

The world of Illuri was a wondrous place, filled with many laughter and happiness, a place where you can feel joy and loved by everyone, a place so unfettered and free. People are happy, people are glee and mythical creatures are roaming free, be it a dragon or as small as a flea, beast's are also free and sometimes went on a killing spree, but soon, this fun times will be gone and will be replaced by a terror that cannot be undone.

On the far East of Illuri, a kingdom of elves called Duskwind, there is an elf old seer meditating on a cave at the mountain top just outside the kingdom, the seer's body is sweating heavily, his body trembling and his face contorted in fear.

"IT CAN'T BE!" the seer roared making a shockwave around him and his voice can be faintly heard outside the cave.

The seer then rushed outside his cave and directly run towards the kingdom, while on his way there, he suddenly felt pain in his head then a blurry picture flashed on his head, showing a mountain cracked violently into two.

"This can't be happening, this... this... urgh!..." another pain sent into the seer's head and the pain is too much making him fall to his knees, then another blurry picture appeared on his head, this time with a message, saying "I've returned!" said the man with fire in his eyes in a deep commanding voice, the seer shook his head and stood up running hastily to the king's chamber to report what he had foreseen and while running back to the kingdom to meet the king, he occasionally stumbles and fall to the ground because of the pain and then the picture of the mountain cracked into two always flashed in his head.

The elf people of Duskwind immediately recognizes the seer and saw him running hastily and sometimes stumbles, the people can't help but to watch in confusion, wondering if why the seer acted like there's something wrong.

Upon arriving to the kings chamber just in front of him, where a three meter tall double door can be seen with intricate elven design, the seer fell to his knees when another wave of pain appeared again in his head and also his exhaustion of running too long make him fall unconscious, but before he almost black out, he saw the design of the doors moving and swirling around, he couldn't comprehend clearly what the design of the door meant when it moved, but all he saw in the center of the door was that there's a mountain slowly cracking from it's peak. Finally he blacked out, his face fell to the wooden floor making a loud noise that can be heard inside the kings chamber.


The king who was in his table reading a book, suddenly heard a noise outside his door, he then proceeded to stand and go near the door. Just before opening the door, he first said. "Whose there!?..." the king wait for a few seconds to receive an answer, but alas, no voice was heard from the outside. The king took a heavy sigh before opening the door, and just when he touch the door handle, he felt a great resistance when opening it first, he then use some strength to open the door but the door just then opened normally and his strength that he put on opening it, is just wasted.

"...strange..." says the king in his mind. He then watched who was outside his door after he set aside his thoughts. The king gasped nearly out of breath when he saw the seer faced down on the floor, seemingly unconscious; the thoughts of the king then run wild after seeing the seer. He first analyzed the situation before he approached up the seer, trying to wake him up.

He flipped the seer so that his front body faced the ceiling. "Magus Arvak!... Magus Arvak!... Arvak... ARVAK!... WAKE UP!..." says the king but the seer won't budge, the king knows that he is still alive because he checked the seers condition and it is still breathing.

Then a group of passerby came to pass in them, when the passerby's looked at the king and the seer on the floor, they are shocked. The king noticed them and commanded to call for the healers immediately, the passerby's then quickly run towards the infirmary to call for help. A few moments later some healers came to the king and the seers location and then they assist the situation, announcing that the seer is fine, he will just need a rest before his strength will come back. The king is relieved upon hearing that the seer is okay, the healers then brought the seer to the infirmary for him to rest and recover.

Two days have passed since the unconscious seer who is sleeping in the infirmary, now finally woke up, the seer then sit straight on his bed and wander around his head, he then calmed down when he noticed that he is in the infirmary. The healers in the infirmary took notice of the seer and then approached him telling that to lay back and to rest some more, and then one of them hastily walks outside, heading towards the kings chamber to inform that the seer is now awake. The seer who is in a daze, can't help but to ask some questions in curiosity and seemingly lost in thoughts of what really happened, all he knew was that he was rushing towards the kings chamber, and after that he can't clearly remember.

"How did I get here?" the seer asked the healers that surrounded him in his large bed where he rested for days.

"The king saw you unconscious outside his chamber, so he called for help, and then we brought you to the infirmary." says one of the healers.

The seer then recalled his memories that day before he passed out, and suddenly a jolt of pain hit his head. "URGH!..." the seer grunt.

