4 A shot


It's been a week since the day I visited the city, and I must say the classes were pretty boring.

Classes were basically reading, memorizing and more reading, and this is very boring, so boring it gives me a headache.

"Too boring." I thought, looking at Yukio who was handing over the test result we ran last week.

"Moriyama-san." Yukio spoke.

"Yea." Shiemi replied.

"When I saw the anime, I couldn't believe there was someone so silly, but seeing it in front of me just makes me disbelieve my eyes." I thought, looking at the girl who was sad about her grade.

"Okumura-kun." Yukio called Rin who was laughing at Shiemi's bad grade.

"Yea." Rin spoke.

"This is the worst grade I've ever seen." Yukio spoke up, showing Rin's proof with a 2.

Rin just stared at the proof with a look of "How can this be?" at the face.

"It's the worst result I've ever seen." Yukio spoke, glaring at Rin.

"Excuse me." Rin spoke, rubbing her head.

Yukio just sighed, before calling out.


"Yea." Suguro said, walking towards Yukio.

"I'm disgusted with your face." Suguro spoke to Rin as he passed.

"What's your problem, panniquet?" Rin spoke.

"You did very well on the test." Yukio spoke to Suguro.

Suguro looked at his proof, and then showed it to Rin, with a smug face.

"It saw?" Suguro said, puffing out his chest.

"Benjamin." Yukio called my name without using honorifics, as I really insisted that no one used this shit on me.

I got up and walked towards Yukio.

"Your grade was very good, keep it up." Yukio said, handing me the test.

"You know, are you showing up with grades? You must be elementary students." I said, not even looking at my test.

"What are you talking about, you delinquent? You must be talking like that because your grade was bad." Suguro said, but I just laughed.

"Delinquent? Thanks." I said, ignoringteasing Suguro's.

"It saw? He doesn't even have the courage to show the grade." Suguro said.

I just sat down, and continued to ignore Suguro.

"Let me see." Izumo said, taking my proof.

"Why don't you show him?" Izumo asked, with a strange expression, after seeing my proof.

"Why? There is no need for me to show him anything." I spoke lazily.

"You talk like you got a higher grade than mine." Suguro said.

"But he has." Izumo spoke, showing my proof with a score of 100.

Upon seeing my proof, Suguro's eyes widened and Rin started to laugh.

"That's what you get for talking a lot." Rin spoke laughing.

"What nonsense." I said, taking a bullet out of my pocket.

"Give me one." Izumo spoke.

"On here." I said, handing Izumo a bullet.

"This week I got very close to Izumo, the only sad thing is that Paku is always with her." I thought, seeing Izumo take the bullet.

After handing the bullet to Izumo, I just stared at the ceiling and ignored the fight between Rin and Suguro.

A few minutes later the bell rang, showing that class time was over.

"Class is over, you are excused for today." Yukio spoke.

I got up and left the room and headed towards the school cafeteria.

"Today I want a sandwich." I thought as I walked.


"What does that guy think is too much?" I told Yukio and Shiemi, who are sitting next to me,

"Suguro Ryuji-kun? He's a genius. He also has a full scholarship, just like me." Yukio said.

"I heard he's heir to a famous temple in Kyoto." Yukio continued to talk.

"So he's just a spoiled brat from a nice place." I said, swinging my legs.

"He's got good grades, he's good at sports, and he knows how to behave in the classroom, so he's not just a spoiled brat." Yukio said, adjusting his glasses.

"Still, does he need to act like that? He's not better than Ben, but Ben acts much better than he is." I said.

"Benjamin? He's also a very good student in every way, but he doesn't seem to strive for anything." Yukio said.

"He looks like a delinquent." Shiemi spoke.

"Yes, he has tattoos, piercings and he also smokes." I spoke.

"I heard he grew up in a church like us, Rin." Yukio spoke up.

"Really? He doesn't look like he grew up in a church." Shimi said.

"We can't judge a book by its cover." Yukio said.

"Yes." I nodded.

"But how's the adjustment to classes going, Shiemi?" Yukio asked Shiemi.

"Not much well." Shiemi spoke nervously,

"As a teacher, I think you're changing a lot and, for the better." Yukio said,

"Thanks… I think." Shiemi said

"Continue at this pace." Yukio said.

"It's okay." Shiemi said.

"Well, now I have classes so see you later." Yukio said getting up.

"And don't be late for PE class." Yukio, spoke turning around.

"OK." I spoke.

"Understood." Shiemi spoke.

"Until." Yukio spoke, walking.

"Until." I spoke.

"Until." Shiemi spoke.

"Let's go?" I asked.

"Let's go." Shiemi spoke, standing up.


After going to the cafeteria, I headed towards the fountain while eating.

Arriving at the source, I found Rin and Suguro arguing again.

"You like to fight." I said as I walked around eating my sandwich.

"You stay out." Suguro said.

"You are very stressed, you should relax more." I said, chewing on my sandwich.

"Little Shiemi, what happened?" I asked, noticing Shiemi behind Rin with an expressionless look.

"It's nothing Ben." Shiemi spoke.

"Really? So why are you wearing that expression?" I asked, moving closer to her.

