

Author: MadZodiac
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 68.2K Views
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Read TALES OF DEMONS AND GODS : TRUE GOD fanfiction written by the author MadZodiac on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


MC Will Become Friends With Nie Li. Anyone Who Doesn't Like It Stay Away From This Novel. As For How Fast The MC Will Develope He Will Develope At A Slow Pace.

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rebirth of the soul God: one piece

in 2023 you can see a guy with a black band that also had golden markings with the white hair and the six pack no shirt on and a black short pants battling someone with red hair and also a short black pants with a six pack as well however the person with the black band was decimating his opponent. BOOM BOOM BOOM!! He was sending punch after punch and then you could see him preparing for something while the opponent was also trying to get out of the way but also preparing an attack and both of the abilities crashed. Suzuki soul style: blooming Scarlet tree rising sun style: true blaze. The person with the white hair jumped into the air and informed his body in such a way it looked like a tree and everyone saw the illusion of a tree with Scarlet leaves however the opponent was backing up both of his fists while seemingly waiting to charge and you could see the illusion of a crimson sun behind him and him being covered with crimson flames. both of the styles crashed however the obvious winner was the white-haired one. The white haired person went down and people could see the illusion of hundreds of the Scarlet leaves coming from the tree and even some bark however the opponent was covered in crimson flame returned to all of those flames into the crimson Sun and his fist and charged however the Scarlet leaves somehow took effect in the real world seemingly being multiple air bullets. clashing with the opponents very well built body they kind of stuttered however managed to do a lot of damage however the white haired man's opponent was not done. He jumped into the air with the white-haired man already being down on the ground and finally used his technique charging down seemingly running on air with crimson flames acting as footsteps but in reality he was just dropping down at insane speeds increasing his temperature to the point where you could see flickers of those same crimson flames appearing around his body while he was still holding his fist back charging them up this whole entire time. after that the white haired man using the remaining air bullets seemingly kicking and punching air manipulating them to go towards his red haired opponent. The clashed however his red hair opponent still went on however then the white-haired opponent finally activated one of his techniques one that the audience had never seen before. Suzuki soul style Ryoma special: true Behemoth void tempest. was a long name that Ryoma the white haired man thought in his head after that you could seemingly see the illusion of a white dragon appearing as an aura around his body. it then along with Ryoma met the blazing fist and the crimson song and seemingly devoured it. this was the thing about most of the Ryoma special techniques they seemingly devoured their opponent's abilities because of this most people who actually knew about this and we're going to fight Ryoma in a match never used special techniques against his specials. even the strongest of abilities could fall to any of his. so after easily winning the clash Ryoma then kicked the face of his opponent knocking him out. however it may not have seemed like it but that battle lasted two whole hours after all they were some of the strongest brawlers in the world. you see on Earth there's a place called the brawler association a place where people use different fighting styles that they have honed to the peak to fight and win money and currently this would be Ryoma' final match. after saying goodbye to the audience getting a towel to get off all the sweats and the same GG to his opponent he finally left to go to his house however on the way he saw a black car was following him so he always had his guard up finally after he got in front of his house the black car stopped and came out of it were multiple people wearing business suits with guns. this was the work of the chairman of the brawlers association zaru and he of course was trying to make sure Ryoma still played but after failing...

genisis_gaia_boss · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Hindsight for the win

Noah had worked his whole life to provide for his ‘family’ until his dying day when he discovered that they were never really his…then his best friend and business partner along with his wife and ‘son’ had upped sticks and fucked off with all his money and left him penny-less with no way to afford the life saving medicine that was so easily attainable just days before. The police have told him that they have no idea where they went, the insurance company has told him they can’t pay him until they have completed they’re investigation by which point he’ll be dead. And to top it all off that he had to give up his bed for a paying patient. Almost laughing at how his life had turned out in this new era, where he trod down his dreams to provide for his ‘family’ instead of chasing adventure in space and potentially evolving with a lucky encounter in the limitless worlds that were the major discovery of the new era. But no. He gave it all up to take responsibility. And to ‘do the right thing’. Well fuck that noise. In front of all the deliverers of his bad news he ripped out all the needles slipped on some shoes and jumped out the open window. Follow Noah as he wakes up in his younger body and takes advantage of all his knowledge of the next 40 years whilst only looking out for number one and a friend he lost too soon. *first time writer, just a fan of the genre and thought I’d give it a go. No shits given if you don’t like it. Many shits given if you love it ;) Open to constructive criticism but let’s keep it PG. *basically it starts off as a reincarnation, what would you do differently sort of novel which will grow into a sci-fi space and new world adventure in later chapters. *might add some romance/r18 down the line if I get that far

