
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 48: Mission Unlocked (3)

"Welcome," Jade said.


A simple nod from purple.

Slaughterer looked at the fake sky.

'My hunts are going to start then?'


"To all of you please listen!" Fork said in loud voice.

"Now that you are in this Organisation all of the rules must be followed as always. Today we are going to have the Chip Installment! To those who will not be killed." Fork said.


The crowds among the 14 talked. Of course, they knew this before the game started.

"I considered that as a yes then."

"The 14 of you will undergo in a short period of Installation. That chip will be our monitoring device. If you got caught by someone unknown, then we have the responsibility to save you. Why? It is because the new members must be kept and trained. As if you had undergone the Chip in your head then you will get your mission. And that mission will be on your watches. Your watches serve as a tool. It has a function to scan object either living or non-living. It depends on the living if the living is unknown then that unknown existence was denied by your watches. That means they are strong. That watches also serve as your data, about kills and soon. Please use it as your own. Do not throw or show it off. We have rules. As an Assassin, we need to keep the rules. It is me or you. We must obey. If not then think? Death or something else? For example, you want to escape or did not obey the rules. Simple! A quick death will do! And that chip will be our monitoring device."

"Here are the rules. Please say "Status" and tap your watches. When you say the name in Tag as RULE, then it will show up.



Everyone tapped their watches including the team Pioneer.

Jade look at her watch.

"Rule," Jade said.

She saw the keyword RULE






"So did you read it right?" Fork said.

"Then why there is a "steal" there? For why not just let it be vulgar! Why? Because we are Sins! It is because we Kill for stealing! That is the Sins! We are Greed! For power and to our Innovation! We must do everything!" He stopped then continued.

"Where do we need to put those stolen goods then? Your watches have a storage function. Just said Status and tap your watches, and say the word Storage. There are many functions in your watches please find that." Fork said.

He smiled and took a small breath.

"So why do missions? Of course, you need. To live you must do Assassinations. Kill in short word. In every mission,n you will get your point. When you're in the Status mode you can see your points in the upper corner of your screen like interface. Your points are called AP or Assassin Points. The mission also gives points and it depends on the league of your mission. Please tap your watches and say the word mission. Did you do it? *waiting...So as you can see the missions, it is divided into 4 leagues. Namely, S A B C D E F. That letters defined the leagues. S for Special, which means the most dangerous mission. A is the least second most dangerous and of course from B to F followed. Got it! I said GOT IT!"


The newbie in white clothes shouted. Of course there just 14 of them.

"Remember if you want to live, Kill!" For stated this."


"Then I considered that as a Yes then." He said then continued.


Then all of them got a dismissal.

"So what do we need to do then?" Jade said.

"It's not a problem. We just need to Kill!" Slaughterer smiled.


The girls felt his lust for killing!

"Okay... Since we got a dismissal we need to make our room better then. I will tell. Make sure no one knows who you are. We need to use a veil. In order to survive, we need to kill! I wouldn't mind killing since I need to survive. Jade, Dou, and Purple. Do not trust me. I repeat this out. DO NOT TRUST! Even you are my friend. Do not hinder me or I will kill you. I don't differentiate between a girl. Even you jade." Slaughterer said in a straight face.

His attitude since he got in this organisation came back! The Slaughterer once then! The one who felt no feelings!


"I trust you all!" Slaughterer contradicted his won rule of not trusting each other.

"Why?" Purple asked as she didn't get, "Why?"

"It's easy. If I trust you all then I think you as my companion. Then if I don't? I'll kill you all." Slaughterer said in a straight face.

"Ah!" Dou and Jade were taken aback.

Purple is steady as always. She doesn't want to talk about something. Of course, she hates "TRUST."

'i don't like the word trust, maybe we are the same slaughterer.' Purple thought as she gets colder. Her body was devoured by revenge!

'I will have your trust "little Existence!"' She stated in her mind while she looked at Slaughterer.

"Got that all? This time and at this time we will meet again. Don't worry, as a team we got to share a room. Our room is too big for us anyway." Slaughterer said.

"Our room?" Dou asked.

"Yes, our room. I and Jade lived in the same room.


While saying Jade blushes a little. Of course, Slaughterer is void from feelings. The human was all the same.

'I don't need love, I need power. I don't need mercy, I need to kill, I love power more than my own self, I am selfish and greedy. You may hate me and leave me but I am Slaughterer! In this life, I will do everything to protect my life and existence! I will save everyone from dying! This is me! Your Darkness Slaughterer!' Slaughterer stated this in mind.

No one can stop him from doing so. As a reincarnation, he knew the path he would take. Make changes and live to the fullest. But what he didn't want and yet he wanted the most is Killing! SLAUGHT THE HUMANITY AND FEED HIS HEART WITH BLOODS! DO WHAT IT TAKES TO LIVE, TO SURVIVE AND TO GAIN WITH WHAT YOU EXPECT to KILL WHAT YOU DESIRE!

"Then let us go!" Slaughterer made the first order on his Team.

The beginning of his Journey in Assassination.

To be continued...

Satou, D.

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