
Same Name, Shared Fate

One day another procession of people in celebratory clothing traversed the streets of Glory City. Only this time it was headed towards the City Lord's Mansion. When the bewildered youths found out that it was the Heavenly Marks Family signing an engagement contract with the City Lord's Mansion, they despaired.

First, goddess Xiao Ning'er was taken by some Hong Yue Xian, and now goddess Ye Ziyun was snatched up by Nie Li. They felt so depressed, that the youths went to drink themselves stupid, as they lamented their fates. The only consolation was that the one who got Ye Ziyun was the number one genius of Glory City Nie Li. What they could not stomach was that coward Hong Yue Xian.

Back then when the engagement was announced, a number of hotheaded youths challenged him to a fight, but he just disappeared. More than a month had passed and still nothing. The youths were furious and made a racket about his cowardice and weak strength, yet deep in their hearts they were afraid to admit a simple truth, that he ignored them.

That was precisely what Hong Yue Xian did. And while the youths continued to drink away their sorrows, he quietly left Glory City and flew to the Universal Spatial Array, before entering the Dark Prison Realm and hiding behind some rocks. He waited for an hour or two when Nie Li and Duan Jian appeared from the array and set off into the distance, with Hong Yue Xian following in tow.

Hong Yue Xian saw a huge crowd of Dark Prison Realm experts, and used their engrossment with the battle between Sikong Yi and Duan Jian, to blend into the crowd. The face off between the silver and black lights continued for some time, until Duan Jian entered Legend rank and severely wounded Sikong Yi.

Filled with fury Duan Jian tried to finish him off but was stopped by Sikong Hongyue, who was prepared to die for her father. Awakened from his anger by her devotion and the words of some crazy old man, Duan Jian spared them and left with Nie Li.

With the patriarch defeated and on the brink of death the rest of the Silverwing Family started to flee, leaving the father and daughter duo encircled by the other families. Sikong Hongyue saw their own clansmen abandon them and the evil intention in the other families' eyes, and coupled with Duan Jian's words, it caused her to tear up with regret.

That was when Hong Yue Xian stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of her, addressing the surrounding people. "Wait! It's true that Sikong Hongyue did a lot of wrongs, but it is never too late for a person to turn a new leaf. If given a chance I am sure she would try to be a better person. Is that not right?" Asked Hong Yue Xian facing Sikong Hongyue.

The latter was surprised someone stood up for her. She thought about his words and realised she might be saved and be able to start a new. She tried to speak, but was interrupted. "Before you say anything, know that I will know if you lie to save yourself. Don't think you can act all good and fool me. Decide once and for all whether you want to stay an ugly and vicious woman or you want to become a beautiful and caring one." Warned Hong Yue Xian with a severe voice.

Sikong Hongyue hesitated for a while, before glancing at her father, the surrounding experts and finally Hong Yue Xian. "I am willing... No, I want to change. I want to be better. I don't want to have regrets anymore." She pleaded with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Good. Then from now on you will follow me, I will help you find the right path, and ensure you do not stray from it again. Should you do so I will kill you myself. Understand?" Said Hong Yue Xian. "Yes, I understand. Thank you." Sikong Hongyue lowered her head as the tears kept falling.

"Don't decide everything by yourselves. Who are you anyway? Do you know how much evil both of them did? And you want to let them go just like that?" Shouted someone from the crowd, agitating it.

"That's right. Even if we let the daughter go, her father was the real villain. We should hack him to pieces in return." Added another voice further igniting the fury of the people.

"Indeed. Both of them committed crimes and you are right to be angry, but I don't think I require your permission or approval and can do as I please. They are under my protection now." Declared Hong Yue Xian.

"Little friend, it's best not to throw your life in vain for those criminals." Advised the patriarch of the Divine Flame Family. "Do you believe me when I say that I have the power to slaughter you all without breaking a sweat?" Sneered Hong Yue Xian as he released his peak Legend rank stregth, dumbfounding the rest.

The whole crowd grew stagnant immediately. Everyone could not help but be shocked and fearful, as they did not imagine the young man in front of them would have such power. One Sikong Yi was able to hoodwink the sky with one hand, and the youth before them looked so much stronger.

As the people were trying to gasp for breath, the patriarch of the Ash Wolves Family stepped forth and mediated. "Well, Sikong Yi only has three days to live, we might as well be magnanimous and let him go. Let all of the wrongs and injustices die with him. As for Sikong Hongyue I believe she is sincere in her desire to change, so we can leave her in the Sir's charge. What do you think everyone?"

The crowd immediately broke into shouts and grunts of agreement as the people started to back off. Seeing that, Hong Yue Xian cupped his hands to everyone there expressing his thanks, before grabbing the father daughter duo and leaving the town.

As they flew, Sikong Hongyue finally managed to whisper. "Master, where are we going?" Hong Yue Xian was surprised by her address and replied. "You do not have to call me Master. My name is Hong Yue Xian. See we share the same name, and from now on we will share the same fate. You can call me Xian or if you want Young Master. I will call you Hongyue from now on."

Sikong Hongyue was surprised by the similarity of their names, and touched by his words. She nodded her head and said. "I understand. So where are we going, Young Master?" "We are going to leave the Dark Prison Realm. The place we are going to is called Glory City. Lei Zhuo that you know and me are both from there. You will live with me, but I do not intend to turn you into a servant or a puppet. Once I settled you, I will leave for a trip and leave some guidelines for you. By the time I come back I want to see the new you, the better you. Can you do that for me?" Inquired Hong Yue Xian. "En. I promise." Replied Sikong Hongyue, as she vowed to not disappoint her Young Master.

Soon they went through the array and appeared in Glory City. Finally, Hong Yue Xian could relax, as he felt a sharp gaze on his back the entire time. That crazy old man was always a mystery and best not to be touched. As Hong Yue Xian sighed in his heart, he took the duo to their new home.

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