"Master Arvak, don't force yourself... just rest some more." says one of the healers that is close to him, and then proceeded to force the seer to lay his back into the bed, the seer then laid back into the bed.

"Thank you." says the seer. "May I ask if how many hours am I in this condition?" the seer continued.

"Uhmm... About two days Master Arvak."

"WHAT!?!? TWO DAYS!?" Arvak let a loud voice escape on his shock. "Where's the king? I must see him now, I need to see him now." Arvak continued, he then tried to stand up and rushed out of the bed but was prevented by the healers. "Don't stop me I need to see the king now."

"Arvak stop, you'll just get yourself hurt." a mighty calm voice resounded the infirmary, bringing all the attention to the one who talked. The voice was coming from the doorstep of the infirmary where a tall handsome middle-aged elf is standing wearing a white royal robe and an elven crown made of gold and silver above his head.

"Your highness." all the healers said together while bowing their heads low.

The king nods at them and said. "Please, all of you, leave us two alone."

"Yes, your highness." the healers then all quickly leaved the infirmary.

The king slowly walks to the bed where the seer rested, the seer then sit straight back when the king approaches him, he then said. "Your Highness, I thank you for helping me." while slowly nodding his head for a bow but he failed to do so because of his condition and the pain he suffered in his head.

The king nods at him then saying. "No need to thank me, old friend" the king showed a smile in his face.

Arvak just laughed at him and the king also laughed. "Kavanor, my old friend, it's been a while since we last meet... hmm... how many years was it? almost a decade? hahaha..." says Arvak, while hugging reaching a hug to the king.

The king laughed and then hugs Arvak in delight, seeing him again. "You are still as what as Ive remembered, my old friend... but much older, hahaha..." the king said jokingly. "But it's not the time for our reunion my old friend, because I sense that you have something important to tell me, after all you won't be running back here in the kingdom exhausted and fell unconscious to just meet me, right?" the king continued.

A frown appeared on Arvak's joyous face when he heard what the king said. "Yes, your highness, there is something very important indeed." said Arvak while a sweat forming in his forehead.

"How important is it then?" said the king in his calm voice.

"The kind that is not to be Ignored, gravely... important one." said Arvak, letting a deep breath out.

"Gravely!?" the king exclaimed. "Then we need to talk about this right now, I will arrange a meeting between us and the inner court." the king continued.

"Wait!... No!... we need to talk about this matter by us first." said Arvak.

"Why!?" said the King, puzzled by his action.

"Because I have a feeling that... just trust me." said Arvak, unsure of what to say.

The king nods at him. "Then let's talk in my chamber th—" the King was interrupted by Arvak before he could finish his sentence.

"NO!... No, not in your chamber, just anywhere but that." said Arvak in a fearful voice while he recalled some of his memories on what happened that day.

The king is confused if why he don't want to talk in his chamber nor with the inner court, since it's the safest place in their kingdom to talk important matters such as this but the king just let a sigh and said. "Well then, let's talk on my secret place, and don't worry, only me and my trusted people know this and enter this place."

"Okay, as long as we are the only people and no one can overhear out conversation, then I'm fine by that." said Arvak.

The king nodded in assurance.

They then both exit the infirmary and head straight towards where the secret place the king was talking about, and alas, they arrived at the Holy Tree in the middle of the Duskwind kingdom. The tree was very big and enormous, it's trunk was almost a quarter of kilometer and its branches and leaves spanning in about a kilometer in radius around the tree covering the surrouding area with it's shade. The Holy Tree was one of the Holy Places in the continent Illuri and it is guarded by the elves of Duskwind where their kingdom was built around the Holy Tree protecting it and their kingdom was also surrounded by walls and lake water in a circular manner which is an advantage for them if someone dares to lay siege in their kingdom. The kingdom of Duskwind was ruled by King Kavanor and Queen Erin, both of them are powerful and respected, and is known throughout the continent of Illuri.

"Your Highness, why are we here?" Arvak is confused on why are they in the Holy Tree place.

The king chuckled. "You'll see, just follow me."

Arvak just nods at him and then continue walking, they then arrived at one of the corners of the tree where you can see a hole, like of a cave covered by large roots, the king cast a spell which summons a light beside him and the invisible barrier covering the entrance of the hole to disappear, they then proceeded to enter the hole like cave. The hole in the tree is widely known and is forbidden by anyone except for the King and Queen, and their trusted servants.

