
A Date with the Tigress (18+)

Hong Yue Xian was standing outside of a river park. The park was very expansive and had many ponds, streams and lakes creating an idyllic scenery. It was also planted with many trees, creating a lot of secluded and private spots perfect for people, who do not wish to be disturbed.

After he had been waiting for around half an hour, Huyan Lanruo finally appeared. She was wearing a short pink cheongsam with a Sakura Blossoms motive, giving her a lovely and charming look. The dress had short sleeves and covered all of her body down to mid thigh, showcasing her long ivory legs. It also wrapped her body very tightly, accentuating her curvy body even further.

Hong Yue Xian felt parched yet somehow he could not stop drooling at the same time as his eyes took in the sight before him. He could not help but lament his weak willpower and endless vigour, though for the latter he was not the one to complain. Getting rid of such thoughts Hong Yue Xian greeted Huyan Lanruo and complimented her dress and looks.

Huyan Lanruo was pleased to see his hot gaze on her and gave him a few spins and poses to showcase her whole body. She could see from his expression that he liked what he saw. After that she hugged his arm once more and they started their walk in the park.

The park was so vast that even after an hour walk they only just reached the central areas. Both of them looked around and saw a quiet spot with a clear spring running into a pond. Fishes swam in the pond and songs of birds could be heard from the tree tops.

Huyan Lanruo skipped closer to the pond and leaned on one of the trees. "Beautiful view, isn't it?" She whispered, enchanted by the lovely scenery. Hong Yue Xian was enchanted too, though with a different view. "It sure is." Muttered Hong Yue Xian as he wrapped his arm around her willow waist and kissed her cherry lips.

He expected her to resist and push him away but she surprised him by coiling her arms around his neck and invading his mouth with her tongue, engaging him in a deep passionate kiss. After a minute of making out their lips parted creating a bridge of saliva in between. Both of them were breathing hard and gasping for breath as they stared each other in the eyes, their faces inches away.

"Sorry, I could not resist anymore." Said Hong Yue Xian guiltily. "Took you long enough." Said Huyan Lanruo as she rolled her eyes, the adorable gesture making his blood boil as he kissed her once more. This time the embrace was longer and more intense. Hong Yue Xian could feel Huyan Lanruo rub her soft mountains on his chest, while his hand with the mind of its own slid down to grasp her plump buttocks.

As the both of them stopped to take a breath once more, Hong Yue Xian looked intently at Huyan Lanruo before asking her in a hesitant voice. "Lanruo. I like you, but the truth is I like Xiao Ning'er too. I might even like other women as well. If you are not ok with it, then..." He did not finish his words as Huyan Lanruo shut him up with her sweet lips, before separating again. "Silly. I don't care how many women or wives you have. As long as I am one of them and you promise to always love me. Can you do that?" What else could he say?

"I promise." Growled Hong Yue Xian as he attacked her lips once more, but this time he was not satisfied with only them. His hands impatiently moved to the buttons on Huyan Lanruo's dress. Finally he managed to unhook them and release her luscious peaks.

"So big!" Gasped Hong Yue Xian as he marvelled at her magnificent jade mountains, standing proud in all their bare glory. Amused by his reaction, Huyan Lanruo smirked. "They are." Before pushing her chest out invitingly.

Hong Yue Xian could not take it anymore and brought them to his mouth. He feasted on them, worshiping each mound with equal devotion, making Huyan Lanruo moan in delight. While he had his hands busy, Huyan Lanruo slid her own down to his pants. She unbuttoned his trousers, letting them fall, and grasped his rod. It felt hot and hard in her hands. She tried to wrap her fingers around it but it was too long and thick causing her to gasp in amazement. "So big!" This time it was Hong Yue Xian's turn to smirk. "It is." Before pressing it to her wet cave.

Huyan Lanruo gave him a playful smile as she wrapped her arms and legs around his neck and waist. Hong Yue Xian cupped her plump butt to support her weight before thrusting inside. Unlike Yang Xin, it did not take that long for Huyan Lanruo to adapt to his mighty dragon, soon she was loudly expressing her delight, her sexy voice spurring Hong Yue Xian on.

Both of them were too excited and did not last long, but they were not satisfied with just one time. Two hours and five battles later, they finally started to get dressed. The park was truly well planned as in all that time they were not disturbed, despite Huyan Lanruo's lovely screams.

As they made themselves as presentable as possible after the act, they began their walk back. Though the way they walked had changed as Hong Yue Xian's arm was embracing Huyan Lanruo's slim waist, occasionally copping a feel of her delicious behind or her perky peaks, while Huyan Lanruo had one arm around his waist as well and leaned her body into his, bringing their faces very close to each other, showcasing their intimate relations.

After walking and conversing for a while, Hong Yue Xian could not help but ask Huyan Lanruo. "Ruo'er, why did you choose me and not Nie Li? You seemed very interested in him, right?" When Huyan Lanruo heard it, she pouted and snorted with indignation. "It's true I was interested in Nie Li. He is so mysterious and I was curious to get to know him better. But no matter what I did he ignored me in favour of that Ye Ziyun. So, I don't care about him anymore."

"Err, but did I not also ignore you in favour of Xiao Ning'er?" Wondered Hong Yue Xian, earning him a pinch on his waist.

"You did, but the way you did it was different. You were with Xiao Ning'er so you could not leave her for me, however, you were still nice to me. Besides I could see the desire and appreciation in your eyes when you looked at me. However, Nie Li looked at me like I am a block of wood. He would constantly brush me off, be rude to me and shoo me away as a nuisance, just like everyone else. I know I can be a little bit forceful but he went too far." Grumbled Huyan Lanruo.

"You can be a 'little' forceful?" Exclaimed Hong Yue Xian, which earned him a kick on his leg. "Owowow. Indeed. My Ruo'er is gentle as spring water and lovely as a Sakura Blossom."

Huyan Lanruo giggled in amusement and gave him a kiss to dull the pain, it was very effective. After that they talked some more about the future until they reached the Huyan Family residence and parted ways.

'Two down, more to go. It is time I pay a visit to the Sacred Family and make them an offer they can't refuse.' Thought Hong Yue Xian with an evil grin on his face.

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