
A Baked Bargain.

In a throne room in another dimension, a puff of smoke appears in the middle of the room.

"The fuck is this little wisp and how did it get in here?" Spoke a giant goddess covered in light sitting in the throne, waving her hand trying to shoo away the smoke.

Whisping back and forth to avoid the air currents from her waves, Zeek was panicking a bit. "H-heh-hey! Hold on now! I'm a god too!" He quickly cried out as he popped out of the smoke in all of his stoney-ness.

Looking up at the giant goddess before him, only then did he realize... Nothing, absolutely nothing....

"Hey there! I am the God of Weed Zeek! I would like to be a new resident in your world of Magic and Fantasy!" He stated proudly as he pulled out a joint and lighter.



Looking at him and what he was doing, the goddess was confused beyond anything she could imagine. Another god, from another world.... Wanting to live in this world, what is he even doing right now? She thought to herself.

*Zzzzzt, fwuoh*

Holding the lighter up to his joint he lights it, taking a giant puff and holds it up to the goddess. "Want to try? It's called a Joint, rolled with paper and weed. I guarantee this is all you'll need!" He rhymed with a smile and red squinted eyes.

With a loud boom her voice echoed the room, "Who are thee to dare trespass in my throne room!" She yelled as she slammed her fist down on the arm of the chair.

Taking another drag of the joint and exhaling. "As I had said before, I am the God of Weed, Zeek! I am looking for a change of scenery from my old world! A vacation so to speak, I just want to enjoy life the way it was meant to be!" He exclaimed happily while puffing on his joint.

Glaring at this small man who stands in her throne room smoking up the room. "You a god? Hah! You look nothing more than a mere peasant!" She jeered.

Looking back at her with a brow raised, he drags of his joint again. This time he exhales over himself, covering his body in a cloud of smoke, almost instantly the cloud burst out, and enlarged tremendously.

As the cloud dissipated, the Goddess could only sit in her throne baffled. The man that stood before her was no bigger than her little finger, is now the same size as her, if not bigger!

With a big smile and red eyes, he spoke sincerely. "Don't judge every book by it's cover. After a bit of reading, it may just surprise you."

"Now why don't you take off that shroud of light, so we can talk god to goddess yeah?" Zeek spoke to her commonly, while handing her the joint. "Just puff on it, I am sure that your view will change."

"Fine!" She said dejectedly.

Before the goddess took off her shroud, she unintentionally took a giant hit off of the joint, and went straight into a coughing fit.

*cough, cough*

*Cough, cough*

"I knew it! This is all a-" Then it hit her, the euphoria had finally set in. "W-woah.... What is this feeling?! It's amazing...." Her speech was elongated.

The shroud of light was finally cast off, revealing a stunning woman with fair white skin. Gorgeous red curly hair, and curves a bong would be jealous of! Wearing a white and green robe that was very revealing.

Unintentionally staring at her beauty, Zeek snapped himself out of his trance. "Well that my dear is called being "High," quite the feeling huh? Now if I may ask who are thee?" He asked with a smirk.

Waiving her hands through the air and feeling the motions of her body. After Zeek asked his question she finally snapped from her trance.

"H-h-huh? Oh! I'm Maryanne, the Goddess of all light and life in this world." Speaking quickly while she tried to regain her composure. "What was it that you had asked of me again?"

With a chuckle and a genuine smile Zeek spoke sweetly. "You see I have grown bored of my old world and I wanted to live in a new one. One of fantasy and adventure you see, oh and weed!"

"If I may I would love if I was able to live in your world as a new resident! But only if you will allow it." He finished, as he pulled out another joint.


*zzzzt, fwuoh*

Looking at Zeek she thought for a moment, her life was boring as well! She was tired and bored watching everyone in the world having the times of their life, she wanted that life too.

Watching Maryanne's facial expressions as she thought, Zeek couldn't help but feel amused. He could tell exactly what she was thinking, not only because she was baked off her ass, but because he had felt the same way.

So he made a proposal.

"How about this my lovely dear! Come with me to the world of the mortals, experience a life full of adventure and fun! After getting stoned to the bone of course!"

After hearing his words, a feeling that shook her entire being from her very core emerged. The feeling of excitement, the very thought of living her life the way she wanted filled her with so much joy.

Her reply was quick. "Yes!" Her voice was filled with so much joy, she couldn't wait! With a quick waive of her hand her size instantly changed along with her attire.

Standing now about 5'8, her body still very robust. Her clothes only slightly changed instead of a dress, she wore tight tan pants with green boots. Her shirt was still green and white, as well as still very much revealing.

Looking down at this gorgeous beauty, Zeek found himself caught in another trance.

"Hey! You coming or what?" She yelled up to Zeek as she was still puffing on the joint that he had given her.

Snapping out of his trance once again, he took in a deep drag of his joint as he shrank back down to his size of 5'11. With a joint in his mouth and a smile on his face, he held out his arm like a gentleman and asked. "Shall we m'lady Mary?"

"We shall!" Hooking her arm with his she waived her other hand and a door appeared out of nowhere.

With a skip they walked through the door.

*Back at the theater stage*


Zeek appears out of nowhere with a gas-mask bong attached to his face.


*Cough Cough*

Taking off the mask, his eyes watering and eyes redder then hell. "Oh god! My eyes burn!" He yelled out as he rubbed his eyes.

Throwing the mask away, as usual it just disappears in a puff of smoke. Looking at you with tears still streaming down his face. "Oh don't mind the waterworks! Just tried that mask for the first time and god damn! Really kicks your ass!" Said Zeek with a laugh.

"Hmm? Did I know that the goddess what a redheaded beaut? Hell nah!" he spoke with the faked look of being insulted. "But it's definitely a blessing in it's self huh?"

Cupping his hand to his ear he leans in towards you to listen better? "The title? Oh! A Baked Bargain?"


Acting like he was just shot in the chest he flew back a foot for a brief second and came in closer. "How dare you accuse me of lying! I did bargain! I got her to come with me right?!" He looked at you baked off his ass.

"Pfft, think what you want! I'm out!"


And like that he just vanished again.... Fucking stoner.....

The title of the next chapter appears across the screen.

"Rolling Stoned."


I know, I know....

Maryanne..... Whatevs, just be happy I'm not being cliche about it! Lol

I hope you readers enjoyed the new chapter!

JesterRagecreators' thoughts