
Siege of Dawnstar

A stupefying roar can be heard from the sky, all the people below can't help but to pry; then their eyes shone bright in fear, causing their minds to go blank and unclear.

A gigantic shadow pass above the blue sky and the crowd below started to go wild in fear. The people started running to their houses and gathered their family, some people run straight to the underground bunkers that is built all around the city. The bunkers provide protection for the people when disaster such as this happen.

"DRAGON!!!" shouted one of the men who saw the gigantic beast flew past above the city. The people now started to panic when they hear the man, which causes more injury than the Dragon, which haven't done anything yet to the city nor the people.

The army of Dawnstar that is armed to the teeth and ready to fight, reported to their post to prepare for the incoming dragon siege. Soldiers armed with spear, Archers at the ready and some Mages now ready to fire with their projectile only waiting for the generals command to open fire. Oversize X-bows that is three meter in length, placed in the towers that surround the city, now loaded with a big arrow that is meant to kill creatures or beast such as dragons.

"ROOOAR!!!... BOOM!!!"

The Dragon roared again, but this time it attacked, one of eight X-bows were destroyed by the toxic fireball of the dragon which then burned the soldiers around the it. The soldiers were screaming in pain until they are out of conscious and fell dead before they were turned to ashes leaving only the bone as a remnant of their unbearable pain they suffer.

The people that saw the attack were shocked and blinded in despair, almost giving up when they saw the might and destructive force of it's attack.

The dragon that attacked the city can now be seen clearly when it launched it's fireball. The dragon is phantom black in color with red slit eyes, it's wings from tip to the other, span about fifteen meters in length and the dragons body was covered in thick black smoke and it's hide was as hard as a rock combined with it's deadly claws. The dragon is not that strong nor big compared to ancient or revered ones, but is enough to cause massive destruction to the entire kingdom of Dawnstar.

"Shadow dragon?" Arvak pondered, wondering why it attacked at bright day when it's full potential can be unleashed at night.

The kingdom of Dawnstar was one of the nine strongest realms in Illuri, now almost two millennium old kingdom. Dawnstar has suffered many sieges in the past centuries but the kingdom have never encountered any dragon attack since it was established and this was the very first dragon siege the kingdom of Dawnstar suffer. The kingdom of Dawnstar are already armed with the right weapons they needed when such siege will happen but the battle experience and tactics are lacking when it comes to dragon siege.

Dragon siege are uncommon in this world, most of dragon siege often happen to weak kingdoms which is very easy for the dragons to decimate. Most of the dragons that lay siege to the kingdoms are the ones that has high hostility which are the common dragons that can be seen very often. Dragons with a sense of mind comparable to a adult human brain are not very hostile, instead they use their power to bend the knees of all around it, those are the Ancient and Revered ones, which is more dangerous since it can think straight.


Arvak raised a brow when he saw what the dragon did, seemingly calm in the situation the city was in, even though the people everywhere in the city were running around in fear. In less than half an hour the crowd that's been running in fear can nowhere to be seen, already hid in their houses or the bunkers that were installed around the city, leaving only the soldiers and others alike behind to defend.

The General that has been tasked in defending the city now commenced an all out attack towards the invader, seeing what happened to his fallen comrades that were burned to death, the general want to avenge them.

"FIRE!!!" shouted the General.

The archers, mages and the others launched their attacks towards the dragon, but their effort was useless since they didn't even scratch the surface of the skin, even the wings of the dragon that has been targeted all the time. They targeted the wings in order to nullify it's advantage in the skies because a dragon without it's wings is easy to kill. X-bows that were stationed in each of the towers of the city were now loaded, waiting only the best chance to strike to do damage.

The dragon also launched it's counterattack by burning down the people attacking him and destroying some buildings by it's fireball. Thick black smoke wrapped around them and the buildings before it ignites into fire. The dragon also uses it's claws to maw down or grab and then drop the soldiers in a height causing them to break bones or died after impaled by the sharp claws of the dragon.

A moment later of intense battle between the soldiers and the dragon, an X-bow fired with it's oversize arrow hitting the dragon in one of it's hind legs and impaling it, causing the arrow to be stuck in it's legs.

"ROOOAR!!!" the dragon roared in pain and then launched a fireball hitting the top of the tower clean, where the X-bow that attacked him stood before, causing the soldiers around to jump in fear and break their bones or disintegrate into ashes.

The General saw the tower being destroyed by the fireball, causing him to become more enraged but he still maintained it's calm demeanor, not showing any signs of despair, because as a General he needed to maintain the morale in order for the soldiers to not lose hope.

The General noticed that there is something sticking out in one of the legs of the dragon, his serious face brightened and his lips grinned in delight, seeing that the dragon can be pierced, giving hope of killing it.

