and vowed to be on time. Even with Father away, we can't keep out if his world.

"Why do you assume they've summoned us?" Vadik asked as we strode through the entrance hall of the council building. He hadn't spoken to me since we left, why ask now? Why not earlier?

"A little late to ask that isn't it?" I reply, giving him the cold shoulder he sports so much.

"I'm curious of your thoughts dear sister, surly you've come to a conclusion" he says a faint smile on his lips.

"If you much know, I believe we're being assigned a mission" I answer giving in to his questions.

"Interesting" he replied "see I'm under the impression it's something more interesting!"

"Like what?" I ask

"I believe we're being sent to the human world" he answers with a devilish grin.

"Impossible!" I blurt out "the human worlds off limits" I say, correcting my outburst.

"Yes the pact with the angels states we can't interfere with the human world, but! If we are simply there to meet with a half-blood cell, they couldn't take action without provoking us!" He replies with glee.

"You want them to attack us!?" I whisper

"Ancestors no! Us alone would be no match for a few angels" he replies waving away the thought "I'm simply saying if they were to attack without proper cause, they'd bring a war upon themselves" dose he not understand the weight of what he's saying?! Another war with the angels?!

"You realize we'd be forced to fight? Haidrick would be forced to lead our realm into battle!" I say

"I'm counting on it" he replied, at this I pinned him to that wall with suck force you could hear the wall crack under the pressure.

"You'd put your own brother, your family's lives on the line!" I hiss "what about me? Huh, would you put my life on the line like that?!" I say my eyes flickering like firecrackers, my voice like a dagger.

A few guards rush over to see what the commotion is about.

"Stand down at once!" One commands

"I am Sahar Drachen! Daughter of Vesith Drachen , and the younger sister of Haidrick Drachen current lord of Perfidiae!" I reply with all the pressure I can muster "get in my way and you'll be in chains before the hour is done!"

"Y-yes my lady" the guard replies backing away

"That's enough" a female voice calls from down the hall.

"Lady karmesin!" The guards say, snapping to attention. At the mention of that name my eyes snap to the women at the end of the hall. Her fiery red dress and leather bound arm, her reddish orange hair and golden eyes. Lunamara Karmesin, an infamous political figure form Libidine. Quite well known for her controversial opinions and beliefs.

"Ms Sahar please release your brother" Lunamara requests.

"Yes my lady" I reply begrudgingly, releasing Vadik, "we'll continue this conversation later"

"Thank you" she says with a gentle smile "I do hate it when siblings fight"

"My apologies my lady" I say. Lunamara holds a higher court rank, meaning her orders, no matter how trivial, I must respect and follow.

"Thank you for the assistance my lady" Vadik says brushing off his coat. I simply turn and walk off. Not worth my time.

We proceeded to the council chamber in silence. I was still pissed and dealing with the selfishness of the other lords, would be a stretch for today.

The council members, as always, made us wait. And to top it off, Haidrick still hadn't arrived, to everyone's annoyance.

"While we await you're brother" said the head council member, Lord Alloc Visn'ovce, of the Violentiam domain. "Why do you two believe you have been summoned here today?"

"It is my belief that the council has an assignment for us" Vadik replies without hesitating. Idiot.

"While you are not technically wrong, you have not been summoned for that task alone." Visn'ovce replies, dismissing his assumption. "And you?" He says turning his attention to me.

"It is not my place to assume the intentions of the council" I respond giving a slight bow.

"Wise" he replies. "You have both been summoned to give you're opinion on matters of state affairs" he continues "the nine have been at peace for nearly a six millennia, reports say there's been a bit of unrest as of late related to that topic."

"Yes quite, each of the domains seem to be in agreement, something is coming." Adds Lady Tadia Vespillo of the Gula domain. "Ever since the turning of the century our seers vision has been clouded, all they can accurately predict is a coming darkness that may bring our great kingdom to its destruction." She admits, adding to the conversation.

"If all this is true, why has his majesty not been informed?" I asked, stepping forward.