Arvak was flabbergasted by the sudden act of the king. "My king, I am surprised that you let me enter this sacred place." Arvak said, while marveling the beautiful carvings by the walls.

"Haha... you don't see anything yet..." said the king, while traversing the labyrinth like passageways, taking some few turns here and there, and alas, they arrived at a big circular chamber which is around ten meters in diameter all covered by wood with intricate design and at the center of the chamber, you can see five pillars made of crystal, and are arrange in circular manner each holding a small orb like marble, the size of your thumb, the orb emits its own distinct colors and aura around them. Each orb emits its own color: Blue for Ice and water, Red for fire and lava, Green for nature and earth, Violet for lightning and storm, Black for moon's blessing and poison.

"My king, what are those!?" Arvak said pointing at the pillars with orbs and his eyes flickering in awe.

"Ah! those!?... those are the five sacred stones." said the king, pointing at the orb like marble.

"The sacred stones!? How did it get here!? I thought they were lost long ago." said Arvak.

"It's a long story, but anyways it's not about that on why were here, remember?" said the king.

"Ah yes, sorry for such flattery— but yes we must talk about it first." said Arvak with a serious tone.

The king was enticed yet also afraid. "Good, now what was it that you wanted to tell?... and you claimed it to be 'gravely' important, which just adds to my curiosity." the king said while raising a brow.

"Okay... I'll get straight to the point." Arvak said while gathering his thoughts. "I have a vision, just two days ago about our world... falling into chaos and covered by terror." Arvak continued.

"Are you sure!?" the king raised a brow signaling Arvak if it's true, Arvak then nods at the king. "And what do you mean by world? the whole world!?" the king continued, while in disbelief but still maintained his calm face and voice.

Arvak let a big frown that is visible in his face then said. "Yes, the whole world, but we can prevent it by preparing before the impending doom happen."

"Before!?... Prepare!?... and when will this vision of yours will happen?" said the King

"Uhmm... about a hundred years from now or maybe just decades away..." Arvak said, seemingly unsure on what he just said.

The king nods. "A hundred years?... hmm... that is not a very long time indeed, but what kind of evil will terrorize the world?... or just a hint of where will it emerge?" said the king, questioning Arvak more.

"I don't know what kind of evil it is but I sense grave danger and I have a glimpse of him in my vision and a place where it'll probably spawn." said Arvak, while gathering his memories about his vision in the past days.

"What is it then? and where would this evil of yours, emerge?" said the King.

"The vision I had is very blurry but I can tell that he is a man with eyes burning in flames, and also I am not very sure if it's true but I had a vision of a mountain that is cracked in half. If I were to say, the evil will probably spawn in that place." said Arvak, trying hard to recall all of his vision.

"You know that this is a very serious matter of yours right? but even as a friend, I still have had a hard time believing on what you just said, but don't worry, I'll take this seriously." said the King, assuring Arvak that he is on his side.

Arvak nods. "Don't worry I'll dig deep down into this vision of mines, in the mean time, I'll probably go and meet all the Grand Magus, just to ensure if it's true."

"I trust you, old friend." said the king, while patting a hand on Arvak's shoulder, trying to not let him down. "...and don't worry, I can provide you with aid in your findings, just ask me if you need some help and I'll gladly help you, as long as it is within my power." the king continued.

"Thank you, my king... and please, as a friend, I ask you a favor to keep this talk with ourselves until I can assure that it's true." said Arvak, now back to it's usual happy state.

"ehehehe... don't worry, I'll keep it a secret, now let's get out of here because I have some other important things to do." said the king.

Arvak nods and then the two of them walk back out to where they entered the hole and continue talking while on their way there.


Three decades later after the seer(Arvak) had his vision about the world being terrorized by an unknown evil, Arvak now have his proof and is hastily packing his things up to travel back to the far east where Duskwind of Holy Tree, the kingdom of elves located. Arvak is currently on an Inn of the kingdom of Dawnstar.

Dawnstar is at northern side of Illuri where he spent most of his time researching and finding proof about his vision. Arvak spends most of his time in this human kingdom because the kingdom of Dawnstar is near the region of Grimrock Spires where Mountain of Doom is located and only the River of Vardel is dividing it. Since his vision and research led him to this place, Arvak had a strong feeling that the Mountain of Doom, one of the tallest mountain in Illuri, is the one in his vision.

