
In the beginning

once apon a time there was a rogue demon that got on to the earth and was attacking humans. the angel Adeline and the devil Edward were sent to capture or destroy the demon. After searching for a while the discovered each other.

"It appears I was misinformed I was told I would be alone without help from the angels."

"I was lead to believe that I was also ment to be alone."

" At least we are not partnered with that snob william."

"yes he cares too much for his rank and accomplishments."


As they searched for the demon and talked they fell in love. After finding and deposing of the demon they decided to stay on earth and get married. They had a son named Alexandros. Alexandros had beautiful snow White hair from his mother, red eyes from his father and fair skin from both of his parents.

8 months after he was born Adeline and Edward were called back. They knew that they could not stay without dreadful consequences but, they also did not want to give their child such responsibility he would get from being the child. For they were both royalty and although their marriage was approved no one knew of their child. They hoped their child to have a normal human childhood so they left Alexandros at the door of an orphanage.

He was found by the owner of the orphanage minutes later and taken in. He was raised by the orphanage until he was five. On his fifth birthday he was adopted by a young couple. He had only two things from his parents a letter with his name, birthday and a small message and a intricate locket with two creasts that had never been seen before. After being adopted he started going to school and made some friends Eleanor and Maxwell. When he was six his adoptive parents had a pair of twins named Rose and Ameilia. He was excited to have siblings and helped with them. He realized that his name was long and hard to pronounce so he said for everyone to call him Alex. He mostly did this so his little sisters could pronounce it. He graduated from high school and college a few years before his sisters but waited to get a job until his sisters were back home and that was around when strange things started to happen around the city.

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