
Tales of Existence (Raison d' Etre)

"THE TALE OF EXISTENCE!" Tens of Thousands years ago, there was a galaxy named Fall. The Fall was ruled by an Existences and led them to its grandest life. The Existences created creatures. Among creations that stand out were these Elemental creatures the latter was humans. The Fall serves as their home, their hope, and their existence. But then! It was all for naught when an abyss opened, PROJECT: Raison de' Etre. The reason for existence! "What do you want? Power, Love, Fame, Riches? Which is which?" Raison D' Etre! The reason for everything! Discover you own as you explore the possibility of reaching Existence! Be the next Existence!

SATOU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter 24: Devils Plague! (End)

Chapter 24: Devils Plague! (End)

Mirae woke up after a long depressing event.

She sat blankly. There are no emotions. Her face and everything isn't they were in the past. They are full of hatred and animosity!

With grief and sorrow, she can no longer accept the reality.

Her parents died!


And she calmed down.

The hatred is the hidden part of our feeling. One must suffer~ Hatred.

Mirae looks at the dead bodies. Her parents aren't the way they look.

They are just in mess. Almost dyed in red.

So harsh.

"Mom... Dad... Don't you worry? I will have your justice."

She closed their eyes and fled from the scene.


While the little devil wrecks havoc someone has been keeping an eye on him. It was him, V'Ren!

'Just as I guess. He's no trash! Hahaha...'

'That husband of her... Is he a devil also? But why he isn't? He's just a normal person with a curse poison!'

'But this kid, he's different!'

At first, he didn't believe it. A pure noble without any affinity isn't that rare they're just common among inferior humans. Even a farmer's child can control a sliver power. He's guessed was correct after all. During the awakening, this kid isn't gaining power but leaking. So it must be something. With his Colossal Eye, he can detect some anonymous power. He also told his attendant not to intervene and let him do anything he wants.

'He's not the ordinary human we knew of.'

'He's a devil!'

'Once I controlled him. No one will get into my way. Ever! Hahhaa!' He laughed evilly.

"EVEN THOSE EXISTENCE!" He muttered with a hint of jealousy.

He was hidden through the help of Colossal Eye. As long as you're not above Core stage no one can discover him.

But this devil isn't that strong. He's just relying on the affinities. Yet he would be dead if he fought him. He discovered it after the fight of Drak. The stronger the enemy the stronger he accumulates power.

He can just ambush him or take him unconscious.

Then someone interrupted the scene.

'Oh look what I found? This is interesting!'

'The Daughter of Drak and Minerva, Mirae Arc.'

'I can't just help seeing this kid getting killed. Mirae is helpful to the Empire. Once she grew up, she would be a great weapon for the empire. As long as I can help her grow I can control her. Hahaha!'

'I must make some meritorious act in order to avoid some nonsense political wars.' He mindlessly planned.


"You devil come here!" Someone with a hoarse voice shouted.

A girl with silver hair moved forward.

But her eyes are deep, full of hatred and animosity.

"You devil! Answer me! Why did you kill my parents! Are you doing this for fun?!" She yelled.

'Kill! KILL!' The devil muttered.

The devil dashed forward. But his power lessened because its opposite opponent isn't that stronger.

But he is stronger at his level. The stronger the enemy the greater the affinity he can gather.

'kya...' A swift dashed made by the devil.

But Mirae moves sidewards to dodge. She can do it!

With a quick dash, she escaped at her current place. She moves forward and activated her affinity. It wasn't that strong. She can only inflict some damages. But it was worth a try.

She's not that intelligent like Nana but she learned some. She discovered it during the fight. His power is destructive but his control seems unorganized. He can kill Drak because of his dual affinity and that flickering rays. Once the fight started he copied the same move. As long as he can fend the fight for long he gained understanding. He is like an assassin finding your every weakness.

'But he had a weakness.' Mirae thought.

'He copied the same move and fight similarly. But his destructive rays are the problem.'

'The pattern is easy but how?'

"No matter how! I will do my best!"

"For my parents! I will do anything!"

She activated the power of Tidal. But what she did not expect is how the way her change.

The bright blue affinity colour surrounding her turned to slight Purple!

Her hair changed and turned purple.

"She's activating the power of the Tidal!" This awakened because of her hatred to this Devil.

To her existence, this Devil must be punished!

Remember in the past event? She fought with the Adult Gner Arc. Her colour isn't that silver yet Purple!

This changed the timeline a little bit.


'This kid has a talent. She just awoke her innate talent!' Drak watched her from afar. He was amazed by the turn of events.

This Trash of Mira was a devil.

Mirae awoke her innate talent!

"What can you do then little Mirae?"

"But this isn't the time yet Little Mirae... You have the talent but he has the power to contend. It is no fun seeing you kids fought. These will invoke the heavens and will be noticed. If I don't act now we might all suffer and my grand plan!"

'I will knock him first. I can see what weaknesses he played out. He's like a puppet. And moves like a puppet.' He thought.

And with that, he interfered.

"The fun is in."

He's a man of evil who is behind the curtains.


To be continued…..

Satou, D.