The "Mountain of Doom" belongs to a region called Grimrock Spires a desolated land where no human, dwarves, nor elves, the three apex races, inhabited it. Mountain of Doom gets its name because of the history that happened in there 7000 years ago, where the human and elves fought for the territory. Both races were powerful and full of pride, where both sides have an army that numbered hundreds and thousands of soldier heavy armed and well trained.

The two kingdom that participated in the war which is "Galvanór" named after King Galvanór which is now renamed to "Alzeroth" in the present world and "Rol Dartei of Sacred Mountain" the oldest kingdom of elves that still stands today. Both of them know that this war would last for another hundred years or even more, since they are both powerful and won't easily give up and since the war started, many elves and human have been slaughtered in the battlefield. The two opposite sides took notice of their loss and don't want to lose any more of their army, so the two kings of both sides agreed to have a fair duel until one of them dies or surrendered, where the winner will gain the territory of Grimrock Spires and the spoils of war.

"King Galvanór" of Galvanór and "King Ferael" of Rol Dartei both agreed to have a fair fight inside the mountain where a large chamber is located at the center of it, and there are no audiences or spectators were allowed, so no one knew what was happening inside, so all the people outside can do is wait until one of them comes out alive or the other forfeited.

King Galvanór and King Ferael fought each other for two days straight without resting, both of them are expert in combat and can't be defeated easily nor surrender, after the third day, King Ferael walked out of the cave alone bruised and injured, being the winner, he then raised his sword as a sign of victory and his elven kin then shouted in delight, but the delight and happiness they feel, quickly turned into despair as a sudden earthquake occurred from within the mountain and slowly scattered around a 10 mile radius, and then a light of pillar appeared from the peak of the mountain extending out to the skies, making the skies above the mountain and the surrounding area to become dark and violent. Red lightning strikes the ground, creating poisonous gas and leaving a crater in its wake. The human and elves that are surrounding the mountain quickly dispersed, running around for their lives and getting as far as possible from the disaster. Many of them were hit by the lightning, be it a human or elf, and instantly turned into ashes; the surrounding trees burned everywhere and the lands crumble due to earthquake were quickly turned into a horrifying sight to see. King Ferael, who was the closest one to the mountain has been struck by lightning and quickly turned into ashes before he could run for his life. After the first few hours of violent lightning strikes and earthquake, the land now turned into a deserted place with spiked obsidians and pillars of hot rocks emerged from beneath, the hundreds and thousands of army of both human and elves now already fled the area, but still leaving a great casualty on both sides with only a few thousand soldiers left combined.

A thousand years later, after the violent acts of the mountain which is the Mountain of Doom. The 10 mile radius of the disaster now spread to all of the Grimrock Spires region and now turned into desolated land with spikes of obsidian and rocks towering and no trees or life existed inside the region. It is like a deadly plaque that spreads into the land, but thankfully it only manage to spread until it hit the border of Arctic Heights of the north, the Grimrock Mountains, west of Grimrock Spires region, Dark Forest of the east and the River of Vardel, south of Grimrock Spires. The land plaque stopped and didn't spread into other neighbouring regions, only the region of Grimrock Spires was affected.

The "Arctic Heights" of the north that bordered the Grimrock Spires are composed of towering mountains with snow and crystal like ice, covering it's surrounding, same as the "Grimrock Mountains", but only the top was covered in snow. The "Dark Forest" is the east border of Grimrock Spires, a dark and gloomy forest inhabited by beast and other creatures, while the "River of Vardel" is the most longest and biggest river in Illuri, spanning from one end of the continent to the other.

And as for what happened inside Grimrock Spires or the souls that is left behind by the disaster and war, and what really happened that day to cause such destruction... No one ever knows, even the survivors of that day don't know what really happened, and so the history of Grimrock Spires and it's demise, still remained a mystery until the present day


Arvak packed his things up, when suddenly a fierce roar breaks the silence.


The City Bell now ranged by the guards, signaling that a disaster is happening.

Arvak turned around and he walked to the windows to see what is happening.

His eyes wide in disbelief but also marveled by the sight.

First Chapter. expect some Editing and Revising about this chapter.

Please leave some thoughts about this chapter and I would gladly appreciate it.

Thank you! (^-^)

Magus_Apexcreators' thoughts
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