

Hong Yue Xian turned and gave her a sheepish grin, before walking towards Huyan Lanruo who was in the middle of an argument with Shen Fei, warning him to back off from Nie Li and Hong Yue Xian, or she would cut off his balls.

Just as the talk was heating up, Nie Li accompanied by Ye Ziyun and Xiao Ning'er walked into the ballroom. Huyan Lanruo immediately tried to get his attention but was disregarded by him who began to talk with Ye Han, when they were interrupted by Shen Fei, who began badmouthing Hong Yue Xian and Xiao Ning'er.

Hong Yue Xian, who was yet unnoticed by the crowd, circled around and snuck right behind Shen Fei, before speaking loudly in his ear. "You do not learn do you, trash?" His voice startled everyone and scared the hell out of Shen Fei but before he could turn around, Hong Yue Xian hit him on the side of his neck, causing Shen Fei to faint and fall to the floor.

There was silence in the ballroom until it was interrupted by Shen Hong, the Sacred Family patriarch, jumping to his feet and using his soul force in anger to attack Hong Yue Xian. Hong Yue Xian was not afraid of the attack and remained unfazed, but it was intercepted by another soul force cancelling each other out. Now it was the time for the various higher ups to be shocked as they all looked at Hong Yue Tian as he exuded an aura of a Back Gold rank Demon Spiritualist.

"Patriarch Hong Yue, you finally broke through? Congratulations!" Said Ye Zong, the City Lord, as he lifted his wine cup in a toast, with everyone following suit. Complicated expressions could be seen on the side of the Noble Families, as now both Huyan and Hong Yue Families had a Black Gold rank expert. Hong Yue Family was sure to rise.

"Haha. I just recently managed to overcome the hurdle, but I still have a long way to go. I thank everyone for your compliments. I was planning to host a feast and officially announce it but I could not wait and see my son being bullied. Patriarch Shen, don't you think you owe me an explanation?." Laughed Hong Yue Tian as he acted humble, before glaring fiercely at Shen Hong.

The latter was feeling frustrated at Hong Yue Tian's breakthrough. He was jealous of the other's luck as he tried to reach Legend rank and failed. Shen Hong calmed his anger and pointed at Shen Fei, while speaking. "Explanation? Why don't you explain why your son attacked mine? He even used a despicable sneak attack."

Hong Yue Tian was unperturbed as he laughed at Shen Hong. "My son attacked Shen Fei because the latter was speaking ill of him behind his back. Should my son have accepted the insults with a smile? Even if my son was in the wrong that is the issue between kids, us grown ups should stay out of it."

All of a sudden Ye Zong turned to Shen Hong and also reprimanded him. "Patriarch Shen, why bother with the younger generation, they are all hotheaded, just let them solve their own disputes." The whole ballroom was shocked to see the City Lord taking a stance. Shen Hong was furious but he could not do anything else so he had his men carry Shen Fei away and retired early. Ye Zong did not see him out causing much speculation.

As the chatter returned to the ballroom, Xiao Ning'er approached Hong Yue Xian with a flushed face, grateful that he stood up for her. Hong Yue Xian gave her a smile and an affectionate hug causing her to blush even more. However, the moment they separated, he felt his arm enveloped in a bone melting softness. He turned to look at his arm and saw Huyan Lanruo hugging his arm tightly, while pressing and rubbing her voluptuous jade mounds on it.

The feeling was very pleasant and made his body burn with lust but he had to push it back down, as now was not the time to be swayed by desires. Xiao Ning'er was right there, glaring frostily at Huyan Lanruo, creating invisible sparks in the air, not to mention he could feel Yang Xin's sharp watchful eye on his back.

Hong Yue Xian summoned what little sage power he could muster to calmly look at Huyan Lanruo. "Sister Lanruo, how can I help you?" "Brother Xian, I missed you so much, you looked so cool just now. There will be a dance later, will you dance with me? Please?" Huyan Lanruo gazed at Hong Yue Xian with upturned doe eyes and pouting lips, giving an adorable look that coupled with her vast cleavage made all his bones go soft and throat become parched.

All Hong Yue Xian could do was grunt his approval before escaping from her clutches and cooling himself down with a cold drink. Of course he did not forget to promise Xiao Ning'er to dance with her too, dispelling the storm clouds hanging over her head. After all that he could finally wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Soon Nie Li left with Ye Ziyun, leaving behind a brooding Ye Han. The banquet was reaching its climax when slow music started to play for anyone who wished to dance. Hong Yue Xian was immediately besieged on both sides. He was surprised by Xiao Ning'er when she hugged his arm same as Huyan Lanruo, he was being surrounded by softness.

After that he danced with Huyan Lanruo, as he promised her first. He found she was an excellent dancer and the feel of her curvaceous body in his arms was a true delight. They conversed quietly while dancing and agreed to go for a walk in the park next week. As the dance ended, Huyan Lanruo gave him a kiss on the cheek and reminded him to not be late for their date.

Hong Yue Xian watched her walk away before rushing to dance with Xiao Ning'er. He had to dance twice as long with her before she was content. Both of them enjoyed their dance and left the banquet together, before meeting up their families.

Hong Yue Xian greeted his father and thanked him for his save back then. Hong Yue Tian was beaming the whole banquet, and was even summoned for a chat with the City Lord. He thought his son would accompany them home, but Hong Yue Xian stated he had some things to do, before walking away.

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