
Talent Swallowing magician

Elric Melvinger. He was the sole heir of a renowned magical family. He was born with innate talent, yet he was ironically unable to master magic due to his overwhelming abundance of talent. But then he discovers his family’s secret, which was left behind by his ancestors. “Consume the mana.” “Swallow the mana.” “Drink the mana.” “And thus, accumulate all the mana inside you, and then bring forth new magic!” He would rise to an untouchable height that no one else could reach.

babayaga01 · Action
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120 Chs



Elric slumped into the carriage seat, half-reclining in exhaustion.

He seemed so drained that it wouldn't have been surprising if he just melted away right there. The smell of sweat and the heat emanating from him were palpable.

"Are you alright?"

Heize looked at him with a slightly concerned expression.


"Yeah? Do you need something?"

"Save me...."

Heize scratched her cheek awkwardly.

She knew well how hard it was for Elric, as she had faced similar struggles when she first started martial arts because the magic path did not suit her aptitude.

To get straight to the point, Herman's instructions doomed him from the start.

Not using mana and swinging a wooden sword 10,000 times—how was that supposed to be manageable for a magician's stamina?

Moreover, Elric had already proven his exceptional stamina and strength by crossing the Labyrinth of Blue Fog and beat several average magicians.

But even so, Herman's task was grueling beyond measure, especially with the added condition of maintaining perfect form, making it an excruciating ordeal.

『On top of that, he has to maintain his posture while traveling in the carriage. There's no worse torture than this.』

Suddenly, Mephisto's eyes sparkled.

『Today, I have decided.』

[Decided what?]

『On the day I regain all my powers and descend upon this land anew, I shall reward Blue Lion handsomely. I shall grant him the seat to my right as a reward…!』



Elric let out a sigh.

'No wonder the knights of the Weyl family are said to be so stubborn and full of camaraderie.... Is it because of stuff like this?'

When you go through such hardships together, camaraderie naturally forms.

"Should I just quit...?"

The problem was that he had already come too far to turn back now.

Herman's eyes sparkled every time he counted the numbers next to him.

Moreover, the blue hawks, watching from the side, were eager to turn soon; saying that the next turn is to decide with rock-paper-scissors, they were buzzing with excitement.

『That's it! It's not like that! A woman! Watching from the side! That's what makes it impossible! That! Unable to do it! They just! Male! Ego!』

[…[Dance harder].]


Elric sighed as Mephisto's tap dance accelerated.



Elric was belatedly able to see that an orange cat had fallen asleep in Heize's lap with its body curled up in a circle.verge of cat.

It may have been a cub, but it boasted a rather cute appearance. The white stripes were stylish, and it even had a triangular pattern on its chin.

But strangely enough, right next to it, Irina was staring at them while chewing on a handkerchief.

"No way… Sis, that cat?"

"Shh! Vel just fell asleep."

"… Did you even give him a nickname?"


Elric opened his mouth wide.

The guy he thought was a kitten was King Velence!

It seems like he's been following her a lot ever since Heize quietly hugged him when he was depressed because he thought Prime Minister Norus had betrayed him.

To think that in the meantime, he had even transformed and was now using her lap as a pillow.

Still, for someone who is supposedly the Tiger King of his era, behaving like that? Doesn't he need to maintain some dignity?

No, more than that, how can a member of the Tiger tribe look so much like a cat?

『You! Look! Just like! A younger sibling! Losing! His elder sister! To the youngest! Hah! Serves you right!』

[...[Dance even more passionately].]


Elric spent the entire day venting his anger on Mephisto.


King Velence —Now not only Heize but also Herman started calling the Tiger King with the nickname 'Vel', the group arrived at the Temple of the Flowers about three days later.

"Here it is."

The group, including Elric, widened their eyes.

"Is this...?"

"Are you sure this is the place? It doesn't look like a temple no matter how you look at it."

Herman glanced at Vel and tilted his head— he was talking to Vel just like Heize.