Merrypotomous · Sci-fi
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Primordial Catalyst

Many years ago, before the Godless Era, The Primordial God had granted a nameless man without fame or renown the power of a god, creating the first mage. this man would go on to become a king, known only as the Namless Lord. The Nameless Lord would pass his gift on to a select few, granting them variations of the same great power. But unto god, this was a sin, and went against the Primordial’s command. and so came the war, in the Valley of the Gods, the battle commenced, the Celestial towers falling from the sundered skies as the Primordial armies fell upon man. but the Nameless Lord was unmoving, and the stars came to fall upon the gods, and they were sealed away within the cosmic abyss. As time went on, more mages were made, and corruption crept into the Nameless. But something odd happened; a boy was born, a boy who was gifted with the power of a mage. Yet, he was not granted this power by the Nameless, nor was he born from a mage. He was the 13th. The cursed mage. The Nameless wanted his head, he wanted to know why a mage was born without his knowledge, without his control. As the seal on the Primordials begins to tremble, so too do the lands and the mages within them as a war begins to rise, a war that will be far beyond that of any before it. With the Black Rose assassins following his path everywhere he goes, Darius must always look over his shoulder at every turn as he learns to control his magic. He has been running for years, and now, his only goal is to grow stronger, and one day, he would challenge the Nameless to take his throne and lift the corruption from his homeland, but it will be no easy path. Greetings to all readers! This is a story I have been working on for a long time, and I plan to give the world rich history, world building and characters. My hope is to eventually adapt this story into a manwa at some point, my art just isn’t quite at that level yet. I hope you all enjoy the story, and I hope the mysteries and twits I’ve woven into its fabric will bring you delight! also, I will update on weekends around anywhere between 3-7 pm pacific time, and weekdays 6-8 pm. I know it is a bit on the late side but I do have a lot of work I need to do, so I apologize!

Hassanisabbah97 · Fantasy
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Innocent Love- The Beginning

Once upon a time I have everything and now nothing. Rich, beautiful to miserable and lost. He's my everything now nothing. I lost everything in one night. He take my breath away with a single smirk but now no one here for me. My love My life My relationship But I found so many truth. We're liar. Playing with him or her. Dark Scary Truth want sacrifices and now I’m the one who sacrifices my love for them. He never know about my deal. I left him in darkness where he still fighting with his demons. His family playing with him and the one I love the most is on bet. Love Or Family I choose family and he choose me for paying what I had done. Revenge We met years later but holding a dark side. Both broken in love want each other to hold. I have a past that still haunted me In present. Losing everything I found my shine again. But he's the one I know in past. He changed and? played with me and I let him. Again fall for him one of my biggest mistake and I do that again. But what if that shine came in your life for destroy you? He hurt me but gave me a life that I never expected. Forever But now war the only one way I choose this time. This time I'm going to win him over them. Nothing going to stop me not even my past or My present He need to know about his past and our future but he's in danger in his safe life. I have no choice again but just one leave them alone. He's going to hates me when he find out my past. I tried to hide but my demon let him see me. The real rose with shores Then how I let him fall for me again where i can gave him just pain. He need to live alone without me. Without my Innocent love

Simran · LGBT+
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bro don't make the mc follow nie Li make him separate from the group and also explain the mc's cheat clearly


it was quite enjoyable but why has it been deleted


what happened to the chapters?


For those who are going to read this novel after this review then remember that mc reaches heavenly star realm in chapter 9 and he still follows nie lie and there's is no change from the main story


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