
A whole new world

Suddenly all felt different. He, felt different.

''Congratulations on comprehending your first principle''

'Comprehending my first principle... wait what is this voice?!' ' Am I going mad, to start hearing voices all of a sudden... wait hearing? It feels like it appeared directly on my mind, but I know that it isn't mine, am I really going mad??'

''You're not going mad'' the voice said

''That's exactly what a mad person would have thought'' Oliver said, he didn't know why, but he felt that he really was talking with another person.

''Just shut up and listen''

The voice always had the same monotonous and even tone, but even so, he felt emotions, the first time it appeared, he felt joy, and now he felt light irritation and a bit of amusement, like an adult looking exasperated at a little kid that freaks out for nothing.

''From now on, you're different, you're no longer like the vast majority of humans, and you're walking on a completely different path, a whole new world, never to converge again'' it continued.

''Are you saying that i'm a...'' he felt that the voice was rolling it's eyes, if it had eyes, the feeling it gave was just too weird.

''Sorry, continue'' he hurried to say.

''You can ask three questions in the end, I may or may not answer, but for now, listen, I don't have much time to talk with you'' it said.

''As I was saying, you're different now, I'll give you a short explanation for you to understand why. You were born in one of the lowest planes in this cosmos, as so, it is impossible to achieve the bare minimum of cultivations, there isn't a single type of energy, and even if there were, the plane wouldn't support it, furthermore, even thought the laws are extremely shallow, and impossible to comprehend or use.''

Oliver was completely confused by now, just in a nick of time he heard so many things that he hadn't heard before that he was completely baffled.

''But the heavens always leave a way out, in every place there are geniuses, even in the lower planes, so it created the five principles. Someone who manages to comprehend all five of them will reincarnate into the main plane, the Heaven realm. Those principles only function in this and other lower planes of similar level, they don't even exist in higher leveled planes, they were only created in order to find geniuses, and give them a chance.''

'Heaven plane? quite a cocky name huh?' he thought.

''The five principles are divided into basic and compound, I don't think that I need to explain them, the name says everything, they are Vitality, wich you comprehended, Speed and Strength, the compound got that name not because of being harder, or needing to comprehend various things, but because they may differ from person to person, they are Attack and Defense, you can only comprehend the two by continuous fights against other people.''

'At least this explanation didn't confuse me...'

''The difficulty of all five is about the same, they will give you strength, between other things... Remember, by comprehending all five you will be able to reincarnate after 500 years. You may ask three questions now''

'Only three? I'm so confused that I could ask a thousand things and not be satisfied...' Oliver thought, he truly was confused, it was to much to take in all at once... 'I need to ask something really important, if I can ask questions they can only help'

''First of all, why 500 years?''

''Someone who comprehends a principle will have it's live extended, it's lifespan augmented, you won't die even if 1,000 pass if you comprehend all five, that augmented lifespan is the not to help you, but as a test, how will you react to the passage of time, as you see everyone around you dying, the world changing, while you stay equal, will you stay fine? Or crumble to bits. Furthermore I said that by comprehending all five principles you can reincarnate, but there is another way, by comprehending a concept you will also reincarnate, anyone that comprehends a concept has the ability to comprehend all five principles, but not everyone that comprehend all five as the ability to comprehend a concept, you may take it as extra time, after all, comprehending a concept will be extremely helpful to your future''

... 'This is cheating, it told me all that but it hasn't said what exactly is a concept, it only left me more doubts...'

''Then what is a concept?''

''A concept is somewhat like a law, only the ones truly talented will manage to comprehend a concept in a lower plane like this, the difficulty is harder than in the main plane, and the might is lower, but it is a proof of talent, and your affinities, you may comprehend a concept related to an element, or to a weapon, even emotions, or things like slaughter, but it is extremely hard, almost impossible, in the last 100,000 only a single person comprehended in all the lower planes, he is truly s terrifying character''

'Sh*t, I truly want to know what concept did he comprehend, but it would be such a waste of my last question' he knew that the question was practically meaningless, but the curiosity...

''You don't need to ask that, if you get the qualifications to reincarnate we will talk again, and I can answer meaningless questions like that then''

'It isn't meaningless, I truly want to know... okay, maybe it is a bit...'

''Then... you said that we can't cultivate in here, and that there is no energy, what are those?''

''You're asking two questions there... but they are related... a cultivator is someone who trains in order to become stronger, and extend his lifespan, for that they will absorb various types of energy, depending on the plane in wich the reside, a lower or a higher plane, the type or energy will varies, along with it's quality, in the Heaven plane the call the energy 'Houyin' energy, but there are other types like yin, yang, natural energy or soul energy. These are the most common ones.''

''I've now answered your questions, remember, your different now, and a lot will change''

He was truly confused, concepts and principles, even planes and crazy things like extending ones life... he truly doubted that such things were real, but he truly felt like they were.

'The voice said that i'm different now, but how' Oliver thought.

He raised his head, he could clearly see the trees and the lake... wait, it was already night, he hadn't turned the lights on, so he should barely be able to see amidst the dim moonlight, but he was seeing almost as clearly as during the day.

'Was it all true?' he thought 'It can't be... can it?'

He was indeed seeing better, he couldn't deny that, he truly was different.

'Ahhh, i'm going crazy and I can't concentrate, I'm calm but the idea of things being true leaves my head spinning, I think I'll go to sleep and see things tomorrow...'

He got up in the morning to Silver's loud breathing, wait, breathing? How can it be considered loud. But it truly was, in fact, it was not just the breathing, everything looked different, he could clearly hear things outside, even the sound of the water running outside near the lake, something that he normally could only hear when he got close to it, he could also feel things better, it was a weird sensation, every single one of is five senses seemed to be strangely amplified, at least 10 times, and that wasn't a small number.

'So I guess things yesterday were true..., I really am different...'

He decided to get up, even if he had changed, in a way that he himself didn't clearly understand how, nor with what consequences, he still had school today.

He went to the kitchen, he felt extremely hungry, he hadn't even remembered to eat the day before with all that

'And I also forgot Silver's food, well, he his a bit fat either way'

'I'll just eat some bread with ham and eat something else at school, i'm already a bit late'


He cut himself with the knife, it truly was weird, he could be shore that he hadn't made that much strength.

'I should put my hand under water a bit, the cut is pretty light too, at least it wasn't deep'

And that's when he saw it, right there, in front of is eyes, the wound was slowly closing.

'The wound is closing, this shouldn't be possible' he was a bit scared here, but also excited.

''A whole new world, you said'' thought Oliver aloud as he watched is finger.

Hi all, here was chapter two, sorry for the wall text, i'll try to make the sentences shorter in the future ;)

ChenXiancreators' thoughts
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