"He already knows" the familiar voice of Lady Lunamara brings the room to silence. A few quick scoffs from some of the council lords breathes a slight eco into the room. Clearly Lunamara is just as liked by the council as she is by the rest of the court. "Our all might emperor Sparta is well aware of the blind spot with the seers, seeing as his only daughter is the greatest deer in all of Infurnum. And if daddy's dearest can't see what's coming then odds are it's something big." She adds

"Mind you're tongue karmesin, you may be her highnesses knight but that by no means gives you the right to speak ill of her!" Snapped Lord Visn'ovce.

"Lord Visn'ovce" her gaze locked on him, the intensity of her gaze nearly melting his resolve "I ask you remember who it is who was chosen to serve her highness." Said Lunamara, her words playful yet sharp as cold steel. I couldn't help but snicker at Lord Visn'ovce's face, it was priceless, the fear in his eyes and the contortions of his muscles, showed truly how much he despised and feared Lady Lunamara.

"My apologies, my lord" I apologize, recollecting myself.

"Oh sister how I find you're attempts to remain ever the court lady" Haidrick said as he entered the council chamber. "Oh how I find it adorable when you let your true self show."

"Fashionably late as always brother" Vadik replies , breaking his uneasy silence.

"Do you expect any less of me?" He replies sarcastically.

"You are a lord of the domain now." He snapped back

"Seems you misunderstand the meaning of sarcasm" Haidrick replies

"Enough you two" I say, breaking up their foolishness.

"Finally Lord Haidrick you grace us with your presence." Lord Visn'ovce proclaims, clearly fead up with the current state of events.

"Oh come now, if I hadn't been late you'd have been bored to death." Haidrick replied claiming his seat on the council. "Now let's get down to business shall we"

"I concur" piped up Lord Marcus Bel'ovme,

"As do I" added Lady Derrice Mello'sonvile. The Lord and Lady of the domains Purgatorium, and Corruptio, respectfully. An air of unease swept over the room as each of the Domain lords recollected themselves. The tone shifting heavily. This was why they were here, this is what was so important that two of the most powerful court guardians were chosen.

"Lady Sahar and Sir Vadik Drachen, the council of Luris hereby charges you with this investigation." Lord Visn'ovce begins. All formality and command restored.

"You are to investigate, in conjunction with the other chosen form each domain, to uncover and prevent the coming fire that is to be our kingdoms undoing." Haidrick finished. "This is an official order from myself and the council of Luris, you will be permitted to travel to each domain, question whomever you see fit, and in addition, you are required to meet with a group of angels, lead by the archangel Seraph." Haidrick continued.

"In addition Lady Lunamara is to act as your supervisor in this endeavor" added Lord Visn'ovce.

"You're quest will begin immediately, prepare yourselves, the journey ahead is filled with the unknown. Tread carefully at every turn." Lady Vespillo adds with practiced sincerity.

Both Vadik and I kneel "as you command my lords!" We say in unison "we shall uncover the truth of this matter, root out the darkness and destroy it!" We vow as we rise, one could almost say it was practiced.

"Than may your hunt begin!" Haidrick commanded. We bowed once more before leaving, a new found purpose before us.


"Do you think they'll be able to uncover the truth?" Asked Lunamara

"Only time will tell." I replied. Much is unclear, both Sahar and Vadik are powerful, but even they are not well suited to such a task. If father had not ordered I chose them, I'd have chosen two less established.

"When do you have to return?" She asked, sipping her tea. For one so beautiful she had horrible taste in drink.

"Not till this afternoon, I made sure to tell father I'd be away on business till mid day." I reply sipping my nectar wine. For some unknown reason Lunamara refuses to drink alcohol.

"Are you going to visit Retra?" She asked fiddling with her hair

"I will" I say plainly "not today however"

"Oh?" She replies, a hint of curiosity "trouble in paradise?" She asks

"You could say that" I reply leaning back in my chair

"Want me to talk with her?" She asks

"No, I'll do it" I say getting up from my seat. I turn to leave but she grabs my sleeve before I can.

"Give the palace a rest Haidrick" her words strike a soft cord.

"You know I haven't used it" I snap

"There's still blood on your thumb" she points out

"Damn!" I curse.