"X-BOWS! FIRE AT WILL!" said the General and the command is relayed all around.




The commanding officers of the X-bow squad can be heard all around giving orders to their subordinates to fire. Arrows that has been fired by the X-bow can now be seen flying all around hitting the dragon, only a couple of arrows were able to hit and pierce the dragons thick hide while the others were flung around or completely miss the target. The soldiers operating the X-bow were quick in reloading another arrow to be fired and shot.

The dragon now enraged, also gives it's response in their attacks by breathing fire and exterminating the X-bow and soldiers around and firing a large fireball towards the city town square which exploded and shook the ground by it's impact, causing the town square to be crumbled and nowhere to be seen and the ground now have a deep hole where the town square once stood.

After an hour of intense exchange of attacks where countless lives were claimed, be it a soldier or a civilian and many buildings were covered in fire or completely obliterated by the dragon.

The dragon now also have countless wounds in it's body and big arrows were impaled everywhere but it is surprisingly still alive and as energetic as it was before it attacked. The soldiers now only half of their number remained, lose hope of ever killing or just driving away the dragon, by now only three X-bows left untouched and were running out of ammo. The mages now exhausted and are out of energy to even cast a simple spell and without the mages help, killing the dragon won't be that easy.

The General stood there looking at the devastated city and blood spilling everywhere combined with charred bodies. The General frowned at the sight, sighing in mind almost losing hope.


Meanwhile, Arvak was observing quietly about the situation. Arvak noticed that somethings odd about the dragon.

"It should've already limping by now..." Arvak thought.

Arvak never before interfered in such matters, be it a dragon siege or war between kingdoms, but now Arvak can't help but urge himself in killing the dragon only because he sense something is very odd.

Arvak casually walks outside the inn. The inn is not that far away where the dragon lay siege upon but it is also at the safe distance because this part of the city haven't been attacked yet by the dragon.

Arvak looks around finding some good spots to hide in order to get closer to the dragon. He walks stealthily not attracting any attention to the civilians beside and the dragon.

Arvak now at a good distance to observe the dragon closely. The dragon is still flying above the skies and haven't set foot yet to the ground.

"Sigh... this is harder than I expected..." Arvak sighed in frustration, knowing that he can only deal damage if the dragon is on the ground or just hovering steadily above the ground because he requires accurate hit of his spell for it to be effective.

"Hmm... dammit... if there's only a way to get him down..." Arvak thought.

After he finished his thought, the dragon let a loud high pitch roar causing a pain to the ears of many individuals around including Arvak which made him cover his ears very hard.


A loud crashing sound can be heard and a small shockwave can be faintly feel because of the impact. Alas, the dragon fell from the skies but is still alive, burning it's surrounding areas trying to defend itself, but it's effort was useless since the soldiers used only ranged weapons. The two X-bows that are left by now, aimed to where the dragon crashed and started firing their last box of arrows, having a clear shot and the dragon completely nullified movement made it an easy target, however before they could fire all of their arrows in maniac, the dragon shots two large fireballs hitting the two towers where the X-bows reside, and the tower fell, killing the people around it.

The archers continued firing, aiming towards the eyes of the dragon.

"Heavens mercy!!!" Arvak exclaimed when he recovered from that stunning roar of the dragon, his eyes bright wide in delight, seeing the dragon limping in the ground. Arvak then begin channeling his spell in his hiding spot until it is fully charged. A moment after completely charging it's spell, the skies rumbled in thunder and quickly shrouded into darkness, black bolts of lightning strikes the grounds around the dragon, hitting countless building which shattered upon contact and the unlucky soldiers that are struck are completely reduced into ashes leaving only the steel armors they wore.

Arvak is confused about what was happening in the skies because it's his very first time seeing a phenomenon like this happen in his lifetime, but that didn't stop him in releasing his charge spell straight into the dragons wounded body.

"Swoosh..." the large ball of energy is released and is slowly approaching the dragons side body before blasting and explode.

Some people saw the ball of energy approaching the dragon and are confused by the sudden appearance of it, since they cannot see Arvak who is well hidden in a corner building.

"BOOM!!!" a large noise can be heard upon impact of the spell.

The general saw clearly what happened and the dragon now weakened almost at the brink of death and is roaring loudly before it's final breath arrived.

"Crack!!!" A lightning struck the dragon's body and the sky rumbled ferociously, almost feeling that the world is about to come to an end.

Another lightning came crashing to the dragon's body and the same scene happen again where the sky rumbled and at the third strike of lightning came a noticing change.

The body of dragon flashed bright and it's body disintegrate into a flakes of dust, the sky slowly calmed down and the surroundings became clear. A drops of water started falling from the sky and extinguished the fire around the city. The sunshine can now be seen in it's veil of clouds.

