
Talent Swallowing magician

Elric Melvinger. He was the sole heir of a renowned magical family. He was born with innate talent, yet he was ironically unable to master magic due to his overwhelming abundance of talent. But then he discovers his family’s secret, which was left behind by his ancestors. “Consume the mana.” “Swallow the mana.” “Drink the mana.” “And thus, accumulate all the mana inside you, and then bring forth new magic!” He would rise to an untouchable height that no one else could reach.

babayaga01 · Action
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120 Chs

Chapter 22

'I did it...!'

Elric exclaimed loudly as his gamble, which he had hesitated about, succeeded.

The plan was to concentrate solely on destruction, rushing in while ignoring defense, briefly neutralizing the Snow Mountain King's blizzard, and launching a ground assault to settle the fight.

He hadn't really thought this would succeed.

It was merely an attempt to find a new breakthrough as recent operations had repeatedly failed, but to succeed like this!

It was a miracle to have torn through the shadow of the Snow Mountain King. Cutting off her left arm was nothing short of miraculous.

However, Elric's joy didn't last long.

Despite being injured, the Snow Mountain King showed no signs of pain or hesitation, but rather extended her right hand wide open towards them.

The magic, heavily condensed in the palm, exploded.

It was a technique Elric had long named 'Ice Heat'.

Despite its immense destructive power, it had knocked him out several times before. It was the Snow Mountain King's signature skill.


Instinctively, Elric hit the ground and rolled over.

"Damn it! She never gives a chance to enjoy it. Spit!"

Elric spat a mixture of blood onto the ground and charged again.

Unlike the curses he uttered, there was a smile on his lips.


With the ability to absorb 'portions' of the Snow Mountain King's insignia.


Elric reached out towards the Snow Mountain King's left arm, which happened to be falling downward at the moment.

As he did so, the left arm shattered like a sandcastle, and the insignia was fully absorbed.


The insignia of Cruelty, originally of 3 stars, took on a clearer form. It depicted three mountains with streams flowing in front of them.

It meant the beginning of entering the 4th star.

Thump, thump!

His heart raced even faster than when he absorbed any other insignias.

Elric was certain.

The insignia he had just absorbed had a greater effect than defeating several ordinary leaders of the Snow Tribe.

And indeed.

Various fragmented thoughts raced through his mind.

The knowledge contained within the insignia of the Snow Mountain King.

Thud, thud, thud!


Elric smiled with satisfaction as he once again activated the insignia magic.

Little by little.

The end seemed to be in sight.

* * *

A world filled entirely with darkness.

She slowly opened her eyes.

It felt like she had been asleep for a long time. Her mind was foggy.

'Who... am I?'

As she was puzzled, a voice briefly passed through her mind.

A voice so full of authority that it seemed impossible to defy.

-'Recognition'... Even though it has been so long since your true name was forgotten, your kind still speaks in such a manner. How amusing. Do you even understand how demanding that request is?

-But if you still insist on being greedy until the end...

-Yes. Try to 'prove' it. That's what it means to prove that you have the qualifications to become our kind.

* * *

Elric realized the strange change in the Snow Mountain King shortly after.

'Is the magic fluctuating?'

The shadow that had surrounded the Snow Mountain King like sturdy armor until now was beginning to ripple.

It seemed like it could collapse downward at any moment.


Perhaps bewildered by her own change, the Snow Mountain King's complexion showed signs of wavering for the first time.

'Now's the time!'

Elric seized the opportunity and launched a more aggressive assault.

Thud, thud!

The shadow shook more violently. Shattered magic fragments flew into the air. The Snow Mountain King couldn't withstand the bombardment and staggered backward little by little. Elric's steps were relentless.

Elric continuously absorbed the shattered magic fragments. As he gradually devoured the insignias that composed the Snow Mountain King, his growth rate accelerated.

The muscle fibers became finer. The circulation of magic became more active. The mana pathways became denser.

Above all,

The movements and magic of the Snow Mountain King, which had previously been forced and almost mimicked, became more natural.

Elric himself seemed to have become the Snow Mountain King.


It could be seen that way.

On the other hand, the Snow Mountain King was different.

She seemed to be losing herself.

The blizzard weakened. Movements became sluggish, and her hands and feet began to wander. Ice failed to form properly, and the magic formations continued to misalign and cancel each other out.

Such a sight...

It seemed as if the existence of the Snow Mountain King was being completely taken away by Elric.

In the process, Elric began to understand Auto Han's words little by little.

-I never said to defeat her, did I? I only said to consume her.

-So, you seek to 'understand' the Snow Mountain King. Absorbing the insignia isn't just about taking it; it also requires deep understanding. A very commendable attitude.

Absorbing the insignia wasn't just about taking the talents and abilities of the Snow Tribe. It meant swallowing the existence of the demon itself!


'He's just a complete fraud. Demanding something more difficult than winning.'

A bitter laugh escaped him.

If it were as easy as some words, who in the world would bother to suffer?

Just intercepting what others have achieved.

Being great in undertaking, yet lacking in greatness.

Moreover, it is arduous.

Because it is filled with hardships and trials that ordinary people dare not even think about, it is worshiped and respected.

The Snow Mountain King had accumulated such deeds.

Discovering and honing the true name of the Snow Tribe that everyone had forgotten.

She sought to proudly place her people back on the rock.

In the process, there were countless obstacles, but each time she overcame them, she shook the world with her name.

Even though the Snow Tribe had fallen again, she wanted her name to be remembered as a legend, not forgetting her great achievements.

