
500 million for a fun night (18+)

One day Shen Xiu was summoned to the main hall of the Sacred Family. Her brother Shen Hong was the only one in the room, seated on his patriarch chair in the middle, frowning. Shen Xiu was not surprised, the Sacred Family was being ruthlessly suppressed by the City Lord's faction, putting the whole family under a lot of pressure.

Feeling frustrated and annoyed by the state of affairs, Shen Xiu greeted her brother. "Did you call for me, brother?" "Yes, I did." Replied Shen Hong with a stern face. "Shen Xiu, I am sure you are aware of the family's situation. After Shen Ming lost the bet and spent all the liquid assets we had, we then had our businesses attacked by the Snow Wind Family. If we still had the cash reserves we could fight back and calmly wait until the Dark Guild acts, without it we will have no choice but to sell away lands and businesses we got from other families to buy time. Do you understand the severity of this issue?" Shen Hong narrowed his eyes as he gave his sister an intense look.

"I know how serious it is, brother. But why are you telling me this? I would help if I could, but there is nothing I can do." Said Shen Xiu in a depressed tone.

"Good. What if I told you that I have found a way to get enough demon spirit coins to make up for Shen Ming's failure, but for that I would need you to do something. Will you do it for the Sacred Family?"

Shen Xiu was pleasantly surprised that her brother found a way, yet confused and concerned about what it was that she needed to do. After some thought, she looked her brother in the eyes and said resolutely. "If I am able to help my family in the hour of need, of course, I would be willing to do so, no matter what it is. But what exactly is it that I need to do?"

"Good. Very good. You are truly my sister, who I can count on." Praised Shen Hong, before stating as if a matter of fact. "All you need to do is sleep with someone."

"What?! What do you mean sleep with someone? Who? Why?" Shen Xiu was expecting many things but not this. She could not help but question Shen Hong. The latter looked at her coldly before snorting in reply.

"I was approached by that brat Hong Yue Xian earlier today. He offered me a deal. It seems he has lusted after you ever since he was your student. As for the deal, he agreed to return us the money he won from us and then some, in exchange he wants to have you for the night. I agreed to this deal."

"But brother, how could you? He is one of the reasons we are in this mess in the first place. Plus he is the Sacred Family's enemy. I hate him and I will not sleep with him for the measly 50 million!" Shen Xiu screamed hysterically. She was so angry and disappointed, and wished to storm out of the hall. However, Shen Hong's next words froze her in place.

"It is not 50 million but 500 million. Surely you will not tell me that a night with you is more precious than that. The Sacred Family needs this money. All you have to do is serve the little bastard for one night. I will tell you honestly, if killing you would get me that money you would not be alive now. As for that brat, I checked and he does have the cash, I suspect he placed multiple bets before he fought Shen Fei. Damn him. He sees our Sacred Family in dire straits and thinks he can shame us further. Well, let him enjoy while he can, once we are masters of Glory City you can personally deal with him and his family as you wish. But for now you will do what needs to be done for the family. You are to go to this address tonight and I expect to see you tomorrow with the money. Understand?" Shen Hong furiously glared at Shen Xiu, his severe gaze warning of the consequences should she refuse.

"I understand, brother. I will do it." Shen Xiu sighed and resigned herself to her fate. She left the hall with a heavy heart, consoling herself that it was for the good of the family, besides Hong Yue Xian was just a boy and would not last long anyway. She only needs to suffer a little in return for her family's future.

Meanwhile, Hong Yue Xian received Shen Hong's reply and waited impatiently for the sun to go down. The place he chose for the meeting with Shen Xiu was one of the villas he bought. It had a quiet and serene feel to it, as if it was cut off from the bustling world outside. As he waited for the main guest he made a few preparations.

As time approached he lit up the special candles he prepared. They would release a special fragrance as they burned, that had a slight stimulating effect on people. The effect was not enough to make them succumb to their desires, rather to help enhance the experience. Hong Yue Xian needed it if he was going to tame the fox tonight.

Soon he could hear the sound of heels on cobblestones and moments later Shen Xiu appeared in front of him in her sexy dress. She walked inside the room with a chilly expression and as she saw the candles and the big luxurious bed, she could not help but snort in disgust. Hong Yue Xian expected it, so he did not mind and welcomed her lovingly.

"Teacher Shen, I am so happy you came. I have always admired your beauty. Whatever grievances I have with the Sacred Family, I have none with you. I could never hate someone as gorgeous as you. I would do my utmost to satisfy you tonight." Said Hong Yue Xian as he grabbed Shen Xiu's hand and kissed it.

Shen Xiu felt like she was zapped by electricity as she freed her hand and turned around scowling, not wishing to let him see that she was pleased by his compliments. She walked slowly to the bed and said with a resigned tone of voice. "Let's stop the pretence. You wanted me, here I am. Let's get down to business. Do your worst." With that she laid on the bed and closed her eyes.

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