"What just happened!?"

"Where's the dragons!?"

"What's that violent thunder strikes!?"

Many people raised their own questions as it seemed to be too confusing what really just happened right now.

"Keep your dazing questions held for now" General said. "We need to assist the situation and the people first."

"You there, go report back to the palace and tell that everything is under control, now!"

The soldier nodded before turning his back and ran towards the palace.


"Strange... very strange..." Arvak thought. "Hmm... that weird phenomenon... the shadow dragon attacking at daylight!? what's the connection of it?..." Arvak thought of something in particular but he needs proof in order to conclude.

Arvak then runs back to his room in the inn and hastily picked his things up, which are only the purse, his staff, and a small backpack which his findings are stored.

Instead of going to Duskwind, he chose to go to Alzeroth, a human kingdom which is the oldest among all of the human kingdom, 7000 years in existence since it was first founded by King Galvanór, only the name of kingdom were change.

"This should be rather interesting research..." Arvak thought. He then exit the kingdom of Dawnstar and head straight to the stables to get his horse.

The owner of the stables is nowhere to be found so he just left the payment and get his horse.

Alzeroth is located only just south of Dawnstar, a two weeks ride if by horse. Arvak then embarks on his journey travelling in a lonely winding road where it leads straight to his destination.


Meanwhile at the palace of Dawnstar, a soldier suddenly opened the massive double doors which grabbed the attention of many people there.

"What's the situation out there!?" a handsome middle-aged man asked the soldier.

"Greetings, King Daru." the soldier kneel before the man that asked him. "The situation outside is now under control my lord."

"Stand up." said King Daru. "What about the dragon? is it handled?"

"Yes, my lord, the dragon has been taken care."

"Thank you, tell the general to report immediately to the meeting hall and also tell him to surround the dragon's corpse with his men because I don't want any unauthorized people go near it. GO!" said King Daru.

The soldiers brow curled, confused by the what the king said. "My lord, there is no corpse of the dragon." said the soldier, not knowing any of what will happen after a dragon died.

"What!?" said the king, slightly raising his voice.

"There is none my lord, it's body vanished into dust after it died." the soldier said.

King Daru nodded. "Mm... Go now." said the king, not even surprised by what he just heard as he also thought of something.

The soldier bowed his head and then ran back outside, heading to find the general.

The king was left confused and the people around him, who is listening their talk all the time.

"Tasi," said the king "send a letter to the king of Alzeroth regarding this dragon siege, and an immediate discussion about this matter must happen within three months, tell him that it's very urgent."

Tasi nodded and then started walking back to her room to make the letter that has been ordered to her. After that, she then rode her enormous flying feline and she's now on her way to Alzeroth.


Meanwhile at the ground where the dragon disappears, the general along with his men walks in circles to find any clues as to what just happened, but alas, they couldn't find any but only the debris and burnt ground that is left to be seen.

"Don't stop looking. Call the experts and bring them here, I want you all to find at least a clue." the general yelled.

The general climbs up one of the tower, where the top of it were completely snatched away and destroyed. Seeing the city that's been almost a third of it wiped out by the dragon, the general frowned at the painful sight he see.

"I've never thought that the dragon siege are much more dangerous compared to the others.... sigh..." the general thought while anger and sadness rose up in his feelings, he then climbs back down at the tower, not wanting to spend anymore time watching the painful scenery.

The soldier that's been tasked to inform back the general by the king, came running to the general once he saw him. The soldier relayed the message to the general and the general nodded at him before he walks towards the meeting hall, located just near the palace.

After the general arrived at the meeting hall, he's been bombarded by many questions that he can't handle to answer each and one of them since they haven't found any clues yet regarding the disappearance of the dragon corpse nor the raging thunderstorm phenomena or that mysterious ball of energy that struck the dragon, so the general answered as best as he can until they found further information.

"Thank you, General Savius, you may go now." said King Daru "...and also, order the builders to start the cleaning and rebuilding the city."

General Savius nodded, and then walks out the meeting hall.


A week later, Arvak is now halfway through his journey to Alzeroth but he stopped by a roadside inn for a rest and to hire a mercenary to protect him on his way there, because bandits and others alike are often seen stealing from travelers or merchants who is unlucky enough to cross their path and is often enough when nearing the border of Alzeroth, it's only a heavens mercy if you are still alive.

Arvak enters the inn and the people who were talking cheerfully went silent while eyeing him up and down, where the people's face here are clearly not welcoming him, be it a human or elves; fierce looks of the men can be seen everywhere in the corner of the inn.

