
My first performance!

Dear diary, it's been a good year.

As a grown up man, in my head at least, I was wise and mature, compared to those barbarians, to admit that I was a little tiny bit in the wrong with the way I dealt with my father.

I admit that from his barbarian train of thoughts he was always considering my well being.

It was done in a barbaric way but it also shows that he cares for me and as the only parent from 2 lives that I still have I had to ask for forgiveness even when I was right.

His remarriage was probably a barbarian way to think that I can't take care of myself and that I needed a new mother to care for my needs.

His pestering about training and getting stronger thing was probably his barbarian way to make sure that I can survive and climb through this barbarian society.


It all happened during a party at the Alchemist's Association headquarters celebrating the launch of 6 elixirs that I submitted.

The 6 are the following :

- Soul Nurturing Pill that is an intermediate grade elixir that is 10 times more effective than the currently produced Soul Assembling Pill.

- The Bronze Body Enhancing Pill that is a personal creation, 100 times less effective than The Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill.

- The Nine Transformation Pill that is the life saving elixir, although it can't heal everything.

- The Spirit Pacifying Pill that counter hallucinatory-type demon beasts.

- The Detoxifying Spirit Pill that serves as antidote for poison-type demon beasts attacks .

- The Flame Type Cold Resistance Pill that defend against Snow and Ice attacks from demon beasts.

Why haven't I launched the more powerful ones? As a man who understands how economy works I can't launch simultaneously products that will clashes with each other.

So for the other ones, I will probably introduce them at a later time.

I got all of this done thanks to Yang Xin who was my spokeswoman to the elder council of the Alchemist Association.

She gained thanks to it her position as the director of the organization and I got 10 percent of the elixirs crafted and 10 another percent of the benefits of the sales.

The good news is, other than me being even richer, that Yang Xin finally turned into the sexy, attractive, provocative and charming beauty that she is supposed to be. Thank god.

I reconciled with my father on the first live performance that this barbaric society had seen. I used my guitar to sing 'Simple Plan - Perfect' and those barbarians loved it. Even my father was moved. He even got his eyes watery. It was really epic.

Since I'm ugly the best way to have beauties fall for me is being the romantic kind of man. The guitar, piano and all the love songs that I know are my greatest weapons.

The result? I'm reconnecting with him. Sadly it only means more training. I think I can suffer a little to make him happy considering how proud he is that I am now a 2 Peak Bronze Star Rank Fighter.

Nothing new concerning my harem's potential candidates. I only interacted with Yang Xin for the past year but I can feel that we're even closer now thanks to our experiments that we're conducting, alone, together, close to each other, touching, sniffing, feeling each other.

So for Ziyun we haven't met since her 'lashing' at me. Ning'er's the same since we only met 3 times, all in the company of Ziyun. It was cute when the latter always seemed to try to gain and focus my attention on her instead of the former.

If things didn't get messed up, would they had at a moment fought for me? That's only natural I guess.

I would then have intervened and would reveal that I can accept the both of them my heart being big enough for 2 people, no 20 peoples.

I have a big heart and soon enough I'll have another big thing. I won't forget about any poor beautiful girl, none shall be spared, I mean ignored and left out. All beauties can have a piece of meat, no of me. And I shall eat all of them.

The Harem King, Wang Wei, 17th of June, 716 S.G.C.

I hope I'm going through this 'logically' and I haven't left out any plot hole yet.

Hope you enjoy it as much as me.

Feel free to share your opinion and reviews.

ZvenDencreators' thoughts
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