"It's nothing at all." Shiemi said, forcing a smile.

"You know, little Shiemi? You're really bad at lying, but since you don't want to talk I won't insist." I said.

After saying that, I turned and left, heading towards the locker room to change clothes for PE class.

I finished my sandwich before I got to the locker room, and after I finished the sandwich, I went into the locker room and I changed clothes, after changing clothes I went towards to the stadium that is where the physical education class takes place.

After entering the stadium, I found Izumo and Paku.

"Is it going to start yet?" I asked, lighting a cigarette.

"Yes, let's go up." Izumo spoke and we went up to where we were waiting our turn.

A few seconds after upstairs the professor arrived.

"Today we're going to make you get used to the movements of a demon." The strange-faced teacher spoke.

"The first to go are Suguro-kun and Okumura-kun." The teacher spoke.

I watched Suguro and Rin go down to the stage and the teacher releasing a giant frog.

"Run and get used to the demon movements." The teacher yelled, and Rin and Suguro started running.

"Sounds fun." I said, taking a seat next to Izumo.

"No it doesn't seem." Izumo spoke, looking at me.

"You are very sedentary Izumo-channn." I said, teasing her.

"I'm not, I just don't think it's fun to run for your life." Izumo spoke.

I just nodded, puffing on my cigarette and kept looking at Suguro and Rin running from the giant frog, and then the two started fighting.

"Bunch of jerks." Izumo spoke.

"They are funny." I said laughing, finishing off my cigarette.

"I'm not even going to say anything." Izumo spoke, after hearing me.

I just laughed at Izumo's words.

After Rin and Suguro started fighting, the rest of the students and the teacher came down to separate them.

The teacher, after separating the two, called Suguro to talk.

While Suguro was talking to the teacher, Rin was talking to Suguro's friends, or rather Bon.

The conversation lasted a few minutes before the teacher started calling the other students to participate.

"Next ones are Shiemi and Izumo." The teacher spoke.

"Izumo takes it easy on her, okay? She's still adapting." I said, already knowing how Izumo behaves with people who are like Shiemi.

"Why are you spoke me this?" Izumo asked, looking at me.

"Because I was like her once, and I know how difficult it is." I said looking up at the sky, and remembering what my first life was like.

"Have you ever been like her?" Izumo and Paku asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but that's a topic for another time." I spoke.

"Go on, the teacher is calling you." I said.

"Okay." Izumo spoke.

During Izumo and Shiemi turn, Shiemi fell several times and even the teacher started yelling at her.

"Relax teacher, people are not born knowing but they learn." I spoke.

The teacher, upon hearing me, nodded and continued with the class.

A few minutes later the teacher called Shima and Yamada (boy with the hood)

"Thank you for being patient." I said, when Izumo arrived.

"No need to thank me, I just listened to what you said and I thought it was true." Izumo said, sitting down beside me.

"I see." I said.

Before starting Yamada and Shima's turn, the teacher answered a call and after ending the call he said.

"I need to get out, but you need not worry because the Leapers (The species name of sapo demons) generally do not attack, but they like to read people's minds and attack, so don't go down there until I get back." The teacher said, and ran away.

Everyone was looking at the teacher.

"He can do that?" Everyone thought.

After the teacher left, Bon and Rin started fighting again.

"It was fun at first, but now it's boring." I said.

"It was always very boring." Izumo spoke, and Paku just watched.

After a few more words of discussion, Bon made a bet between him and Rin.

"Leapers can read emotions, so if you make a mistake in front of him that mistake will be the last one, so if you really want to be an exorcist you won't make that mistake, if you go down there and come back, I accept that you want to be an exorcist." Bon challenged Rin.

"But Bon…" Shima tried to speak but was interrupted by Bon.

"Of course I'm going downstairs too." Bon said.

"So are, you going or not?" Bon asked.

"Let's go." After a few seconds of silence, Rin spoke.

But in the next second.

"Idiot, is that what you think I would do? What if I go and die?" Rin spoke.

"I can't unsheathed my sword here." Rin thought, scratching her nose.

"At least at this point the idiot thinks." I said, laughing at Bon's shit face.

Izumo nodded in agreement.

Rin didn't want to go, but Bon went and went down to face the demon.

"I'll try." Bon spoke, and started to face the demon.

"Idiot." I spoke.

"What are you doing, Bon?" Bon's friends yelled, but Bon had already started to glare at the demon.

A few seconds later, the demon let out a loud growl and tried to attack Bon, but before he got to Bon , a shot was heard.

"You are such an idiot." I said, putting away the black gun I was holding.

"You guys have this little fight to show you who's the best, but do you know the truth? You guys are weak and needy." I said, after putting the gun away.

Suguro and Rin, hearing me, and lowered their heads, before Rin spoke.

"It's his fault."

"Whose fault?" Sugurou spoke before the two began to fight again.

"Idiots." I said.

"Where did you get that gun from?" Izumo asked.

"I got it from the priest who raised me." I answered.

Hearing my answer, everyone started asking questions and I answered vaguely.

Yukio, who was in the distance, just stared at the dead frog with a bullet in the head.

"How, he killed the frog with a shot?" Yukio thought.