Vel had climbed up to Heize's head without anyone noticing. Recently, he had been spending more time with Heize in his beast form than in human form.

Irina had been glaring at Heize more and more as time went by.

"Yeah, that's right. It looks pretty rundown on the outside, doesn't it?"

"Hmm. It's not just rundown, this is..."

Herman scratched his cheek while looking at the temple, with only marble pillars remaining.

It must have been quite large in ancient times, with various flower sculptures remaining on the pillars.

It seemed to be about to burst at any moment.

"Right now, it's 'closed' because of the General Winter."

"And this is considered closed?"

"Yes. Since I put the word out that we would arrive, it will open soon."

The group quietly looked at the pillars, trusting Vel's words.

At that moment.

『Huh! I wondered what a temple of flowers would be. Did it remain like this?』

Mephisto, with his arms crossed, stared quietly at the pillars, or more precisely, the empty space beside them, and let out a bitter laugh.

Elric, opened his Mind's eye, carefully examined the magic devices surrounding the pillars and asked.

[Was this place here even a thousand years ago?]

『No. It didn't exist.』


『However, it was in the planning stages.』

Elric raised his head towards Mephisto, indicating he wanted to hear more details.

『This is an Ark.』

[An Ark? What's that?]

『A new cradle prepared in case of the world's destruction? At that time, humans, dragons, giants, and even those you call ancient gods... They feared the advance of the great demon god and planned to prepare for the future after destruction, to sow seeds anew on this land.』

Elric recalled for a moment the scene he had seen in his dreams when he first unsealed the Magical Amulet.

Facing a being that tore through the sky, shattered the earth, and split the seas, battling freely alongside dragons and giants.

Could the 'destruction' Mephisto spoke of mean that?

『Of course, that advance was halted because of you all.』

Mephisto narrowed his eyes, glanced briefly at Elric, then turned his gaze back towards the temple.

『Anyway, I only knew that the plan was halted during its progression. But it seems it continued after all?』

A faint smile played on his lips.

『There might be some familiar faces there. If so, it could be quite interesting.』

Familiar faces to Mephisto.

In this temple, supposedly inhabited by gods of flowers, could there really be such beings?

At that moment, when Elric wondered what emotions Mephisto would experience...


『It's opening.』

Elric opened his Mind's eyes as he felt a slight vibration.

The strands that had been stretched out like slashes began to tangle like threads, forming a swirling shape.

And then, a massive 'gate' materialized and began to open from the center.


It sounded as if an ancient stone gate that had been tightly shut for ages was being forcibly opened.


A vertical solid line appeared in the middle of the empty space, and a cascade of brilliant white light started pouring through.

The radiant glow and gentle breeze that started to fill the previously dim and dark snowy plain due to the General Winter made it seem as if it might be dyed with bright light.



From within that glow, a person dressed in a white robe slowly walked out.

Was she about 150 centimeters tall? 

She was a petite woman with a small build. Her appearance was somewhat obscured by the hood she wore, but she had a rather cute demeanor.

However, her eyes had vertical pupils, unlike those of ordinary humans.


Elric noticed that half of her forearms under the robe were covered with scales.

"To have guests arrive during this 'rest' period. It's been almost... about 40 years in this place's time."

'40 years?'

"Welcome. I am Huniatroquaz, the landscaper overseeing the Temple of Flowers. Since my name might be difficult to pronounce, you may just call me the landscaper."

"Nice to meet you, landscaper."

When Vel waved his small front paw in greeting, the landscaper simply nodded and turned back.

"It's dark outside and quite windy. Please come inside first."

Elric and the others followed the landscaper into the light cascade.

As they did, it felt like passing through an Anthromorph's pillar, revealing a completely different world from the outside.

A wide plain dotted with low hills rising here and there along its expanse.

Though chilly winds blew, dry weeds and wildflowers fluttered lightly on the hills.

And in the distance...

There stood a tall, pointed limestone building.

Various beautiful flower sculptures were intricately carved throughout the area.

It certainly appeared to be the real Temple of Flowers.


