
My Father is the Strongest (Angela's POV)

(Angela's POV)


'Why is this happening to me!'

'Why'd they kill him!?!?'

'He never did anything wrong!'

I was seething with rage. Rage so strong that if it could be materialized, it would burn stronger than the flames of hell. I was so angry that I just couldn't think straight. I want them to die for hurting him. Yes. I want them to die. I jumped up and started sprinting as fast as I possibly could towards the guy that shot Jason.

He didn't realize that I was coming until I already punched his face. Normal girls wouldn't be able to fight very well, but I was different. I came from a family line of martial artists. Although it wasn't much, I still had more skill than most other people which made up for my lack of strength.

I slammed my palm into that guy's jawline and he fell to the floor. He shouted out to the other guys, but I was already on him. I grabbed his gun and was about to shoot him in the head when I heard a bang and everything went dark.

'Where am I?'

I could see a long line of translucent figures heading in the same direction. None of them seemed to be doing anything other than following the person in front of them. I was moving around when I saw a huge black river.

'What the hell!'

'What is that river!'

Angela didn't really have any problem saying bad words because she was an orphan for most of her life. She did have parents for part of her life, but they died so she was sent to an orphanage. Her grandpa had died in a war a while ago, and her parents got in a car crash. The only thing that she had from them was a journal and a martial arts book. That's why she just said whatever came to mind, unlike all those princesses from rich families who were bound by many rules from their family.

In fact, the orphanage was where she met Jason. Jason's family owned the orphanage. He was about Angela's age so most of the time they played with each other. They decided to become friends.

They realized that they liked each other when they were seventeen. She was going to turn nineteen in a month, but then they were killed by those robbers.

I tried to move away from the line of translucent figures when I felt a sudden pressure on me that kept me from moving too far. I saw a silhouette of a bridge in the distance. All the figures were moving towards it.

'These people must be ghosts, huh?'

'Am I a ghost too then?'


My part of the line finally got to the bridge and I saw a very beautiful woman handing out cups of a liquid that was contained in a large cauldron right next to her. "Who are you?" I asked politely. She looked at me with hints of surprise on her face. "Two in a day, what a pleasant surprise!" She said to herself.

"I am Celeste the gatekeeper of the bridge of hope!" She looked at me and said. "And before you ask, it is called the bridge of hope because it crosses over the river of depression." I looked over at the huge black river that went under the bridge. It was almost as if I could feel the depressing feelings radiating off of the surface of the river.

"Oh yeah. You said two in a day, what did you mean by that?" I asked her.

"There was another conscious soul today," She said. "It's already quite rare to find two in the same decade, but there was you and another person in a single day, so that's why I was so surprised."

"What did the other person look like?" I asked with a little bit of hope in my eyes.

'I really hope it was Jason!'

"Well, he had dark black hair like a raven's and he had really nice blue eyes. He was about 6'1 and he was pretty handsome." She replied. I smiled really widely and she probably noticed it too.

"It really was Jason!" I shouted out on accident.

"Oh yeah, by the way you get one wish for your next life since you stayed concious in your soul form. But you still have to drink the memory forgetting soup." She said suddenly.

'A wish huh?'

"I'd like to go to Jason's world with my memories!" I replied happily.

"Hmm. Normally that would be counted as one and a half wishes since keeping your memories counts as half a wish, but since Jason only used half of his wish to retain his memories, I will grant that wish." She said.

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem. Step in this portal," She said opening up a human sized portal. I jumped right into it. I felt a softness under myself. "Is this a bed?" I muttered to myself.

'It probably is.'

I suddenly had a huge headache. It felt like a door was unlocking inside my mind. I felt something flow into my brain and suddenly knew everything about the life that the previous soul in this body had.

'So there are 18 continents I have to search to find him. If I still don't find him I'll have to go to the continents run by beasts. It shouldn't be too bad because it seems that I have the best talent this place has seen in the past 1000 years, and my father is the strongest in the world.'

My mother was actually the 5th strongest in this world too.

'I have to train hard so that I can go find him! Also, it seems that I look almost the exact same, except I am a little more beautiful.'

I still had the same name too. Except I now had a last name. It was Black. Another thing to look forward to was that I was still the same age and there was still one month until my birthday.

'I will find him!'

*Author's Note* (Important, Please Read)

First of all, sorry for the super late chapter. I really just hadn't been feeling like writing, and I want to push out the best content I can. Another thing. I won't do these POVs very often, and it will only be for Angela when I do. I had to do this one, so that the later parts of the story made sense. It would be weird to just figure out that Angela had been reincarnated together with the MC in like chapter 50. Also, thank you for just reading this book. I really am happy that anyone is actually reading this book and that there are people out there who don't just read all the popular novels, and they read novels like this one. It's nice to know that there are nice people out there who support small creators like me. I will also now start to do Author's Notes like this in the future as I think it is much better. I will have a sign in parenthesis that says whether the AN is important to the story or not, so that way you can just skip over notes that aren't important. Have a nice day/night!

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