Auto Han told Elric to intercept the Snow Mountain King's deeds.

It was nothing short of a thief's order, but...

'Well, if it truly becomes mine, then the story changes.'

Elric, in his Melvinger-like manner, casually accepted such a cowardly command from his ancestors.

And so.



He could see it.

The life of the Snow Mountain King contained within the shattered fragments of many insignias.

-Kieck! The gods have bestowed their trust! This woman shall be our queen! She leads us to the plateau! The mountains become ours! The north shall be crushed beneath us!

The Snow Mountain King was born with great expectations and was groomed as the successor to a tribal chief.

She possessed far superior qualities than expected. Not only was she not foolish like other Snow Tribe members, but she also had a sharp mind. By the time she reached adulthood, she had already unified the plateau and was preparing to extend her rule over the entire Dragon Ridge.

But the ambition of the Snow Mountain King did not stop there.

-Our Snow Tribe members were once part of the great demons! Let us now begin the campaign to reclaim that lost position!

The Snow Mountain King was confident.

She was young, powerful, and held vast territories. Humans were trampled, and many other races knelt before her.

Her declaration to become a demon and eventually a demon king seemed like it would soon come to fruition.


-Prove it. Prove that you have the qualifications for such a claim.

When the Snow Mountain King encountered Mephistopheles for the first time, she hit a wall for the first time. The wall was so high that she couldn't figure out how to overcome it.

Still, the Snow Mountain King made relentless efforts. She honed her true name and sought to evolve her insignia. She thought that if she became a demon king instead of just a tribal chief, she might earn Mephistopheles' recognition.

But in the midst of her efforts, the Snow Mountain King encountered another formidable wall.

Perhaps even more formidable than Mephistopheles.

'Auto Han Melvinger.'

Auto Han led the Gasols and stood against the Snow Tribe, which was then trampling many kingdoms outside the Dragon Ridge. 

He overwhelmed them with his overwhelming strength, drove them into the Dragon Ridge, and turned the plateau into a wasteland where nothing could ever grow again.

They destroyed the foundation of all life.

-You humans already have everything! Why can't you leave us alone now that we're trying to have something for ourselves?

The Snow Mountain King screamed with a feeling akin to vomiting blood, but Auto Han paid no attention at all.

Instead, he settled in the Dragon Ridge, even becoming a watchful eye over the Snow Mountain King.

The strange cohabitation between the Snow Mountain King and Auto Han began right then and there.

It was only after that time that Auto Han became not an enemy but a 'friend' of the Snow Tribe.

This was the result of the complex relationships and manipulations of defeat that the Snow Tribe wanted to hide between the two.

However, one thing was certain: Auto Han remained an obstacle that the Snow Mountain King could never surpass in her lifetime, yet he had a special relationship with her, to the extent of personally building her tomb.

"...As he said, it seems I have been inflated like a doll."

Then, when the magic was almost gone, the blizzard that had been raging around the Snow Mountain King suddenly stopped as if it were a lie.

The Snow Mountain King looked at Elric with somewhat focused eyes.

Thanks to that, the ice arrows that were heading towards her stopped midway.

"Are you back in your senses?"

"A little."

Despite losing much of her magic and insignia, the intensity in her eyes remained as strong as ever.

Once a being with the majestic presence that once ruled over the Dragon Ridge and even dared to ascend to the position of a demon king.

"It seems you are indeed the distant descendant he mentioned... Hoho! Still, it seems my madness has somewhat abated, so his boast may not have been entirely unfounded."


The Snow Mountain King referred to Auto Han in such a way.

As if calling an old lover.

Elric looked at her like that and tried to be respectful.

Regardless of their disagreements, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for her, having glimpsed some of the accomplishments she had achieved.


"Stop. What are you doing?"

With a brief hint of sorrow, the Snow Mountain King returned with sharp eyes, glaring at Elric.

"That's it...!"

"Weren't you my enemy?"

Her tone was resolute.

Elric's eyes widened slightly.

"The fight is not yet over. Even though I have ended up in this state due to my own wrong choices, that doesn't mean I sympathize with the enemy. If you want to show respect, then do your best to defeat me with all your might. That should be enough."

Did pity reflect in the Snow Mountain King's eyes?

Elric wondered if there might be some truth to those words.

Indeed, the glimpses he had seen of the Snow Mountain King's life were filled with regrettable moments.

But the Snow Mountain King rejected such a gaze.

Until the end, he was the king who led the tribe and wanted to remain a warrior.


Elric made up his mind.

And he resolved to devour everything about the Ice Mountain King with all his might.



The blizzards clashed with each other.

One spun clockwise, the other counterclockwise, sending shockwaves in all directions.

Ice cracked, and ice fragments soared high into the air.



In an instant, Elric plunged deep into the Ice Mountain King's embrace and struck her chest forcefully.


His palm struck a precious spot.

A gaping hole, large enough for a human head, was now pierced through.

Ice Crack.

He had returned the Snow Mountain King's signature skill in full.

Looking down at her chest, the Ice Mountain King chuckled contentedly.

"Quite... satisfactory...!"


The Ice Mountain King couldn't finish her sentence.

Her body shattered along with spewing blood.


The magic that composed the Ice Mountain King was entirely absorbed into Elric's right hand.

The Seal of Cruelty took on a new form.

Three mountains with glaciers flowing.

It had reached a perfect 4-star level.


Elric took a deep breath and lifted his head.

It was the moment the first ordeal came to an end.