
Talentless Manipulator: I Can Exploit Other Players' Talents!

[The player’s talent level is at rock bottom.] [All your stats are deemed as trash.] Lucian looked at the screen and gritted his teeth. "Just my luck. I knew that would happen. Did I even awaken a Special Skill? Probably not…” However, Lucian looked a little lower, and his eyes glimmered. [Insight: You can see other players' status.] Lucian looked at his surroundings, and he saw a bunch of bright blue screens with a bunch of different numbers on them. 'This is it...! If I play this right, I'll be able to…' A new system message appeared in front of him, interrupting his thoughts. [The Tutorial will start in five seconds.] [5...4...3...2...1...] [The Tutorial has started.]

JALLEN · Fantasy
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95 Chs

50 - Player Center

While Ariel started eyeing all of them, her mind was still completely focused on what her father would say. She knew there were good chances that he was going to be extremely pissed. However, Ariel didn't need to tell everything that had happened.

She could slip one or two lies with the truth. For example, she didn't need to say that she had made the others leave when they were about to win. That was something that would have made her father completely mad.

Lucian noticed that she wasn't saying anything, so he asked her, "So, what are we doing now? Are we allies? How does this work?"

Ariel made some hand gestures indicating to Lucian to calm down in his excitement.