In the far east corner of the inn where a man wearing black robe and only his mouth can be glanced because of the shadow covering half his face, is sitting alone in the corner table, seemingly observing the new guest that arrived which is Arvak. Arvak noticed him and glanced at him for a sec then went straight to the counter, where the inn owner can be seen standing.

"How may I help you... mmm... traveler?..." said the bulky man which is the inn owner.

"I'd like to rent a room for a night, how much does it cost?" Arvak said.

"Hmm... I'm sorry but... there are no rooms left." said the owner while rubbing his beard.

"Two gold pieces?" Arvak offered an over prize payment. Roadside inn's usually cost's around 50 silver coins but Arvak offered that much because he don't want to spend another night outside where he spent most of his days.

The inn owner grinned and said "There's a room upstairs at the first corner, here is the key to the room. What else can I help you with?"

"I'd like a food to be delivered in my room, the best one, and also, is there any mercenary for hire around here?" Arvak said, still in casual mood, dropping the two gold pieces.

The inn owner crossed his arm and shrugged, shaking his head slightly.

Arvak drops another gold coin in the table and the inn owner smiled, delighted by the action.

"Well... there is one inside here right now... but, he requires enough payment to be moved." said the inn owner then pointing at one of table where the cloaked man sitting.

Arvak tilted his head to glance where the inn owner pointed, when he saw the man that he just glanced a minute ago, gives him chills to the spine, the man is seemingly watching him with unmoved expression and only his mouth part can be seen.

"I suggest you don't disappoint him... he's not very friendly... just give him a fair amount of payment before you talk to him." the inn owner whispered Arvak, giving a friendly advice.

"Thank you, for you're... uhmm... generosity..." said Arvak in a sarcastic voice.

The owner grinned and smirked "Hahaha... just business my friend, just business... now if you'll excuse me, I'll ready your food to be delivered." the owner said.

Arvak nodded. He then went to his room first to put his things and rest a bit after eating. He planned to talk to that mysterious man after the sun sets down, only if the man is still in the inn.

"What a strange man... tss..." Arvak pondered.

A moment later, his food that he ordered have been delivered to his room. Arvak eats his food, savoring every bits of it until none is left, since he haven't eaten a decent food for a week of travel, only roasted rabbits or bread he bought while travelling. After done eating, he sets aside the plates and then took off his robe, leaving only his pants while the top body is naked; he rested for an hour, waiting for the sun to completely set down before going downstairs to negotiate to that man.


Meanwhile, Tasi, the servant that is ordered by King Daru to deliver a letter to the King of Alzeroth, landed by the roadside inn where Arvak will be staying for the night. Tasi should've arrived at the kingdom of Alzeroth within a week if she didn't took any stop by's every inn that she sees. After she landed at front of the inn, the men standing there looked at her and her beast, the men's brows curled when they see the two that just arrived.

The men's brow curled not by the beast that landed, but the beauty that separated in it and walking straight to the door of the inn. The men's eyes are full of lust and desire to bed her tonight because not many beautiful ladies came to visit the inn.

Tasi's eyes took glance at the men who is standing next to the entrance of the inn while she's approaching the door, her eyes narrowed in disgust, seeing the men's expression towards her. Tasi now a meter away from the door, when suddenly a man next to it blocked her way, Tasi looked at him in disgust.

The man grinned when Tasi stopped walking and looked at him. "A beauty such as you needs a warm bed and comfort tonight." the man said with suggestive smile, but Tasi is unmoved, crossing her arms still looking at the man with an urge to punch him in the face and kick his balls very hard.

Seeing her that didn't react to what he said and his companions smirked at him, his mood darkened but he continued "ehem... How about..." the man said while slowly walking to her, closing the gap between them. "...I'll give you pleasure toni~" the man did not finish his word before he got punched right into his nose, now bleeding.

"Arghhh!!!" the man growled in pain. "GET HER!" the man shouted at his companions.

His companions slowly walks up to her but was prevented when Tasi's beast growled, also walking towards her. The men there stood tense, sweating in cold when they see the beast grow a pair of horns and it's claws grew sharper; the men stopped their advances and then backed away from her, leaving the bleeding man behind.

Seeing that the man did not move aside, she then kicks his balls sending him into an unbearable pain that's worst than being punched in the nose countless times, the men howled like a wolf when his balls gets crashed by the legs of Tasi, kneeling him down and sending him rolling in the floor, but Tasi isn't satisfied yet so she kicked him once again in his precious balls sending the man shout in a very high pitch tone like that of an eagle. Tasi now satisfied, walks around him and entered the inn leaving the man in pain and his companions surprised by what just happened.

Tasi smirked at them and shook her head. "How fragile and idiot they are?" Tasi sighed.

Please leave some thoughts about this chapter and I would gladly appreciate it.

Thank you! (^-^)

Magus_Apexcreators' thoughts