
Important Message from Author


WritingDreams here. I just wish to say a few things concerning my novel.

First, this is my first time writing a novel and this novel is the first to be published, so I would appreciate if my readers could let me know if they find any issues with my work. I am always open to just criticism. And I will not drop the novel. I may take a short break but I will finish it for sure, and notify you all if anything changes.

Second, I will not be releasing chapters daily, instead I will release them piecemeal by volumes. So expect a Hiatus before the next volume comes out. In terms of the time limit I would say give at least a month or so, of course it also depends on the size of the volume and my schedule. Anyway, you can read the volume, then instead of constantly checking for updates, forget about it and move on to other works. One day you will receive a notification that many new chapters came out. I am a reader as well and I believe this is best for the author and the readers.

Third, I wanted to say something about the ending of my novel. I plan to write the novel up to the original novel timeline. The problem is that the original novel is not finished, and most likely never will be finished in our lifetime. So I have two options:

Option 1: stop my novel at the current point of the original novel. Wait for Mad Snail to hopefully finish it, before finishing mine.

Option 2: forget about the original novel and write my own ending and the final battle against the Sage Emperor. I am leaning towards this one.

Anyway, do let me know, which of the options you would like to see. If you have any suggestions or good ideas I welcome them.

Thank you for your time and Kind Regards,


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