At that moment, the sound of the door closing signaled that the barrier leading outside had completely shut.

Glancing briefly in that direction, the group resumed following the landscaper as she began walking ahead.

"Normally, this place is filled with abundant flowers and warm breezes, but recently, 'winter' has arrived, marking the beginning of the rest period," the landscaper explained as she led the group towards the temple.

"During the rest period, it's our temple's rule not to receive visitors. Even our priests who venture outside during this time are strictly forbidden from entering, let alone the high priest."

Glancing back at Vel, the landscaper continued in a somewhat curt tone, "However, due to a heartfelt request from our temple's long-time supporter, the Tiger King, we have briefly opened our doors. We hope that you will kindly follow our guidance during your stay."

"Please excuse the landscaper's somewhat stern manner. She's not accustomed to interacting with outsiders much, so her speech may come off as rigid. Many visitors tend to misunderstand," Vel quickly added to clarify, but the landscaper promptly brushed it aside.

"Whether they misunderstand or not doesn't concern me. If they cause trouble, I can simply expel them, so I'm fine with it."

"...So, such a tone could lead to misunderstandings."

"It's fine. It's not my concern."


Elric observed as their conversation unfolded, noticing that the weeds on the hills suddenly began to sway and twist.

"What's that?"

Though extremely small in size, the fluctuations were extending over a very long wavelength.

"During the rest period, many 'gods' here are in deep slumber. Any disturbance to their hibernation is strictly prohibited, so please be especially cautious. Of course, not all flowers wither during winter, so occasionally, visitors may see them. Please show respect during these times. Now, starting from the person at the front, could you please explain the purpose of your visit...?"

[Humans! Humans!]

The landscaper was about to investigate the group when she suddenly had to look up at a voice from above.

About the size of a palm, a fairy with thin wings fluttered down, chirping brightly as it approached.

[Pretty! Older sister! So pretty!]

The fairy first came to Heize, circling around her.

"What are you saying! Heize is much younger than Lady Daffo!"

Vel protested, waving his cute little paw, but the fairy giggled and shook its head.

[You are pretty! Older sister!]

"Ugh! Here we go again. Everyone say hello. She is the God of Daffodils, Daffo."

Everyone looked shocked at Vel's words.

It seemed like she was just a fairy from the fairy tribe, but she was a real god?

"Thank you for your kind words, Lady Daffo. But from my perspective, Lady Daffo seems more like an older sister. You're so beautiful."

[Older sister! Even your heart is pretty! Pretty! Older sister said I am pretty! I will boast to other gods!]

Though their speech was fragmented and unclear, it seemed they intended to boast to other gods.

Flapping its wings, Daffo's deity fluttered anxiously among the group, offering comments that struck each person deeply.

To Augustine,

[Monster!Monster! Old and gloomy monster!]

"Hehe! Isn't it a bit absurd for someone over a thousand years old to accuse me of being aged?"

[Don't know! Like that!]

To Herman,

[Lion!Fat lion! Heavy!]

"Oh dear. I am 'Heavy' instead of 'scary.' I need to try harder."

To Isabelle,

[One-sided love! Cheer up! But! Pretty! Smells the best! And makes me! Feel so happy]

"...Thank you."

To Sean,

[Pitiful! Always! Being fooled knowing it!

"...Do all gods use such attention-getting tactics?"

To the Blue Hawks,

[Naughty guy!]

[Shut up! Noisy!]




"This is the crazy guy, not me! Miss Goddess!"

"Indeed! I don't want to get involved with these people!"

"Why are you all talking like this?"

In this way, they kept chattering without a break.

Eventually, the God of Daffodils approached Elric for the last time.

Elric, secretly anticipating what sort of appraisal he would receive, was soon left wide-eyed.

[Scared! Dark! Full of stench!]

The God of Daffodils wasn't looking at Elric; instead, it was Mephisto standing beside him.

[T/L: You can read more chapters and support me here: https://ko-fi.com/revengerscans ]

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