"Give it to me" she demands

"What? No!" I protest, only to have her pull it form my collar. A small pendant, gold with a silver lower half, barely the size of a gold coin. A hint of red left on the slight dome at the center. "Lunamara!" I snap trying to reclaim the pendant, to no avail her grip is unbreakable.

"Go see her" she demands

"Luna please" I plead

"Go!" She orders again "I'll clean this thing while you're gone" so stubborn.

"Fine, but I want it back." I say admitting defeat.

"We'll see" she replies as I take my leave.

It's not a long journey to Retra's. A 20 minute walk from Lunamara's drink parlor. 10 minutes by air. I walk the distance, trying to clear my mind before I arrive, I'm horribly unsuccessful. Retra Gra'mor, of house Gra'mor, next in line to inherit the family legacy as Infurnums great Regent Commander. Leader of the nine grand armies of Infurnum. It was fathers idea to make friends with her, his will for us to grow up together. If I had to wager he anticipated our feelings as well. Things started simply, were met as children, played together. Than as time moved on, our bond strengthened. We trained together, fought together, we forged our path. At least I thought I had. Father was hard on us, me most of all. My relationship with Retra was strained for a while, a lot of small things built up and came to a head. I had just returned from my hunting expedition with the Barron's head. I was battered, a fresh scar down my face. She was the first to greet me, and the first to give me grief. I was so filled with hate and stress at the time that I unintentionally let out a bit of it on her. Taking her concern and worry as patronizing and sarcasm. In a fit of annoyance I pushed her away, saying some things I'd have never said. I was lucky that time, but when it kept happening, when I kept using her as an outlet for my frustrations, a tool to be used and discarded. Her patience grew quite thin, quite quickly. The following week she asked if I would travel with her to the central domain, she needed to complete some kind of training exercise with her father. I reluctantly agreed and with fathers consent we headed off. We stayed in one of her family's estates. Unbeknownst to us at the time, her father was quite supportive of our relationship and had some very interesting views of our future together. Least to say, we shared a room, and if we had gone with her fathers plan, a bed. I being the gentleman type, volunteered to sleep on the floor or on the couch in the receiving room. She tried to fight it and trade places but I refused to allow such action. That night was plagued with stress and embarrassment, as her father kept checking in on us every five minutes. Even the maids were trying their hardest to push us together. Eventually we concluded their obvious bait and planned to retaliate. However we were unable to agree on how, this lead to an argument, and that argument heated quite quickly. Everything over the last three weeks was brought up, my actions, hers, it was all brought out in the open. And than at the height of our argument, I made the most difficult choice I'd ever made. While she was spilling her heart to me, telling me off, and confessing her feeling for me, I became completely aware of who she was, of how much I cared for her, some would call it love. In that moment I through away my pride and kissed her. It was the most hate and stress induced kiss you could possibly imagine, but we both couldn't stop. Love took control and well, we embraced each other. I had reached the steps to her house long ago, yet I couldn't find the courage to stride up them as I once had. A lot had changed since we were young, both of our positions now clashed with one another. The Regent Commander and The Domain lord of Perfidiae, two positions of incredible power and influence, once joined now at odds. The will of the council and the will of the Regent often collide, but for her to reject my chosen path so adamantly has soured the victory. How does one hold both love and influence? I often wonder.

I turned and slowly began to leave when I heard that familiar voice calling

"you're really going to leave after just standing there for twenty minutes?" She asked. She must have just gotten out of the wash because her hair was still wet, her lounge robes were clearly hastily put on.

"Maybe" I reply giving her a fair smirk. She was beautiful, long curly red hair, mist blue eyes, and perfect curves. The perfect women, and I held her heart.

"How about you take that maybe inside and tell me about your day, I know the council met today" she said gesturing for me to come in.

"I really should get back, father-" she cut me off with a quick glance

"You're father can wait" she said her words seductive and filled with passion. "Come now it's cold out"

"Nothing like a dragon to warm your bed" I say ascending the steps. She plants a quick kiss on my check before taking my arm.


Hello readers! I apologize for the wait, life’s been a little time consuming recently and it’s sadly gotten in the way of this.

I’ll try and have a new chapter up every 10 days or so. The next chapter will be on the 15th of September!

Hunterxstrikexcreators' thoughts
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