
Paying back the debt

After a moment, Shen Xiu walked over, swinging her hips. Her gaze swept passed the group of students and fell onto Nie Li. Her eyes turned sharp when they fell on him. Shen Xiu said in a poor tone. "The year examination for our class is starting soon, everyone follow me!"

The results of the examination were as expected. Xiao Ning'er, Ye Ziyun, Nie Li and his gang all left the examiners numb from shock. Hong Yue Xian was not mediocre either. He destroyed his soul stone and broke his strength pillar, earning his place in Genius class.

Several days later it was time for everyone to go home and visit their families. Xiao Ning'er was very reluctant to say goodbye and embraced Hong Yue Xian tightly before running away again. He could not help but rub his nose and sigh at how adorable she was.

Then he spent half of the day visiting his wine making businesses. After Hong Yue Xian purchased them, he united them under the name of 'Immortal Wine Merchant House' and used his knowledge from Earth to start producing all kinds of wines and spirits. He then later used the profits and the payments from Alchemist Association to buy up farms and fruit gardens securing his supply, as well as restaurants and hotels securing the distribution channels.

Now his products were sought out in the whole of Glory City, and he became the best wine producer and seller in the city. His net worth already exceeded that of the Winged Dragon Family. In due time Immortal Wine Merchant House will be able to rival the Major Families. After checking everything Hong Yue Xian filled several storage rings full of wine and spirits, before going to the shopping district.

Once there he started buying all kinds of tasty and unique foods, if he came across some decent inscribed weapons and armour, he would get them as well. After all his storage rings were filled to the brim, he sighed in satisfaction and finally set off on his trip back home.

It took four hours by carriage to reach the Hong Yue Family's compound. Hong Yue Xian was welcomed by the servants and immediately ushered into the reception hall. There the whole higher echelon was assembled, though they all looked rather gloomy.

First, Hong Yue Xian was asked about his progress. He briefly explained that he had already reached Silver rank and was admitted into a Genius class, which shocked the elders. They seemed to relax and brighten up when they heard that, yet the air in the hall was still heavy. Finally, the patriarch, Hong Yue Tian, asked a question in a serious tone.

"Xian'er, we are all happy with your progress, however, recently many of our businesses were met with opposition by the Sacred Family. When we sought the reason, they informed us that you have repeatedly offended them, going so far as having an affair with the girl from the Winged Dragon Family, the fiancée of Shen Fei. Is that true?" Questioned Hong Yue Tian as he looked at his son.

In truth he was very proud of him and happy he found a girl he liked, unfortunately it brought the ire of the Sacred Family and the elders businesses suffered because of it. So they were putting pressure on him.

"It is true, I am good friends with Xiao Ning'er and she has no intention of marrying Shen Fei, it was her family's decision, not hers. I was already challenged by Shen Fei and accepted. We will fight to the death during the martial arts tournament hosted by the Sacred Family next month. What I find interesting, is that the second greatest Noble Family of Glory City is so scared of the Sacred Family. I am disappointed." Said Hong Yue Xian in disdain.

His words sent the elders into an uproar. Yet they were clearly divided, more than half were shouting that they did not put the Sacred Family in the eye, while a portion wanted to punish him for his impudence and crimes.

"Silence!" Roared Hong Yue Tian and, as the hall calmed down, he continued. "It is true that we suffered under the oppression of the Sacred Family but that is the most they can do. And why are they doing it? They might give many reasons, but at the end of the day they are afraid. Their heirs are useless, while Xian'er has proven himself a genius. The same is true with the Heavenly Marks Family. What we need to do now is to show them that we are not soft persimmons. Therefore, there is no more point in discussing. Xian'er, follow me, I wish to talk to you." Finishing his speech, Hong Yue Tian stood up and left the room, followed by his son.

Soon they were alone in the patriarch's courtyard. "Now let's talk freely. How serious are you about that Xiao Ning'er? I can contact the Winged Dragon Family and see if anything can be done." Said Hong Yue Tian.

Hong Yue Xian was stunned for a moment before feeling warm inside at his father's care, so he decided to be honest with him for once. "Father, the truth is, I do plan to marry her in the future, but you do not need to do anything for now. Trust me, the Sacred Family is doomed. So we just need to wait and see. I would like to propose after that."

Now it was Hong Yue Tian's turn to be stunned. He could not understand what his son meant by Sacred Family's doom, so he questioned his son, but was told that he would find out soon.

"You stinky brat, keeping secrets from me. Fine, I won't ask anymore. Now tell me how your business is going. You have less than a year to pay back the money. But don't worry even if you can't, our family is..." Before Hong Yue Tian could finish his sentence, Hong Yue Xian took out a storage ring and threw it to him. As he caught the ring and checked the contents, he could not help but draw a breath of cold air. Inside was completely filled to the brim with demon spirit coins.

"As per the agreement, twice the amount borrowed. Now I do not owe the family anything." Chuckled Hong Yue Xian.

Hong Yue Tian could not help but take another look at his son, even though he did not count but by the size of the storage ring he could estimate that the amount was correct. It meant his son used two years to double the funds he gave him. Perhaps he was also a genius in business.

Afterwards he tried to find out more details, but Hong Yue Xian would just smile mysteriously and say it was a secret. In the end Hong Yue Tian was so annoyed by his son's smug look that he kicked him out of his courtyard. However, before leaving Hong Yue Xian informed him that he wanted to leave the next day and train for a while and will come back before the yearly auction.

Hong Yue Tian was reluctant for his son to leave just after coming home, but he knew cultivation was important so he reminded him to take care before returning to his study.

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