

<p>The knight slept soundly amidst his endless dreams, but then awakened to search for something that belonged to him, to seek something lost from within him—his lost soul. Auron suddenly awoke in a bewildering state, in the eerie and desolate wilderness of a dark forest, unaware of what had transpired, why, or where he was now. But one thing was certain, he had to search for something that was no longer within him—his soul. Walking through the dark wilderness of trees, seeking a glimmer of light and clues, he struggled against fate and time.<br/><br/>Auron, the lost soul, embarked on his journey. The perpetually cold and dark atmosphere pierced him like a sword on a battlefield, yet he continued to walk aimlessly, following the wind that guided him. After walking for a while, he stumbled upon an old hut, unsure of its owner and how it came to be there, leaving him with many questions in this mysterious place.<br/><br/>"Welcome, lost soul," an old woman greeted Auron as he entered.<br/><br/>Then, Auron asked many questions about where he was, what had happened, and how he could escape from this place.<br/><br/>"You are in Grimfallen, a place where lost and cursed souls find refuge. If you wish to leave, you must find your own soul or perhaps forget about it and remain asleep in your dreams."<br/><br/>Feeling unable to comprehend, Auron tried to ask once more about his purpose.<br/><br/>"The lost soul resides at the Peak of the Lost Soul, but this is not an easy journey. So, choose your gear wisely," the old woman then displayed her provisions, and Auron took what he needed. "To get there, you must pass through the River of the Dead Men. After that, you can search for clues on your own, and do not forget to take this coin," the old woman gave him an ancient coin. "Give it to the ferryman if you wish to board his ship."<br/><br/>Before departing, Auron asked one last thing about the identity of the old woman.<br/><br/>"Oh, I am the observer. I will continue to watch what unfolds, but in your case, you've piqued my interest, so I've decided to lend you a little assistance, and I'll await the destiny you bring," she replied with a slight chuckle.<br/><br/>Auron left with thorough preparations, ready to accept everything that would come his way. The knight began his adventure in the dark world, awaiting the destiny that would carry him away to unknown places. No</p>

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